Drastic Cuts Coming to the Office of the First Lady, Saving Taxpayer Money

President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump are working to make serious cuts to the Office of the First Lady, which would help Trump keep his promise to save taxpayers money.

Former First Lady Michelle Obama, with her “Let’s Move” campaign, lunch mandates, and expensive vacations around the world, required a staff of twenty employees. That’s quite a staff for an unelected position.

Melania Trump, on the other hand, has been spending a majority of her time in New York City while their son Barron is in school. In fact, she hadn’t been spotted Washington since she met the President in D.C. before traveling with the Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe, and his wife to Mar-a-Lago for the weekend.

Now, three insider sources say that the cuts are already happening:

So far, the first lady has only hired two people to be on her staff – Chief of Staff Lindsay Reynolds, an alumna of the George W. Bush administration and White House Social Secretary Anna Cristina Niceta Lloyd, an events planner who has worked on the last five inaugurals and for both Democratic and Republican secretaries of state.

Beyond that, the first lady’s East Wing staff generally includes communications aides – like a press secretary – schedulers, speech writers, policy people and those tasked with answering the influx of correspondence from the American people to the FLOTUS.

First Lady Trump’s office will have a limited team to handle White House tours, as they are about to re-open:

At least two dozen lawmakers signed a letter urging the Trump administration to open the White House back up for tours.

‘Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama all appointed a White House Visitors Office Director before being sworn in, and had reopened the White House to the public at this point,’ the letter noted.

In her February 1 statement, Reynolds promised to get the White House Visitors Office up and running as soon as possible.

‘I am working to ensure that the White House Visitors Office is fully staffed and operational and ready to accept tour requests for the public in the coming weeks after a traditional temporary closure during the transition period,’ she pledged two weeks ago.

This is a drastic change from the Obama White House, which seemed to have a limitless ability to spend taxpayer money to promote the causes of the First Lady. Any reduction in federal government staff is a good thing, and Melania Trump is assuming the traditional, classy role of the First Lady. Fantastic news!

Do you support First Lady Melania Trump? Please leave us a comment (below) and tell us.

30 thoughts on “Drastic Cuts Coming to the Office of the First Lady, Saving Taxpayer Money”

  1. @poppdavid President Trump isn’t taking a salary for this position so maybe this will help offset the costs associated with Melania staying in New York so their son can finish the school year. You don’t think for one minute that Trump couldn’t afford to pay for security on his own if he had to, right? Just a stupid comment on your part. And as far as class my friend, Melania brought a gift TO the Obamas after the inauguration. Wouldn’t have been proper etiquette for the Obamas to provide the gift to the Trumps as they were the ones coming INTO the White House?? Melania is the epitomy of class…

  2. Melania has not brought “Class” to the White House because she hasn’t moved to the White House. While you complain about the money spent on a few vacations taken over the years, you ignore the Millions of dollars spent every week that she stays in NYC. And if you want to talk about expensive vacations, Trump has taken three to Florida in the first month. In each of those, the taxpayers got to pay Trump Inc. for the privilege of him having another vacation.

    It will be interesting to see the results of Rep Chaffetz investigation of Trump’s handling of confidential materials in public in the middle of his Florida restaurant.

    1. Both she & Donald have entertained on THEIR nickle. No Salary for him and no hotel bills. There is NO comarison. They aren’t MILKING the office for their own rewards rather cutting expenses every way they can. Michelle even put Malia, her mom and several of her friends on the payroll when traveling as aides for a nice chunk of change as well as making it possible for her to travel WITH FRIENDS on the Taxpayers. As for security? The money he has saved by not renting 3 floors for friends covers it

