Kathy Griffin Holds Press Conference to Slam President Trump for Being a “Bully”

kathy griffin press conference

Just two days after “apologizing” for a shameful photo shoot involving a fake-beheading of President Donald J. Trump… Kathy Griffin is back.

Holding an outrageously shameless press conference, Griffin is now claiming she’s the victim of President Trump’s “bullying.” This comes from the same person who made sure Trump’s 11-year-old son Barron saw graphic images of his father.

What happened next can only be described as a train wreck. Wow:

Then, Griffin plays the bully card. This is so sad:

Griffin said, “What’s happening to me has never happened in this great country.” But how is that true? She has the freedom of speech, but other Americans have the right to respond.

Griffin learned the hard way that freedom of speech and expression doesn’t mean there are no repercussions to what you say. And this involved graphic, violent images of the President, which the Secret Service was forced to investigate.

If comedy has a line you can’t cross, Griffin certainly just found it.

Even far-left commentator Keith Olbermann is furious at Kathy Griffin for her shameless self-promotion:

Kathy herself is the only one to blame for ruining her career. She knew the outrage it would case, and thought being shocking would help boost her out of her current status as a “D-list” celebrity.

Instead, she went too far and united the right and left against her.

What do you think about Kathy Griffin’s shameful press conference? Please leave us a comment (below) and tell us.

58 thoughts on “Kathy Griffin Holds Press Conference to Slam President Trump for Being a “Bully””

  1. Kathy needs to own up to the ugly S**t hole she has dug for herself. These lunatics on the left have been going out of their way to trash our president and anyone who supports him. They should be ashamed!!. What is this ” Jr High School”??? Grow up and smell the stench from your own dirty work. Then PLEASE… Shut Up !!

  2. She looks like a Raggedy Ann that has had the stuffing beat out of her. That makes me laugh. Her faked sadness and crocodile tears and lies, that makes me laugh. She is a hot, stinking mess. Clean up on Aisle 4.

  3. I watched her apology and it was anything but sincere. She started off sounding almost believable then she went into full “Blame others mode”, with the “poor little me, I’m too small and weak to hurt anyone” blather.

    Then she took off on the “I’m only in trouble and being investigated because I’m a woman” rant.

    I took special exception to that because several years ago I called the White House Comment line and informed them that I was unhappy with the way Obama care had been passed, over a weekend, in the middle of the night, on a party line vote, and in direct violation of Obama’s promise that it would be open to public Comment for ten days. I pointed out that in the 1770s when this country was being formed, that politicians were tarred a feathered and run out of town for such behaviors. For that last comment, my phone was traced, and four hours later I had a local police officer, an FBI agent and a Secret Service agent knocking on my door. They interrogated me at length over the call and accused me of threatening the life of Obama. I’m a man, a disabled veteran, and at the time of the incident I was a 55 years old. So Ms. Griffin is full of crap when she insinuates that such investigation happened because she’s a woman, men get investigated when the DC insiders paranoia takes over.

    1. God bless you Jon for having the guts to say something!! Of course if anyone said anything negative about Obozo they were investigated & threatened but it’s a totally different story with Trump. Obozo, the Hildabeast & all their other crooked contemporaries encourage people to criticize & mock Trump. They are the worst bunch of lying, corrupt, hypocrites this country has ever seen!!

  4. I’ve dealt with older white guys trying to keep me down my whole life.” i am guessing thats because she dropped to her knees for $10 a pop

  5. Griffin said, “What’s happening to me has never happened in this great country.” But how is that true? She has the freedom of speech, but other Americans have the right to respond
    So she can show the decapitated head of the President of the United States and HE’s the bully? And this is somehow covered under the First Amendment as free speech? More like hate speech and delusional comedy. She never has been funny. Now we know she’s stupid as well. Hey Kathy, your 15 minutes is UP.

    1. actually her crying and bellowing trump is a bully he is picking on me is the funniest thing that has ever came out of her mouth in her whole career lol

  6. Hey, Griffin try accepting responsiblity for your actions. Plain and simple no one told you to hold up a fake head of the President of the United States. It does not matter. You did it ALL BY YOURSELF!

  7. She just keeps going from bad to worse. What a stupid cow. She deserves everything that is being thrown at her. Her comedy routine is tasteless enough, but this was disgusting. It is tantamount to threatening his life and she should be prosecuted, sent to jail, and the key thrown away.

  8. Here’s an idea… if all you want to do is make people laugh maybe you should actually be funny instead of hateful mean and vulgar. Just so you know, none of those pass for funny.

  9. Did no one tell poor unfunny, vulgar, talentless Kathy Griffin she has the right to free speech and expression but it comes with a price. Presenting the most tasteless gross image she could and offending not only Trump’s family but many many citizens just might lose you a gig or too. I feel her only sorrow is for the lost income and embarrassment that most of the country recognizes her for the du mbass she happens to be. Kathy please shut up and go away… this is all on you. You started all of this. Did you honestly expect Donald Trump to NOT respond? Stupid AND a fool.

