Woman Has Terminal Cancer But Nobody Expected Her To Do This In Her Last Days!

terminal cancer bucket list

Rebecca Schofield has terminal cancer and has decided to do something nobody would ever think of and she’s being applauded for her decision.

Schofield created a bucket list as she knows she doesn’t have that long left to live. Now her friends and friends of her friends are helping her wishes get fulfilled. Schofield’s idea is simple and honest: “The more kindness in the world the better.”

terminal cancer bucket list

Her bucket list has gone global and individuals all over the world are helping and it’s gotten so massive, she had to address her supporters on Facebook.

From CTVNews:

“Since so many people want to help with my bucket list, Dad and I have masterminded a plan that will allow anyone to help with my bucket list,” she wrote on Facebook. “No matter who you are, if you see this message, please do an act of kindness for someone else.”

“I want them to take the focus away from all the bad things that happen in this world and I want them to realize that this life is a gift and you have to cherish every moment that you get,” Schofield told CTV News.

People around the world have been fulfilling Schofield’s wish one kind act at a time. Some have donated blood or shovelled a neighbour’s driveway. Others have done more extravagant acts of kindness. For example, a man in Moncton donated $400 to a family facing a difficult time after a house fire.

Art and songs have been dedicated to the inspirational teen and she has even received an award from her local Rotary Club for her selflessness.

Rebecca Schofield’s mother, Anne Schofield, couldn’t be more proud of her daughter.

“I’ve always thought I had a pretty cool kid,” she said. “Now I get to share her with everybody. I think it’s heartwarming to see that the people’s kindness is coming out.”

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This campaign started in December and now it’s gone viral with the hashtag #BeccaToldMeTo. Her unselfishness and willingness to think about others have gotten contagious.

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