  3. you Jesse as i am a Presidemt Trump spporter. voter and as a caucasian, tired of what color every body wants to think they are the only US citizens but people like this Jesse should be called out for saying cruel things against Michelle Obama as that makes you far less of a person than the BLM movement and protesters so do not be cruel anymore against the former first lady as she has feelings and is as just as human as any race regardless what this vietnam veterans and tons of others want to hear from anyones mouth regardless what race we are and how much we want the antiTrump and protesters to get united as a people not color and help mine and their country get back strong again and give President Trump the priveiedge to help all people be a better America as we have most countries hating us as always has and fight together as one and not get destroyed while we fight over issues amonst each other and be the super power military we are and like it or not all US races get it together and salvage our great country and let Trump do the best he can for all people and help our country defend against American freedom and learn to respect all people who truly love and support our country united we stand and not devided as other countries whatch ud fight one another and focus on fighting our real destructors of our still freedom to all that see the USA worth fighting for as God will help us if we help ourselves, God bless all races and let us fight for old Glory and our young people for jobs and the economy and give them the same chance we had growing older and win this anti-American haters mid east jealous leaders that want to have our freedom and they mudt be stopped defenssively, GO USA to all colors while we will find a way to flush haters of our countyy out and respect one another and get away from this color devision as it does not help our country at all, AMEN

  4. Americans Madonna,Cindy Crawford, Kim Kardashian, Brook Burke, Darryl Hannah, Drew Barrymore and Jenny McCarthy are former Playboy centerfolds. They promote plastic surgery, dated JFK Jr., hosted Macy’s Parade and threatened to blow up the White House. America’s sweetheart Jennifer Aniston posed nude, only wearing a mans’ necktie on GQ and Lady Gaga on V magazines. Aniston interrupted Justin Theroux’s 14 relationship with Heidi Bivens.. He who is without sin throw the first stone ? Some people in America are hoping to create civil war so that their pizzagate and other crimes are not uncovered by the Trump administration. This hate mongering will only destroy our country and that is the plan of the most evil among us. In God We Trust ? Before or after this country is torn apart from within ?

  5. Melania is the most beautiful, gracious, well mannered, stunning, well educated FIRST LADY. The definition of “LADY” is Melania. Something this country has NOT seen in a very long time. The liberal socialistic voters and Nancy Piglosi are SO JEALOUS. This FIRST FAMILY will not spend over $100 million dollars of our money on lavish vacations and we the taxpayers will no longer be supporting their extended families, (mothers, cousins, in-laws).

  6. Of course she’d want the budget cut. She doesn’t want anything to do with being First Lady. In case you haven’t noticed she is an abused wife. She’ll probably send her kid to summer school to avoid moving into the White House- assuming Trump is still in office in june.

  7. Michelle was certainly an embarrassment as a First Lady. Her first 4 years she dressed like a cleaning woman. Her staff fell short on showing her how to eat with some dignity. A few of her pictures show her with enough food stashed away in her cheeks a squirrel would be shocked. Affirmative action comes to mind as far as her education. Melanie did it on her own.

  8. Melanie is costing a lot of tax dollars by living in NYC with a full time separator SS detail. How does it look for the First Lady not to be scene with her husband to greet leaders and others? As far as class what is her education? Michelle was a lawyer who went to top HS and Universities while this lady was posing nude.

    1. Her child is finishing school in New York. He will be in Washington after that. And Melania is smarter than you think. She knows seven languages. She was a model, models take their clothes off. She has more class in her little finger than Michelle had – ever. Your side lost, you lost, get over it.

    2. If you must post ridiculous comments like the one about Melania Trump putting her son’s welfare in the forefront please at least proof your text before you go online with it.. you want her to be seen not scene. A scene is what your disgraceful Michelle Obama was and we want Mrs Trump to be seen!

    3. You’re right Keith, she took off her clothes to model, HuH?? I thought that was part of the game. Besides, no one, and I mean NO ONE, was clamoring to see a nude Michelle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Her penis might have embarrassed Barack??

  9. I have said for the past 8 years that Michelle Obama could NOT doing anything on her own and needed 20+ people to help her. Truly a waste of taxpayer dollars. Michelle was an embarrassment!

      1. There is nothing so very wrong with his grammar. “Truly a waste of taxpayer dollars” was not a full sentence. This small matter was not worth your comment, which is nothign but a poorly disguised ad hominem attack. He was not writing a legal brief. He was making a comment and wrote in an abbreviated way. You strain at a gnat. His point was clearly made.

          1. You are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO,,RIGHT!!! DO ,ME, A FAVOR,liberal CRY BABY TARDS, Fall off the earth with ALL the fake freaken muslims(small letters on that)aka ISIS or as you liberal CRYBABY Tards say:Isil( definately retard talk for Liberal Crybaby tards)!!

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