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The Biden administration wants the census to track descendants of slaves in preparation for eventual reparations.
Freer states that were more reluctant to shut down their economies due to COVID-19 are doing much better economically.
Republican lawmakers on Friday sent a letter to Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo questioning whether there was "political interference" involved in…
NY Governor Andrew Cuomo said his state is looking into legal options House seat resident Trump illegal immigrants "nervous to…
On Monday, the U.S. Census Bureau released the results of the 2020 census. Red states have gained while blue states…
Population estimates from the Census Bureau indicate so many people are fleeing New York state that they could lose up…
Judge has ruled that illegal immigrants must be counted when determining the number of seats states receive in the House…
President Trump has signed an executive order to stop illegal immigrants from being counted in the redrawing of electoral districts.
Taylor Swift just spoke out to blast the 2020 census for asking people to choose one of two genders, saying…
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) just called for illegal aliens to fill out the 2020 census in an interview with late night…
A Washington Post story changed its framing on a story about census data collected under the Trump administration at least…
Hillary Clinton bashed the Trump administration Thursday for using “fear and bigotry” to conduct ICE raids.