MUST WATCH VIDEO: Rubio’s Big Announcement


Yesterday in Miami, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) announced that he is running for President. His Presidential announcement was perfectly timed to deflect some media spin from Hillary Clinton’s campaign launch the day before. And he accomplished this. Without mentioning her name, Rubio highlighted that Clinton represents the past, with ideas that are borrowed, old and tired.

“Now, just yesterday, a leader from yesterday began a campaign for President by promising to take us back to yesterday. Yesterday is over.

And we’re never going back. You see, we Americans are proud of our history, but our country has always been about the future, and before us now is the opportunity to author the greatest chapter yet in the amazing story of America, but we can’t do that by going back to the leaders and ideas of the past.

We must change the decisions we are making by changing the people who are making them.”

Senator Rubio emphasized his stances that will resonate with Republican primary voters.  He reaffirmed his pro-life beliefs, the need for more school choice options and the need for a strong foreign policy which supported allies like Israel.

Rubio’s story is one that could resonate with both conservative and independent voters. As the son of Cuban immigrants, who worked hard as a bartender and a maid to support their family, Rubio appreciates the American dream and how it is unique to this country. His speech touched on American exceptionalism and how he is indebted to the opportunities his family has been given.

“I’ve heard some suggest that I should step aside and wait my turn. But I cannot. Because I believe our very identity as an exceptional nation is at stake, and I can make a difference as president.

I’m humbled by the realization that America doesn’t owe me anything. But I have a debt to America I must try to repay. This isn’t just the country where I was born. America’s literally the place that changed my family’s history.”

Marco Rubio offers a sharp contrast not only to Hillary Clinton in a general election, but also to Jeb Bush, who many view as a likely frontrunner, in a primary. With a Heritage Scoring of 89%, Rubio is to the right of Bush on many issues and is likely better suited to inspire not only the base but also reach out to disaffected voters with his family’s story of hard work and appreciation. Another Bush Clinton dynasty matchup is viewed by some as possibly leaving voters feeling unmotivated.

Rubio’s website received so much traffic during his speech that it crashed temporarily.

Will you support Marco Rubio’s Presidential campaign? Please comment below.

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