This One Poll Proves Democrats Dislike America



Bernie Sanders has been gaining steam in the Democrat party based on his self-proclaimed ‘revolutionary’ views for America. It is a Socialist platform which the Federalist Papers has said is a “leftist movement” that “demonstrates a closer alignment with Marxism and Communism.”

Being closer to Marxism or Communism makes it wholly un-American.

Yet, a whopping 57% of Democrats support those anti-American, pro-socialist views, a clear indication that the party continues to try and move the country away from the values that made America great.

Via the Daily Caller:

A clear majority of Democrats believe socialism has a “positive impact on society,” according to a poll by the American Action Network (AAN).

The political and economic system that wreaks havoc across the world from Venezuela to North Korea is enjoying widespread support in the modern Democratic Party.

A telephone poll of 1,000 likely Democratic primary voters found that when capitalism and socialism were polled head to head, socialism won by 15 percentage points, with just 25 percent of respondents saying they favored capitalism.

You can see the discrepancy below in a poll titled the National Democrat Primary Survey:


Meanwhile, too many Democrats don’t even understand what socialism is, including DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz and presidential front runner, Hillary Clinton.

Perhaps North Koreans could explain … if they had working phones and say, electricity.

In the meantime, here’s a fun video of one of these far-left liberal supporters of socialism, crying because conservatives disagree with her.

Here is a second video of a crying liberal just because it’s funny.

Comment: Do leftists who support socialism and are vehemently against capitalism, anti-American? Share your thoughts below.

10 thoughts on “This One Poll Proves Democrats Dislike America”

  1. give me a break, the president cries, Bernie’s supporters cry. Pathetic, and yet the first person to call someone a name or say something derogatory about another person is a democrat. I quote above “the people voting for Trump are sick”. Hilary Clinton and I quote “the Republican Haters” All you hear is capitalism does not work and socialism is the best way. So a little note on Obamas socialism, Barry’s (his real name in case you didn’t know) net worth along with his wife’s net worth has increased over 487% in 7 years…… Now consider this their combined net worth 7 years ago was around $1.2 million dollars and now Barry is worth over 12 million and his wife is worth $11.8 million dollars for a total of $23 million dollars……… Now consider how did they do this, Barry makes $400,000 a year has to pay taxes of 90,000 or so (or did he sign an executive order that exempts him and his wife from this) his wife must be paid very well for traveling all over the world spending tax payers money……. or is that why the vacations cost so much……. Socialism…… how much did you make? did your net worth increase 400% hmmmmmmm…… no well now… so the rich get richer and the middle class gets smaller…….and the poor class gets larger……..Socialism… The girl in the video above is crying because she just found out that the trees Bernie has been planting that has all the free crap on them died because of all the white global warming that fell out of the sky.

  2. I have the solution to the free college dilemma. Bernie wants free college, the students want free college, the professors are for free college. Solution? Have the professors donate their time! They all claim they want free college, let them provide it! win-win! Everybody gets what they want, even conservatives, because then they don’t get what they don’t want… the bill!

  3. Sanders supporters like the idea of free College..but they don’t realize once they graduate and get a great job they’ll end up paying 90% of their income to taxes. Wealth redistribution comes with socialism – and it applies to everyone.

  4. These brain dead morons, self-called socialists show their incredible level of ignorance when they believe that if America was converted to socialism they could still use their iPhones and wipe their asses with toilet paper. They will ask themselves, what’s happened to my Wi-Fi connection? Why there is no electricity in my home? Why I have to eat peanut butter & jelly sandwich 7 days a week?

  5. give me a break, the president cries, Bernie’s supporters cry. Pathetic, and yet the first person to call someone a name or say something derogatory about another person is a democrat. I quote above “the people voting for Trump are sick”. Hilary Clinton and I quote “the Republican Haters” All you hear is capitalism does not work and socialism is the best way. So a little note on Obamas socialism, Barry’s (his real name in case you didn’t know) net worth along with his wife’s net worth has increased over 487% in 7 years…… Now consider this their combined net worth 7 years ago was around $1.2 million dollars and now Barry is worth over 12 million and his wife is worth $11.8 million dollars for a total of $23 million dollars……… Now consider how did they do this, Barry makes $400,000 a year has to pay taxes of 90,000 or so (or did he sign an executive order that exempts him and his wife from this) his wife must be paid very well for traveling all over the world spending tax payers money……. or is that why the vacations cost so much……. Socialism…… how much did you make? did your net worth increase 400% hmmmmmmm…… no well now… so the rich get richer and the middle class gets smaller…….and the poor class gets larger……..Socialism… The girl in the video above is crying because she just found out that the trees Bernie has been planting that has all the free crap on them died because of all the white global warming that fell out of the sky.

  6. I have the solution to the free college dilemma. Bernie wants free college, the students want free college, the professors are for free college. Solution? Have the professors donate their time! They all claim they want free college, let them provide it! win-win! Everybody gets what they want, even conservatives, because then they don’t get what they don’t want… the bill!

  7. Sanders supporters like the idea of free College..but they don’t realize once they graduate and get a great job they’ll end up paying 90% of their income to taxes. Wealth redistribution comes with socialism – and it applies to everyone.

  8. These brain dead morons, self-called socialists show their incredible level of ignorance when they believe that if America was converted to socialism they could still use their iPhones and wipe their asses with toilet paper. They will ask themselves, what’s happened to my Wi-Fi connection? Why there is no electricity in my home? Why I have to eat peanut butter & jelly sandwich 7 days a week?

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