Stephen Miller Escorted Out of CNN Following Explosive Interview With Jake Tapper

stephen miller cnn security

White House Senior Policy Advisor Stephen Miller joined CNN’s Jake Tapper for an interview yesterday that ended with Tapper apologizing to his audience for wasting their time. The interview, where the two discussed Michael Wolff’s new anti-Trump “Fire and Fury” book, became heated almost instantly.

During the interview, Miller blasted CNN for their coverage of President Donald Trump, while Tapper grew visibly frustrated with Miller’s refusal to directly answer his questions. “I get it. There’s one viewer you care about right now and you’re being obsequious and you’re being a factotum in order to please him, okay? I think I wasted enough of my viewers’ time,” Tapper concluded with.

Overall it was a pretty pointless interview, lacking a single second of productive dialogue before devolving into partisan bickering.

Trump tweeted out in support of Miller, while Tapper rolled his eyes.

We now know that what made it on the air was only half of the dramatics – with Miller hanging around the studio even after the interview ended. According to the Daily Mail,

Miller reportedly had to be escorted by security from CNN’s studios in Washington, DC, after his trainwreck interview with Jake Tapper on Sunday. Tapper cut 32-year-old Miller’s interview short after he started attacking the network’s credibility, labeling them ‘fake news’.

Apparently after Miller was taken off air, he refused to leave the studios, a CNN source told CBS. ‘The segment was over and Mr. Miller was politely asked to leave the set multiple times. After refusing to leave, he was escorted out by security,’ the source said. CNN has not issued a statement confirming the report.

I searched Tapper’s Twitter timeline for anything confirming or denying the story, but he didn’t make reference to the alleged incident. CBS’s Arden Farhi did tweet out part of the transcript of the conversation that transpired between Miller and Tapper during the commercial break following Tapper shutting down the interview, however:

What do you think? Was Jake Tapper justified in having security escort Miller out of the studio? Tell us your thoughts below!

18 thoughts on “Stephen Miller Escorted Out of CNN Following Explosive Interview With Jake Tapper”

  1. AHA! I could tell within the first minute of the interview that Tapper had tricked him into the interview and instead of asking the questions he had been advised would be asked, Tapper instead sucker-punched him with a bunch of other crap questions. Touche’ to Miller for holding his own.

  2. It does not make any sense that anyone opposed to CNN would accept an invitation to go on CNN or any of the Networks that so despise Trump. Without a conservative that they can use to produce their drivel they would have no show and their audience would get very bored listening to them pontificate.

  3. Tapper is a POS just like all the other CNN media so called “Stars.” Tapper can’t just stand the fact that Stephen Miller will not say what Tapper want’s to hear. Insanity: keep asking the same question and expect a different answer, but the truth will be the same answer over and over and over again. If Tapper wanted someone who would kiss his ass and lie, lie, lie, he invited the wrong person to the interview.

  4. Tapper playing at junk journalism is such a colossal failure he embodies the level of incompetency and number of corrupt , inaccurate buffoons which seems to be a prerequisite for hiring at the Corrupt News Network! Having Stephen Miller forcibly escorted out if the studio was nothing more than an application of the Marxist “Smear Technique,” so loved by leftist loons and described in the writing s of Karl Marx, and lauded in Alinsky’s Rules for Subversion by application of the principle. There are many morons in this country today because the public educational system has had the aim of dumbing our kids down increasingly ever since the assassinations of JFK, brother Bobby and Dr, Martin Luther King; all who were unifiers with a message to be proud of who and what you are and the culture and heritage you come from. This is NOT wanted or tolerated by the Radical Alt-Left or the U.N.’s New World Order Agenda 21 attempts to implement that curse in THIS country. Here is one neither Stupid nor accepting of Treason who served HONORABLY fifty years ago in Vietnam when this country was for a while at least, STILL something to be proud of, BUT NO MORE! DRAIN THE DAMNED SWAMP, and let’s start by forcing so-called journalists to be truthful and impartial or boycott the bastards until they can no longer MAINTAIN a base for the spreading of their prevarications! period We are better off without them!

  5. it’s because cnn is running out of fake news. they are famous for making up crap to make the President look bad. to bad they aren’t smart enough to report real news like illegal killing people in california and getting away with it.

  6. Dear Jake, I guess you can forget the fact that the White House will never be on your show ever again.
    Jake and Jim Acosta can play catch up from here on out.

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