Fox News’ Shepard Smith Discusses Coming Out as Gay

For those of you that watch Fox News, you are well aware that anchor Shepard Smith is no friend to conservatives. Smith routinely touts liberal talking points, such as when he criticized then-Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal for daring to utter the phrase “all lives matter.”

In other instances, Smith has viciously attacked President Donald J. Trump, calling his routine criticisms of CNN “dangerous” and accused then-candidate Trump as someone who “trades in racism.” Smith also has been known to push the conspiracy theory Trump is a puppet of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

While it’s no secret that Smith is a liberal, there has been one secret about the Fox News host that many people didn’t know: Shepard Smith is gay and lives with his boyfriend.

From The Daily Mail:

‘I don’t think about it. It’s not a thing,’ said Smith according to The Clarion-Ledger.  ‘I go to work. I manage a lot of people. I cover the news. I deal with holy hell around me. I go home to the man I’m in love with.’

He also spoke about the October interview with Huffington Post in which he publicly reveled that he was a gay man. ‘Someone asked me if [former Fox News CEO] Roger Ailes had been abusive to me, and I said, “No. He was always good to me,’ and that was the truth,”‘ said Smith.

‘And when I told the truth, I guess it was considered that I outed myself. I didn’t even think about it, because I didn’t think I was in.’ Smith also revealed his initial fears about coming out as gay.’ A. You’re going to hell for it. B. You’ll never have any friends again. C. What are you going to tell your family? And by the way, you’re on television on the craziest conservative network on Earth,’ said Smith.

‘That will probably put you in front of a brick wall. Of course none of that was true, but that’s how it felt.’ He said that instead of focusing on his sexuality he instead threw himself into his work.  ‘Nobody was going to outwork me, and no one did,’  said Smith. ‘My bosses were really so astounded. They were like, “How can you do this?”‘ He later added: ‘At one point, they were like,”You have to sleep. You can’t continue to stay up.”‘

For years, Fox viewers have speculated that Smith was gay. While Smith insists that his sexuality was never an obstacle within the company, one has to wonder if he kept quiet because of Fox News’ traditionally conservative audience. Given his liberal political views, Smith is one of Fox News’ most controversial anchors, and him opening up about his sexuality may have further damaged his already weak reputation among the viewers of Fox.

Does Shepard Smith coming out as gay change your opinion of him? Were you ever a fan of him or were his liberal views too much for you to tolerate? Share your thoughts below! 

20 thoughts on “Fox News’ Shepard Smith Discusses Coming Out as Gay”

  1. He is a condescending, little pencil necked, gutter snipe who constantly interjects his annoying liberal viewpoint into every item he reports on. If Fox believes they need a libtard opinion segment they should start one for him, but if he is to be seen as a news anchor, he either needs to act like a true news journalist or find another outlet like CNN where opinion news is the norm.

    As to his proclivity to be a member of the rump ranger clan, who cares. What happens behind closed doors between two adults is their business, just don’t shove it in the face of the rest of us.

  2. Human males who prefer the anus of another male to the intimacy of a female are unnatural, anathema to the species, and the opposite of “gay”. They are lacking in basic orientation to humanity, fall into the same category as transvestites and deserve to be treated as social outcasts. Most of such persons received inadequate parenting from birth up to age 5. While they are unfortunate, they are social misfits that detract from normal, human interaction.

  3. Smith should be fired immediately. His perverse activities against America on a conservative channel is bad enough. Send him to live with Obama, he could fall in love with Obama’s large member.

  4. I read about Sheppie Poo being gay a long time ago. For a while he looked like he had aids because he had lost a lot of weight. Don’t know what that was all about. I have never liked him and don’t watch his program because he always shows his liberal views by the smart ass things he says. He makes it so obvious he is among those who have the mental disease of being a liberal. He says he doesn’t think about being gay. B.S. you can’t tell me that every time he comes in the back door, or pecks the pickle, he doesn’t think about how abnormal it is!!! After the changes that Fox has been making, by turning into another CNN, by going after the conservatives on Fox, Sheppie Poo shouldn’t worry about his job. Fox will keep him even if he does have the worse ratings of any of the Fox program line-ups. Too bad he doesn’t have enough class to just do everyone a favor and leave Fox, and go to one of the Fake News station where he would fit right in.

  5. If your boss as reason the fire you, or if your ratings are hopeless, just claim to be homosexual and they wouldn’t dare fire you. We’ve seen this game before.

  6. What secret? At least 2 years ago I became disgusted with his dissing conservative principles, so I entered his name in my search engine. Came up with maybe 100 sources – and all of them either confirmed he is gay living with a male lover OR ignored the subject.
    From then on, every reference I made was I originally thought he was strange but then learned he is just a little queer. Guess that’s why he is never shown walking. Think about THAT.

  7. I couldn’t care less if the man is gay. What I DO care about is that he’s a mad, hateful liberal that can’t grow up and realize that they lost the election and won’t accept what the people want.

  8. He is a condescending, little pencil necked, gutter snipe who constantly interjects his annoying liberal viewpoint into every item he reports on. If Fox believes they need a libtard opinion segment they should start one for him, but if he is to be seen as a news anchor, he either needs to act like a true news journalist or find another outlet like CNN where opinion news is the norm.

    As to his proclivity to be a member of the rump ranger clan, who cares. What happens behind closed doors between two adults is their business, just don’t shove it in the face of the rest of us.

  9. Human males who prefer the anus of another male to the intimacy of a female are unnatural, anathema to the species, and the opposite of “gay”. They are lacking in basic orientation to humanity, fall into the same category as transvestites and deserve to be treated as social outcasts. Most of such persons received inadequate parenting from birth up to age 5. While they are unfortunate, they are social misfits that detract from normal, human interaction.

  10. Smith should be fired immediately. His perverse activities against America on a conservative channel is bad enough. Send him to live with Obama, he could fall in love with Obama’s large member.

  11. I read about Sheppie Poo being gay a long time ago. For a while he looked like he had aids because he had lost a lot of weight. Don’t know what that was all about. I have never liked him and don’t watch his program because he always shows his liberal views by the smart ass things he says. He makes it so obvious he is among those who have the mental disease of being a liberal. He says he doesn’t think about being gay. B.S. you can’t tell me that every time he comes in the back door, or pecks the pickle, he doesn’t think about how abnormal it is!!! After the changes that Fox has been making, by turning into another CNN, by going after the conservatives on Fox, Sheppie Poo shouldn’t worry about his job. Fox will keep him even if he does have the worse ratings of any of the Fox program line-ups. Too bad he doesn’t have enough class to just do everyone a favor and leave Fox, and go to one of the Fake News station where he would fit right in.

  12. What secret? At least 2 years ago I became disgusted with his dissing conservative principles, so I entered his name in my search engine. Came up with maybe 100 sources – and all of them either confirmed he is gay living with a male lover OR ignored the subject.
    From then on, every reference I made was I originally thought he was strange but then learned he is just a little queer. Guess that’s why he is never shown walking. Think about THAT.

  13. I couldn’t care less if the man is gay. What I DO care about is that he’s a mad, hateful liberal that can’t grow up and realize that they lost the election and won’t accept what the people want.

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