Now facing a criminal investigation into the official use of her personal email server while Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton’s campaign may have been dealt a death blow. She appears to have lost some cheerleaders at MSNBC. A panel on Morning Joe led by Mika Brzezinski strongly condemned Hillary Clinton over her email scandal.
Brzezinski stated the former First Lady’s denial of the legitimacy of this scandal is insulting and a reflection on the fact that Hillary believes the American public is stupid.
Judge Napolitano pointed out that General Petraeus was convicted of having low-level confidential materials in his desk at his home and that Clinton is potentially facing some serious charges for having top secret information on her personal email server. Clinton not only has this threatening legal concern looming, she also is hemorrhaging support in her most important base of supporters, the press.
Even if she isn’t convicted and hauled off to prison, can her campaign withstand losing her lapdogs in the mainstream media? Please comment below.
H/T: Free Beacon