Obama Looking To Sabotage November Elections!

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This is just wrong: where will it end.

We are giving our country away, and there is not one leader in the nation who is willing to stop it. Next illegal immigrants will be receiving welfare benefits and Social Security. How much is this whole immigration mess costing American Taxpayers?

The time for some radical changes passed years ago, and now it is too late and to make matters worse, the Dems are very likely to win the next presidential election.

Say goodbye to freedom, the American dream and way of life and say hello to socialism, higher taxes, increased government and a complete meltdown of American ambition and competition.

From the National Review:

The Obama Administration Wants to Make Sure Non-Citizens Vote in the Upcoming Election

Several well-funded organizations — including the League of Women Voters and the NAACP — are fighting efforts to prevent non-citizens from voting illegally in the upcoming presidential election. And the United States Department of Justice, under the direction of Attorney General Loretta Lynch, is helping them.

On February 12, these groups filed a lawsuit in D.C. federal court seeking to reverse a recent decision by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC). The Commission’s decision allows Kansas and other states, including Arizona and Georgia, to enforce state laws ensuring that only citizens register to vote when they use a federally designed registration form. An initial hearing in the case is set for Monday afternoon, February 22.

Under federal law, the EAC is responsible for designing the federal voter-registration form required by the National Voter Registration Act, or Motor Voter, as it is commonly called. While states must register voters who use the federal form, states can ask the EAC to include instructions with the federal form about additional state registration requirements. Some states are now requiring satisfactory proof of citizenship to ensure that only citizens register to vote.

This Administration has lowered the bar so low when it comes to respecting the rule of law that we are looking more and more like a country doing a limbo dance, as in how low can you go?

We need a citizens revolt and we need to start by marching on Washington and escort our government officials including the Justice Department and the Supreme Court into the ocean and let them swim to Mexico or Cuba or just drown. Enough is enough! These invading criminals have no rights and they damn sure don’t have the right to vote but they do have the right to be executed.

H/T – National Review

Do you think Obama will get away with this? Who in DC will see this and mount a response to stop him? Share your comments below and let us know what you think.

And if you think Trump is the only person to stop Obama’s radical agenda make sure to check out The Political Insider’s 2016 Election Center to stay on top of the latest breaking Trump news!

25 thoughts on “Obama Looking To Sabotage November Elections!”

  1. EVERY 4 years there is a national election. EVERY 4 years there is voter fraud. EVERY 4 years there is a big debate about stopping voter fraud. Nothing is ever done about it. The caqndidates’ political machinery always find a way around it.

  2. Obama hasn’t finish the job he was out in our white house to do. That is why they’er so eager to put Hillary in the white house so the job can be finished. I also believe that RUBIO is just as Sanders and Clinton is.

  3. We need to escort Obama and Congress out of Washington. If The citizen did this you would see immediately change in our Fed Government. They would respond to the People not the donors.

  4. Obama is trying to destroy the U.S.A. before he goes. He isn’t American and has pulled the wool over every ones eyes except those who have been backing him all the way. This bloke is the Hight of Socialist Infiltration into the White House. he has to be stopped and stopped quickly.

  5. that ugly face is why Justice Scalia was killed in cold blood. These facts are why Justice Scalia was killed and his family silenced. This ugly face is the whole reason that the world isin such conflict! We are taking the steps to eliminate problems from within. God bless our greatna tion and its citizens! We aer goingt o win this battle against evil and muslim brotherhood. He has had eight damn years to try and still can’t get us. WEa re a country of laws , strategy and smarts. Adios Obummer.

  6. If Sen. Cruz and Sen. Rubio win the nomination, both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will sue; and both of them will be in the right. For neither Rubio or Cruz are Natural Born Americans. Nor is Bobby Jindal and Nikki Haley (a supposed Rubio VP).

    Obama knows this, also. He is just going to ride it out and push us closer and closer to communism through him imposing Martial Law, because of the faulty election. Hell, he wanted a 3rd Term anyway, and if Rubio and/or Cruz win the nomination, he just might get it.

    Natural Born Citizen Explained!

    The first and most important thing about Rubio and Cruz is their ineligibility to even be in the running for the Presidency. Neither of these men are Natural Born Americans.

    If this issue is to be determined by the SCOTUS, then they would most definitely want to be experts at the language and terms used at the time by the Founders when they wrote the Constitution to determine their original intent. Wouldn’t you think? And for those that want to use the Naturalization Act of 1790, (that Ted Cruz likes to use to legitimize his candidacy), to validate a candidate, that was Repealed by the Naturalization Act of 1795.

    The country would be better served, if this issue with Natural Born American Citizen were made law by the Amendment process. But that would take time, a 2/3rd majority of both Houses of Congress and a 3/4 majority ratification from the States.

    For those that cannot see it. We are being set up for a President that is not even an American, by the New World Order. Step One was Obama and the democrats and Step Two would be the Republicans via Cruz, Rubio, or Jindal.

