Rep. Rashida Tlaib is reportedly still looking for co-sponsors and supporters for her resolution to investigate President Trump for impeachable offenses.
This, despite the fact that a summary of the Mueller investigation into Russian collusion exonerated Trump and his campaign from colluding with Russia to steal the 2016 election.
Tlaib is apparently still super-committed to her own words, in which she vowed to “impeach the motherf****r.”
In a letter to House Democrats, Tlaib pushed for lawmakers to create a commission that would “inquire whether President Trump committed impeachable offenses.”
“I, firmly, believe that the House Committee on Judiciary should seek out whether President Trump has committed ‘High crimes and Misdemeanors’ as designated by the U.S. Constitution and if the facts support those findings, that Congress begin impeachment proceedings,” Tlaib wrote.
Her focus seems to be on Trump’s businesses while in office as well as supposed ‘obstruction of justice,’ another offense Mueller’s investigation was unable to prove.
[Video] Democrat Rashida Tlaib still looking for ways to IMPEACH Donald Trump… ??
Things like this is why Trump will WIN re-election… ?
— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) March 26, 2019
Attorney General William Barr and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein both concluded that Mueller’s findings are “not sufficient to establish that the President committed an obstruction of justice offense.”
Other Democrats Have Given Up
Most of Tlaib’s colleagues have abandoned the idea of impeaching Trump after the Mueller investigation concluded.
Brad Sherman, a Democrat from California who twice filed articles of impeachment, including on the first day of the Democrat takeover of the House, said, “Whatever the bet was last week that the president wouldn’t finish out his term, that bet is not as good this week.”
“House Democrats conceded Monday that the possibility of impeachment proceedings against President Trump is over, at least for now,” the Washington Post reports.
The report cites Democrat officials who believe the party “needs to stop talking about collusion with Russia because it was distracting from their legislative agenda.”
Tlaib apparently didn’t get the memo.
Tlaib’s Promise
Tlaib, along with Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), became the first two Democrats to actually sign a pledge to impeach President Trump. That pledge was concocted by an organization “committed to ending this administration and creating a country that lives up to its founding ideals.”
She famously unleashed a profanity-laced tirade vowing to pursue impeachment on her first day in office.
“When your son looks at you and says: ‘Momma, look, you won. Bullies don’t win.’ And I said, ‘Baby, they don’t,'” Tlaib said. “Because we’re going to go in there, and we’re going to impeach the motherf***er.”
We got congresspeople out here calling the president a mother fucker
— Barstool News Network (@BarstoolNewsN) January 4, 2019
She’s Not the Only One
Despite a majority of the party backing away from impeachment talk, Tlaib isn’t the only one still holding out hope. Rep. Al Green (D-TX) thinks the President’s so-called ‘bigotry’ is grounds to charge him with high crimes and misdemeanors.
“#MuellersReport did NOT investigate bigotry emanating from the Presidency harming our country. The findings do NOT negate the President’s bigotry,” Green tweeted. “As long as bigotry influences the President’s policies, I will continue to seek his impeachment.”
Green has introduced articles of impeachment previously, citing reasons as absurd as President Trump’s defense of the National Anthem against NFL players. He most recently claimed Trump “put his bigotry into policy” by seeking a “Muslim ban” that wasn’t actually a Muslim ban, and referring to some African nations “s**thole countries.”
This, he argues, is a reason to impeach.
Tlaib and Green will be entertaining to watch going forward, as they cling to the last vestiges of hope for removing Trump from office while the rest of the party just wishes they’d go away.