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world economic forum
July 10, 2023
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria have descended upon the investment landscape, masquerading as the paragons of ethical investment and corporate responsibility.
pentagon transgender major
July 6, 2023
Two days before our beloved Independence Day, the DOD published a tweet celebrating the ‘bravery’ of a transgender Army officer.
Students at a middle school in Massachusetts protested against the school's 'Pride Spirit Day' by tearing down decorations and chanting "My pronouns are USA!"
June 28, 2023
Students at a middle school in Massachusetts protested against the school’s ‘Pride Spirit Day’ by tearing down decorations and chanting “My pronouns are USA!”
trigger warnings hemingway
June 27, 2023
Penguin Random House has reissued Ernest Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises in its original form with new trigger warnings.
senior enlisted gay twitter
June 22, 2023
This past weekend Sgt. Maj. Grinston decided to spend his time engaging in a back-and-forth spat on Twitter over users who were critical of the Army promoting so-called “pride month.”
space force diversity
June 21, 2023
At an event last week, one of our military Generals announced that she chooses future Commanders in her department based on political and societal matters.
planned parenthood women abortions
June 20, 2023
The nation’s leading abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, now boldly claims that abortion is no longer just a procedure for women.
obama tim scott
June 19, 2023
Former President Obama decided to lend his voice to the woke train, attacking black Republican Tim Scott and Indian Republican Nikki Haley.
california electricity equity
June 14, 2023
California continues to give its residents reasons to flee the Golden State for its nemesis, the Sunshine State, including its recent push to base electricity fees on income versus actual usage.
poll social conservatism
June 12, 2023
So if all aspects of media and business seem preoccupied with alarming liberal social concepts, why are more Americans leaning right on social issues?
democrats pentagon drag shows
June 9, 2023
Democrats are furious that the Pentagon has banned so-called “drag queen” shows from military bases.
pentagon drag shows
June 8, 2023
Drag shows and drag queen story hours have come under fire in the last year as parents and lawmakers became aware of children being subjected to the events