Trump Supporters Disrupt CA Illegal Immigration Training Workshop

It’s about time we turned the tables on Democrats and fed them the same template of disruption they give to us on a daily basis. Some say this is beneath us but Democrats do not expect a fight from Republicans which is why they treat us with disrespect and disdain.

A fight broke out between two women at the Delhi Center, resulting in the room being cleared by police, and later the arrest of one protester outside according to Santa Ana Police Department Cmdr. Matt Sorenson interviewed in the Orange County Register.

illegal immigration workshop

In California, they just do things so much differently that we do in the rest of the nation don’t you think? I do not advocate violence but I do promote action. These Trump supporters are bold and fearless and tired of being pushed around.

Source: Breitbart

Multiple news accounts referenced “violence” but failed to clarify that the only arrest was made for an assault by an ANTIFA protestor against a member of the anti-illegal immigration activist group known as “We the People Rising, (WTPR)” who showed up to peacefully monitor and protest the “subversive” “Immigration Workshop and Townhall,” according to Executive Director of WTPR, Robin Hvidston.

The confrontation escalated as a Santa Ana Police Officer can be seen stepping between the clashing sides.  And then without warning, a Trump supporter in a red shirt can be seen grabbing a flag and running into the parking lot where he is struck by one ANTIFA protester and then shoved to the pavement by another.

Police swarm in and arrest the ANTIFA protester, who can be seen using his flagpole as a weapon.

When asked for what purpose WTPR showed up, Hvidston said,  “This was a very subversive meeting.  Our purpose was to monitor the meeting, and when it was clear there was a far stronger presence of patriots inside the meeting, spontaneous expressions of patriotism erupted.  [Chants of USA can be heard on a number of the videos].  We’re tired of our laws being broken.  And we’re going to hold US Representatives accountable to represent “we the people,” we the lawful citizens instead of people who have no legal right to be here.”

Here is a video of the incident:

We have to start fighting back against liberals anyway we can because they think we are pushovers. That time period is over. President Trump needs our support damn near every day after all the attacks he’s getting from the media and politicians.

We will not stand for illegal immigration nor will we fall for the lies of liberals who want to mask this atrocity under immigration victimization.

What do you think about this incident and do you think the Trump supporters were justified in showing another side of what liberals expect? Share your opinions below in the comment section and don’t forget to add this article to your Facebook and Twitter page.

Wayne is a freelance writer who was named the 2015 American Conservative Union Blogger of the Year and awarded... More about Wayne Dupree

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