Police Officer Who Survived Eight Gunshots SHOCKS Everyone With This!

police shot

What a heroic story from a very strong woman who survived eight gunshots during an altercation with a no good suspect. Kimber Gist is openly speaking about that incident and her audiences are glued to every word she speaks.

I can’t imagine being shot one time, let alone eight times and live to talk about it.

I’m glad she is doing well. This police shooting crap has got to stop. Enough is enough. We can blame our current White House administration for this. There has never been as many police shootings as in these last eight years. Those cowards in Washington seem to not really care about our police officers. I’m really done with all this politically correct bull.

I don’t care what color they are or what nationality they are. If they shot at the police or try to harm them in any way, they need to be disposed of, period! Some might say that is harsh but let’s see what you think if it’s your son, daughter, husband, wife or any member of your family so no good thug shoots. I bet you look at things the same way I do. Just saying.

From Journal Scene:

On Feb. 26, Gist spotted a suspicious-looking vehicle parked in an empty Food Lion parking lot. Gist then approached the vehicle, finding a man and woman inside. When their stories about why they were there so late didn’t add up, she knew something was off.

Gist had the woman step out of the vehicle and put her hands on the hood so she could pat her down. But the woman appeared to be hiding something and dropped her arms at one point.

A struggle soon ensued, and luckily Gist still had her hand on her mic, alerting her team to the situation.

A “tenth of a second later,” Gist said she heard a loud noise, and a bright flash blinded her. That was the first gunshot. It whizzed by her ear but took her a moment to realize what happened.

Soon after she smelled gunpowder and realized she’d been shot, yet her immediate fears were not about her safety; they were about media scrutiny and her career.

“In today’s world, law enforcement can barely make an inch move without being on the news,” Gist said. “Most people don’t agree with how we handle situations. My first…thought was, ‘I’m going to be crucified (because) somebody black was shot by the police.'”

The second bullet struck her lip—the only taste in her mouth, blood.

“It literally felt like half my face was gone,” Gist said. “I thought I didn’t have a jaw.”

As she fell toward the ground, her hip took the next bullet. Her attacker continued to shoot at her like a paper target at a gun range. In disbelief she said she watched “the bones fly out of my foot.”

“That shot was like, ‘Alright, now I’m ticked off. Now you’re not shooting me to get away; you’re shooting to kill me,'” Gist said.

She fired her weapon. And kept firing it to try to stop the threat.

“I actually wanted to murder him at that point,” Gist said. “I was in the homicide mode. Somebody tries to blow your face off, you have the same thought process, too.”

Though she had already “made peace” that she might not survive the night, Gist continued to push through the electrifying pain in her stomach, and entire body.

“I’m a fighter. I grew up fighting.”

A true warrior, lay your life out in the line for your fellow citizens to make your town a better town. We need more like you. Praise God to a speedy recovery. We are all behind you. Gotta get the crap off the street and the few blue will continue do it. Thank you, and God Bless you and your family and your organization. Stay strong, we are all fighting for you.

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Wayne is a freelance writer who was named the 2015 American Conservative Union Blogger of the Year and awarded... More about Wayne Dupree

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