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Colorado Baker Back In Court, This Time To Fight Ruling Over Gender Transition Cake
October 7, 2022
Colorado baker Jack Phillips is in court again for refusing to bake a cake to celebrate a “gender transition.”
Elon Musk posted a graphic indicating liberals have moved so far to the left as 'woke' progressives that it's caused his own ideology to shift more to the right as a result.
April 29, 2022
Elon Musk posted a graphic indicating liberals have moved so far to the left as ‘woke’ progressives that it’s caused his own ideology to shift more to the right as a result.
Barack Obama blasted Hispanics who voted for Trump, suggesting their opposition to gay marriage led them to turn a blind eye to the President's racism.
November 25, 2020
Barack Obama blasted Hispanics who voted for Donald Trump, suggesting their pro-life views and opposition to gay marriage led them to turn a blind eye to the President’s racism.
November 13, 2019
Singer Ellie Goulding is now threatening to cancel unless the Salvation Army signals its support for gay marriage.
October 17, 2019
2020 presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke wants to take away religious institution’s tax-exempt status if they will not perform same-sex marriages
June 26, 2017
Supreme Court gay marriage cake announcement to hear case involving right to refuse service based on religious belief.
May 10, 2017
While it’s no secret that Smith is a liberal, there has been one secret about the Fox News host that he finally confirmed: Shepard Smith is gay and lives
October 11, 2016
The 1996 Bill Clinton radio ad that ran on Christian stations makes him sound like any old Republican. Hillary is the extreme outlier
February 4, 2016
At a Ted Cruz rally over the weekend, Duck Dynasty family patriarch Phil Robertson said that those trying to redefine […]
September 4, 2015
Ted Cruz says that if Kim Davis, the Kentucky County Clerk who has taken a stand against gay marriage, deserves […]
July 1, 2015
Fox News Bill O’Reilly, who typically tries to play the level-headed news man to a fault, stood up for ‘traditional […]
July 1, 2015
I got a chance to speak to former presidential candidate Herman Cain for my upcoming radio show. We talked about […]