Classy First Lady Melania Will Save Taxpayers Millions Over Michelle Obama

Melania Trump policy

First Lady Melania Trump continues to out-class Michelle Obama in every way!

Our new First Lady has said she would make cuts to the Office of the First Lady and now there’s proof she’s coming through.

Two different reports compare Michelle and Melania’s spending and Melania comes out way on top in terms of being fiscally responsible.

According to Fox News, in her first year as First Lady, Michelle had 16 staffers, with salaries totaling $1.24 million a year. In comparison, Melania had just 4, totaling $486,700 in salaries.

A different accounting included more staff – Michelle had 24 to Melania’s 9.

Communications director Stephanie Grisham told Fox News:

“As with all things that she does, she is being very deliberate in her hiring, focusing on quality over quantity. It is important to her that the team is a good fit for what she wants to accomplish as first lady, and that everyone works well together. She also wants to be mindful and responsible when it comes to taxpayer money.”

“Mindful and responsible when it comes to taxpayer money” – imagine that! What a difference from Michelle – or Moochelle, as some have taken to calling her.

Who could forget her extravagant multi-million dollar vacations at the taxpayer’s expense! The Obamas’ vacations cost $97 million! It got so bad she even got SUED over them!

And let’s not forget the money wasted on Michelle’s failed school lunch program that students absolutely hated and threw in the trash, forcing schools to opt out to save money!

Meanwhile, Michelle complained that first ladies do not get paid!

But now she’s really cashing out – the Obamas are reportedly getting a whopping $65 million for a post-presidency book deal!

Fox News also noted that President Trump is saving the taxpayers millions over Obama on personnel, “When the White House personnel report was released in June, Forbes reported 110 fewer employees under Donald Trump than Barack Obama and said the projected four-year savings resulting from the cuts could be more than $22 million.”

Isn’t it nice to have a First Family that respects that the White House is the people’s house and are cutting the Obamas’ bloated personnel budgets and saving taxpayers’ multi-millions?

What do you think – Who is the better First Lady: Michelle or Melania? Tell us in the comments below!

9 thoughts on “Classy First Lady Melania Will Save Taxpayers Millions Over Michelle Obama”

  1. Moochelle would complain that First Ladies didn’t get paid, she’s so greedy! Even if they did pay First Ladies, Michelle would have to opt out since she’s really a man. Lol.

  2. The Obama’s raped the tax payers in this country as evidenced in this article.Their lavish vacations to Hawaii and Martha’s Vineyard when ‘her Highness” had Air Force 11 complete with entourage pick her up as she did not want to accompany husband on his stop on the way back to Washington are just a few of the examples of what they perceived as “entitlement’. I t is the same pervasive mind set in a far larger scale that “entitles”black youth to vandalize and rob the stores under the cover of riots. Yes damn it,I will focus on race here because the PC Liberal media and politicians will always play the race card when unjustified.

  3. Moochelle would complain that First Ladies didn’t get paid, she’s so greedy! Even if they did pay First Ladies, Michelle would have to opt out since she’s really a man. Lol.

  4. The Obama’s raped the tax payers in this country as evidenced in this article.Their lavish vacations to Hawaii and Martha’s Vineyard when ‘her Highness” had Air Force 11 complete with entourage pick her up as she did not want to accompany husband on his stop on the way back to Washington are just a few of the examples of what they perceived as “entitlement’. I t is the same pervasive mind set in a far larger scale that “entitles”black youth to vandalize and rob the stores under the cover of riots. Yes damn it,I will focus on race here because the PC Liberal media and politicians will always play the race card when unjustified.

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