Al Sharpton Was Rebuked for Wanting to Give Eulogy at Funeral

Akai Gurley was shot and killed by a New York Police Officer. Al Sharpton and his National Action Network announced that he was going to be giving the eulogy at Gurley’s funeral.

Sharpton forgot one detail. He forgot to check with the family before attempting to hijack the funeral. The family took to the press to say that Sharpton was not welcome. Gurley’s aunt, Hertencia Peterson struck back at Sharpton.

“It’s been a nightmare. He just wants to take credit for this when he’s never even contacted my sister [Gurley’s mother]. Who made you the spokesperson of our family? We just want to bury our nephew with dignity and respect. “How can you do a eulogy for someone you don’t even know? It’s heartbreaking… There is no piece of the pie for Mr. Sharpton here.”

Originally Sharpton pushed back claiming that Gurley’s girlfriend invited him. He challenged Gurley’s aunt’s standing in her family.

“I do not know that this Aunt has legal standing to speak for the family.”

After being strongly and publicly rebuked, Sharpton finally backed off his plans and did not even attend the funeral, which was held on Saturday. He blamed the fact that he was not wanted on “division and confusion” within the Gurley family.

Sharpton, who is $4.5 million delinquent in federal taxes and is also credited with stoking racial tensions in Ferguson, helped advise President Obama in choosing the next Attorney General.

What is your reaction to how this family handled Al Sharpton?

5 thoughts on “Al Sharpton Was Rebuked for Wanting to Give Eulogy at Funeral”

  1. This obnoxious behavior is what we have come to expect from the Country’s #1 Agitator!
    The sad part is that we have a President that is just as rotten and obnoxious. Obama makes the bullets and pays someone else to shoot them.

  2. Good! Sharpton is not a spokesman for anyone but himself. He and Obama make a pair and it has nothing to do with intestinal fortitude but all to do with money, corruption, and dividing the nation. Obama has divided these United States and is well on his way to dividing the world. When is enough going to be enough for everyone in the USA and in the world? Obama must be removed.

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