  10. I find it amazing how she turns the tables on President Trump after her ‘heartfelt’ apology. Now she’s the victim, oh poor Kathy. And does she just apologize and shut her vile trap? No she goes on to get Lisa Bloom who is no better than her rotten mother Gloria Allred, to represent her and blame the president for her big mouth. What a freakin douche. Referencing the post on here by Von where KG says she can’t wait to go after Baron just shows what a low life she truly is. You don’t pick on children you dumbass and then blame the president for bullying you. In truth you are the bully for ever saying you were going after Baron. You need to fade to black and just disappear for a long time, I believe your career is permanently damaged.

    1. You might try to be kind to this dumb animal, she went through menopause when she was 11 years old and it resulted in her thinking she was clever and funny. No, not clever, stupid, and not funny, dismally tragic.

  11. We are seeing the results of a liberal generation raised with the elitism thought that “life is all about them, you have to entertain me, if anything bad in my life happens it is your fault”. They blame everything bad that happens to them as someone else’s fault. They do not know how to accept responsibility for their actions. (hillary is a prime example of not knowing how to accept being told “no” you didn’t win. now she’s blaming russia for her failure.) They do not comprehend what it is to be sincere even in their apology when someone points out that they’ve crossed the boundaries of what is socially acceptable. To this generation, “wrong is right and right is wrong, and the hell with the rest of the world because the only person that matters is me-myself-I.” That is the lab result of what happens when a child is never told, “NO”. Heaven forbid that your child should throw a tantrum in public. This lab experiment has failed. RIH – child psychologist Dr Jonas Spock was wrong!
    She’s been told “no”, and now she’s throwing her social tantrum. What are you going to do about it? Her humor has never been funny, she is vulgar and her mouth spews garbage. She is not someone I would buy tickets to see, and if on tv I change channels. Not welcome in my world. And that is my personal boundary! Click changing channels. CCC.

  12. Oh boo hoo if one of us common folk did the same during Mr. Obamas term of office we’d be put under Ft. Levenworth prison for the rest of time but since she’s famous she’ll get off with a warning not do such stupid things again but the average middle school kid knows you make a threat like that and you can face time in federal prison too plus a fine too she must’ve been absent during those classes though but to quote Ron White you can’t fix stupid.

  13. Kathy says she just wants to make people laugh. Okay, tell me when exactly am I supposed to laugh at a severed bloody head, fake or not. Check this out. From an interview Kathy gave to Vulture Media at the Equality Now Gala in December of 2016: “So I’m happy to deliver beat down to Donald Trump — and also to Barron. You know a lot of comics are going to go hard for Donald, my edge is that I’ll go direct for Barron. I’m going to get in ahead of the game.” She specifically meant to hurt Trump and his family by attacking an 11 year old. She is heartless in her attempt to get attention. Do not fall for her fake apology. She is using a child to hurt someone, someone that has really never done anything to hurt her. She made a mistake alright. Her mistake was going after a big dog when she’s only bark and no bite. I have no sympathy for her whatsoever.

  14. You just can’t fix stupid. (Thanks and a hat tip to Ron White) Kathy Griffin just proved this spectacularly! Then she held this press conference and s%*# all over herself.

    Phil in TX

  15. The press that this wannabe entertainer has received since her “beheaded debacle” is clear evidence that she is a stooge of the owners of the MSM. The support of the MSM, that this 3rd rate entertainer has received since her entrance into the spotlight, is administered only to the pimps that they own, and who carry out their deceptive designs on-stage, on TV and in newspapers. Griffin is only the stooge that carried out the “beheaded debacle” that her string-pullers created. Discover their identity by searching on the phrase, tapnewswire 96 .

  16. There are none so blind as those who cannot see! Get real. Kathy Griffin torpedoed her career…not President Trump. She is a train wreck!

  17. Kathy Griffin is brainless if she thinks she can use such a horrific tactic as a severed and bloody- appearing decapitated head of Donald Trump, holding it by the hair and dangling it around like her “trophy”, yet think the Trump’s are bullying her and causing her financial ruin because they thought her actions were tasteless and downright terrible and immoral. Barron Trump is 11 years old… a mere boy, who thinks and reacts like an 11 year old boy. Of course, Barron is upset. Griffin’s actions depict his father being murdered, he sees a lifelike bloody severed head of his father and he knows beheading is an “Allah” torture tactic favored by “Islamism” and radical terrorists… yes, I would say he is upset, with good reason to be upset. No, I would not say Barron Trump is bullying the perpetrator who is depicting the savage death of his father. Who is the adult here, Kathy Griffin? Who is supposed to have controlled and mature thinking? You are an adult. Barron is an 11 year old boy. Whatever happened to “hands off” the president’s children?

  18. My personal advice, even though it does not matter, she would do better (like Hillary) to just lay low for a while, stop making it worse then come back . The worst thing one can do is blame others for the actions they did and took time and money to do so . It was not an accident it was well planned out. As far as her career, many do not know, lately her complete show was nothing but bashing Trump, okay some is okay, but not the whole show, it was getting to the point people were getting very turned off by it and she was not doing well with her show but a few selected few. She should have seen it then but kept going. She is just digging herself deeper, good God woman your best bet it to just shut up.

