Surprising New Details Emerge About Meeting Between Trump And Obama

Trump Obama

New details have come to light about the November of 2016 meeting that happened between Barack Obama and Donald Trump.

Inside Trump And Obama’s Meeting

In an excerpt from the new book “Battle for the Soul: Inside the Democrats’ Campaigns to Defeat Trump” that was obtained by Insider, The Atlantic staff writer Edward Issac-Dovere claimed that Obama tried “buttering up Trump” in order to persuade him not to destroy some key aspects of his legacy.

Obama was particularly desperate to save the Iran Nuclear Deal, which Trump had pledged to pull out of during his 2016 campaign. He even tried to suggest renaming it the “Trump Anti-Nuclear Deal” in the hopes of appealing to Trump’s ego.

“Obama thought the plan was working while they were sitting there,” Dovere wrote. “When the Cuba reopening came up and Trump talked about the market opportunity for new hotels, Obama encouraged it. He’d laid it on thick about the Iran deal, walked him through provisions … Rebrand it the Trump Anti-Nuclear Deal, Obama suggested. Make a few patches to Obamacare and call it Trumpcare.”

Related: Barack Obama Humiliated By Queen Elizabeth After Breaking Her Rules

Obama’s Efforts Failed 

Unfortunately for Obama, his efforts failed, and Trump ended up pulling the U.S. out of the deal anyway. Later in their meeting, Trump invited Obama to come visit him in Florida after his presidency.

“At one point Trump asked him how he’d spend his time out of office,” Dovere wrote. “Maybe they would see more of each other? Trump told him he’d be welcome anytime at Mar-a-Lago.”

The relationship between these two men immediately went south when Trump took office, and there is certainly no love lost between them now. Last year, Obama campaigned hard against Trump, saying that his presidency “exceeded” his worst fears.

Related: Barack Obama Loses It On Reporters – ‘Motherf*****,’ I Don’t ‘Want To Talk To You’

“Had we just taken those steps, there is no doubt we would have saved some lives, and ironically, the economy would be better,” Obama told late night host Stephen Colbert. 

“You couldn’t make up some of the stuff that you’re seeing. And it is to the detriment of the country,” he continued. “But as you said. It runs contrary to what would have been smart politics if the Republicans wanted to maintain the White House.”

This piece was written by James Samson on May 25, 2021. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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