    TRUMP/WEST 2016/2020

    1. These loonies are all over the place. All of these guys, Cruz, Rubio, and Jindal are eligible. If they aren’t eligible then why is that POS Obama doing in the White House? They are as eligible as him.

    2. Very Very Good comment! This is exactly what I have been saying! You must look at how the Framers used the language at the time in order to understand what they meant and these two writers tells us exactly what a Natural Born Citizen is! If people do not wake up we are going to be in VERY big trouble!

      Obumbler started this and Congress and the SCOTUS let him get away with it because they were AFRAID of what the African American people would say, RACIST, and they were afraid they would be voted out, they gave in to a ghost and sold America out! Now just because he got away with it doesn’t mean we should let these two or three get away with it, that would just cement Obumbler’s right to the Crimes he has committed! Furthermore, this would open the door to anyone that wants to come here and buy the Presidency! Rubio and Cruz both claim to be Christians, but the Bible tells us we must follow the man made laws unless they conflicCT with God’s Laws, they are just trying to help bring the One World Government here to the UNITED STATES!

      We cannot let this happen! Trump is not the best candidate, he is the Only Candidate! I will file a Law Suit if one of them happen to win which doesn’t look very likely! But the Frauds in Washington DC have been known to put the fix in on the outcome of the Presidential race! We cannot let those who believe they are in power over us pull their sneaky tricks!

    3. I would like to print out what the writers this lady quoted from had to say but I could not make out the first ones name is, could you? If so, could you tell me please? Thank You.

  7. The last two presidents of our great country have truly polarized our great nation. From extreme to another. How bad have things become that many in our nation are actually considering Socialism? It is truly time for a new start. Go back to the days when our country was founded. When farmers, bankers, teachers and so on were elected into office to SERVE the people. Politics and politicians unfortunately are no longer “of the people” in this country. Politics were never meant to be a CAREER path, rather a duty by some who believed they could hold whatever office they were elected and do the best by those who elected them. Career and politics together equal corruption. I never ever thought I would say this but I am an independent willing to take a chance on a business man. It feels dirty and as if I am throwing a dart at the carnival hoping it hits a balloon but my choices are truly becoming more limited by the day. Hillary and Bernie are absolutely NO option!

  8. Obama is laughing at us. He has met his goals 1) expand Islam influence & 2) reduce US influence. From a 2006 YouTube video at a campaign stop in Illinois; when asked: ”Why don’t you run for President?” Obama said: “I can’t be President, I was born in Kenya”. – He doesn’t care about his future. He is laughing at us.

    1. If you have that link for that video, I would like to see it. I knew there was truth out there somewhere. The Health secretary from Hawaii was very conveniently killed during all the birther issues. If you can find the link for the video, please share it. I will send it to a local RNC office.

  9. Next thing you know these lying, thieving, amoral, libertird neo-fascists will want to elect POTUS on Facebook with unlimited ‘likes’.
    Wake Up! America is being destroyed from within by the leftist elites who crave power and control so that everyone has exactly the same life except for the elite in the power and control – they will always hold themselves to be exceptional and above all others – much like Hillary, Pelosi, Redi, Cummings, and lest we not forget the biggest treasonous coward- Premier ObaMao.

  10. My 10 year old has an opinion – maybe they should have a vote now too since its open to everyone. I also feel safe in guessing that my dog is a republican since he seems to get gassy when Obama is on the tv, I can probably submit one for him as well, shouldnt be a problem since even dogs have to be registered with the town unlike the illegals

  11. It’s really telling, obviously the Democrat’s “know” they can’t win an American election this November, unless non-Americans and illegal non-citizens are able to VOTE for the Commie regime in power. Straight out of the Commie-Salinski Handbook, Obama’s Bible and God! Obama is breaking his Oath of office again by not upholding the laws of our nation by supporting something as this. Congress needs to tie him up with Impeachment proceedings of multiple counts, so he’s so busy defending himself this voting hiccup won’t even have time as he’s defending himself for impeachment..

  12. Now the administration wants to LEGALLY allow non-citizens to vote? Are they insane? This defies rational explanation. (Not that this has already been happening, ILLEGALLY for the past two elections for president….and dead people voting as well.) We need some common sense in this country again and the corrupt people we have in office right now are only going to achieve this if Hillary is elected because we all KNOW illegals will vote for her and we know why! This country has become a joke since 2008. Time to get a Republican into the oval office before Hillary or Bernie finish what BO has started. UNBELIEVABLE.

  13. Americans are FED-UP with giving to everyone that comes in our country, much less give them the right to vote!! obama has screwed up this country so much because he truly believes that he is GOD! Can’t wait to get this POS OUT OF THE WH!!!!!!!!! SHOULD GO TO PRISON!!!!!!!!!

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