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April 23, 2019
The media, largely guided by the Democrat party, has been celebrating the Mueller report as vindication for their journalistic efforts
April 22, 2019
Declaring that House Democrats have engaged in an “all-out political war” against him, President Trump is fighting back with a
April 22, 2019
Senator Mitt Romney and former Ohio governor John Kasich both made claims that the contents of the Mueller report and
April 19, 2019
On Thursday morning, Attorney General William Barr held a news conference to give the media a more in-depth grasp of
April 18, 2019
President Trump was in a celebratory mood Thursday following release of the long-awaited Mueller Report, trolling Democrats with Game of
April 18, 2019
Chuck Ross on April 18, 2019 Attorney General William Barr reiterated at a press conference Thursday that special counsel Robert Mueller
April 8, 2019
Chuck Ross on April 8, 2019 The top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee is calling on the panel’s chairman, Democratic
March 26, 2019
Rep. Rashida Tlaib is reportedly still looking for co-sponsors and supporters for her resolution to investigate President Trump for impeachable