  19. She knew what she was doing, after the tape was done. she stated we will probably have to move to Mexico. How quick she turned it around that it was not her fault, Pres, Trump made her do it. she is lucky she isnt going to jail or maybe she will, who knows. Lets hope she pays for what she has done. How would she like it if it had been somebody holding up her mothers head.

  20. According to the DailyBeast:
    Murder Videos Recruitment Tools for ISIS – Brutal beheading videos attract young militants to ISIS
    IMO, she is aiding terrorists with this behavior

  21. The only person to cause this backlash is you Kathy…not Trump, not the news Media…just you…you have the right to free speech and so does everyone else in this country so if you put it out there expect to get the backlash!!!! This is the first time in a long time that I have laughed at anything you did!!!!! If your career is ruined it is you who ruined it!!!!!

  22. She sounds like Hillary Clinton, except even Hillary wouldn’t go this far. She is only looking for sympathy at this point, holding this news conference calling President Trump a “bully” was not a good idea, she is now using self pit, even using her acting skills with her tears. Yes, Kathy, people will get over this, things don’t last long in the news these days, except those things about the President of the United States, just until another big headline happens, so you might want to pray for that, not try to dig yourself out of that very deep hole, you didn’t have a enough sense to realize no one would back you up on this disgusting and stupid move. We may even eventually forgive you, not sure about that though, just stop thinking being interviewed now is helping you. I have never cared for your kind of smutty humor, but many did and may still, but you need to remember that people have long memories, don’t think this is what you want to be remembered for, but it may well be. If you actually feel so sorry, the right thing would be to actually ask to see the President and give a creditable sincere apology to him, also how awful of you it was to not think of his young son, and his family who you shamelessly hurt, being on the offense is the wrong way to act, you did a horrible thing, trying to justify it, is ridiculous at this point!

  23. you brought this on yourself– anybody with a normal mind would never have done that –what a stupid career ending thing– you are on the same level and the view –horrible –horrible — stp up and take the blame for your misdeed

  24. Like all do badd-ers she is nowhere near sorry for the emotional pain she caused, not to minimize the incitement to ISIS to do more harm to us!She’s only sorry the country didn’t buy in to her trash! She bullied Trump and he Trumped her.A failed comic not funny! She is a man hater plain and simple. Probably has unresolved father issues and needs therapy.

  25. Griffin and Hillary are like two pathetic peas in a pod. So now she is being bullied and suing Donald Trump, for what….inserting her foot in her mouth. These two women need to ether accept responsibility for their actions and decisions, or just stifle yourself. Actually, as a conservative moderate, they are doing us all a big favor, by sinking the good ship “liberal – Democrat”.

  26. Kathy, you are a stupid *itch. He didn’t break you, he never even tried. You are a pimple on the a$$ of the word and you need to be popped. YOU BROKE YOU. You have NEVER been funny, you are just vulgar.

    I hope you have the money to pay his lawyer. After you sue him, you will owe two lawyers their fees. So go cry in your closet, then STFU FOREVER.

  27. “he broke me” Apparently she has taken too many “women’s studies” at a university and learned that she is a victim and she has no control over her actions; “he made me do it”.
    Keith Olbermann says it’s “selfish nonsense”. NO it’s not, it’s out of control hysteria that many females suffer from. Too bad because it gives sane females a bad rap.
    Maybe that’s why women are under strict control in the Mid East. BTW, it was in the 1970’s that men were to blame if their wife got out of control.

    1. Bill, in your entire life have you ever said a single thing that was correct? Never mind, rhetorical question.

      Your obvious hatred towards women is showing. Since you admire the way women in the mid eat treat their women, go to Iran and life there. See how that works out for you. They like evil, hateful people. You will fit right in.

  28. An AP story quoted Kathy saying she would target Barron directly. This quote was made by her six months ago. She will be lucky, in that case, not to face criminal charges.

  29. Kathy, you did it to yourself. It is your fault. Not President Trump. You and you alone. You are like another loony liberal. Hillary Clinton. She has been babbling since losing the election blaming everyone except herself. She can’t get over. You liberals are nuts.

  30. So, I guess Chelsea Clinton is “bullying” you as well when she Tweeted: “This is vile and wrong. It is never funny to joke about killing the president.”
    Well, Kathy, you need to go live somewhere that they like that stuff, like Iran or Qatar.

  31. Kathy, Don’t blame President Trump for your being so stupid. You ask for what you are getting and you had better plan on being a waitress for the rest of your life, because NO one is going to be willing to pay you to tell jokes.This is going to be what happens to idiot liberals. So don’t go acting like Hillary, blaming everyone else, it is your fault.

  32. Seriously? You are making this about you??? What you did is none other than hate speech and should be investigated as such! Any normal citizen pulling a stunt like that would be behind bars and their reputation tarnished for life, so why is you think you are any different? And, that apology, was not a sincere apology to those you hurt, but more of a ‘sorry I screwed myself’ speech in hopes that your hateful behavior would be pushed under the rug!

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