Romney Is First GOP Senator To Support “9/11-style” Commission For Capitol Riot

mitt romney january 6 commission

On Monday, Sen. Mitt Romney said that he would support the creation of a “9/11-style” commission to investigate the riot at the Capitol on January 6.

Romney specifically said he would support the bill that recently passed the House. To pass in the Senate, the bill would likely need to overcome a Republican filibuster.

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Sen. Romney On House-passed Jan. 6 Commission ‘I Would Support The Bill’

Romney was asked how he would vote if Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer tried to start debate on the House bill. 60 votes would be required to defeat a filibuster.

“I would support the bill,” Romney replied to that question on Monday.

The Hill reported, “Romney wasn’t asked how he would vote on final passage of the House bill, which would need only a simple majority.”

“Spokespeople for Romney didn’t immediately respond to a question about if he would change his vote after helping defeat a GOP filibuster,” The Hill noted. “But Romney’s comments come as Schumer has vowed that he will bring the bill up for a vote, setting up what could be the first successful filibuster of the 117th Congress.”

Sen. Schumer: Vote Is Coming ‘Very Soon’

Schumer has only said that the House bill will be brought up “very soon,” but still hasn’t been specific about a time.

In addition to Romney being clear he would support a vote on the House bill, Republican Sen. Bill Cassidy told reporters previously that he would likely vote for it.

Moderate GOP Sen. Susan Collins of Maine has reached out to Democrats to examine potential amendments to the House bill.

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Republicans Romney, Cassidy And Collins All Voted To Convict Trump

GOP Sens. Romney, Cassidy and Collins all voted to convict Trump of inciting an insurrection earlier this year.

That vote fell short of a conviction of the former president.

The Hill noted, “The two biggest sticking points for Republicans are concerns that Democrats would be able to control the staffing and that the commission would stretch into next year, though the bill contains an end-of-year cutoff.”


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