Anti-NRA Protesters Hold Rally With Armed Private Security

Never to miss an opportunity to be in the spotlight, the organizers of the post-inaugural”Women’s March” (Linda Sarsour, Tamika Mallory, Bob Bland, and Carmen Perez) held an anti-National Rifle Association march last Friday.

The protest was in response to an NRA recruitment ad featuring The Blaze’s Dana Loesch, which aired in April, but didn’t get any attention until July. Black Lives Matter activist DeRay McKesson called the ad (which condemned political violence) an “open call to violence to protect white supremacy,” whatever that means. The only violence the ad featured was committed by leftists, and we all know it hasn’t been conservatives shooting up Democratic lawmakers.

The Women’s March organizers saw this ad worth holding a rally over, in which they protested gun violence. There wasn’t much intelligence to be seen among the protesters, one of which can be spotted in the background of the video below with a sign reading “gun violence is a reproductive justice issue.”

There were counter protests to support the NRA, and given some of the footage of the clashes, it’s clear that the anti-NRA side didn’t come armed with facts. But, ironically, the organizers of the march did come armed….

We can only wonder who paid for those guns. Did the organizers pay for their private security out of pocket, or did they use part of the funds they raised from their anti-gun donors? I can’t imagine those donors would be happy if they found out they were the ones funding the guns that were present at their rally!

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