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Flynn Pence
May 11, 2020
Mike Pence said that he would welcome Michael Flynn back into the administration in the wake the Justice Department dropping its case against him.
May 8, 2020
Trey Gowdy responded to Adam Schiff and James Comey after the pair openly complained about the Justice Department dropping charges against Michael Flynn.
May 7, 2020
The Justice Department announced Thursday that it was dropping the criminal case against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.
Trump Acosta
April 30, 2020
President Donald Trump just eviscerated CNN reporter Jim Acosta for the way his network “tormented” General Michael Flynn.
April 30, 2020
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has weighed in on the Michael Flynn bombshell saying the report “reeks of criminal activity.”
April 30, 2020
General Michael Flynn shared a simple 12-second clip of an American flag waving in the wind following bombshell reports t
April 27, 2020
President Trump retweeted a post from Fox Business suggesting former National Security Adviser General Michael Flynn would be “completely exonerated.”
Sherrod Brown
March 19, 2020
Senator Sherrod Brown speculated that President Donald Trump could potentially use the coronavirus outbreak to postpone the 2020 presidential election.
January 29, 2020
Joe Biden poked Iowa voter in the chest and told him to “go vote for someone else”
January 7, 2020
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders compared President Trump’s killing of Iranian terrorist Qassem Soleimani to Russian president Vladimir Putin assassinating political rivals.
January 6, 2020
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Sunday that she try to to potentially limit President Trump’s ability to take military action against Iran.
AOC Trump
January 6, 2020
By ordering the rocket attack that killed top Iranian terrorist General Qassem Soleimani, President Trump committed an “act of war,” according to AOC.