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bernie sanders castro
February 26, 2020
Bernie Sanders continued to show love for Cuba’s brutal communist regime, repeating his claim that good things can happen under a dictator.
Steyer Sanders
February 25, 2020
Tom Steyer went after Bernie Sanders this week over the Vermont senator’s socialist ideology and praise of communist dictators.
February 20, 2020
Michael Bloomberg blasted Bernie Sanders during Wednesday night’s debate, accusing the Vermont senator of supporting communist policies.
Bernie Sanders
February 14, 2020
In a video from 1986, Bernie Sanders tell an audience that he remembers “being very excited” when Fidel Castro led the communist revolution in Cuba.
Obama Documentary
February 10, 2020
The filmmaker for a documentary that Obama produced quoted one of Karl Marx’s most famous “Communist Manifesto” lines during her Oscars speech
Trump Sanders
February 3, 2020
On one hand Trump calls Sanders a “communist.” On the other he accuses the Democratic establishment of rigging the nomination against Sanders.
October 28, 2019
A growing number of Millennials show support for communism and socialism, a survey from the Victims of Communism found.
April 25, 2019
A video taken in 1986 shows 2020 American presidential candidate Bernie Sanders recalling his excitement over Fidel Castro’s Cuban revolution. […]
democrats communism
January 8, 2019
It is a real possibility that we could at some point in the very near future be bordering on a communist nation if the liberals and Democrats have their way.
September 20, 2018
A newly released Project Veritas deep state video reveals several admitted communists working for the federal government, and
historical facts only liberals believe
June 15, 2018
Liberals are masters of using rhetoric to make their worldview sound like reality, but history tells a very different tale.
May 14, 2018
California continues to secure its stranglehold on the title of ‘most embarrassing state in the union.’ If it goes against American traditions or is even vaguely patriotic, they will fight it tooth and nail.