Jay Sekulow Says That Former FBI Director James Comey Should Be Under Investigation

I really do like Jay Sekulow, President Trump’s lawyer. He’s a man of character and integrity with a brilliant mind.

Sekulow has been the front man for taking on the media to defend Trump and correct the media every time a new lie is spread. The only problem is that the media refuses to accept what he’s talking about.

In the video below, Sekulow calls out former FBI Director James Comey as a major player in an effort to take down Trump, and demands Comey be investigated.

“What’s the one piece of evidence that we know in this entire case? What’s the one thing we know for sure? James Comey leaked information that he got on a meeting with the President of the United States. I want that to be very clear. A meeting with the President of the United States.

“He’s taking notes. He puts the notes in after he gets into his car and writes these notes down. He takes those notes and puts them into his government car, into his government computer, into his government desk. He then leaked from his government desk to his friend at the Columbia University Law School–illegal. Violation of the law, clearly.

“If there was an investigation that’s going on right now, the investigation should be James Comey. I’m hopeful that it is…”

Sekulow is correct, of course, but I have zero confidence that current FBI Director Mueller (who has been hiring Clinton-friendly investigators and lawyers) is investigating his swamp-dwelling pal, James “The Leaker” Comey.

Here’s the video:

Sekulow should be finding a way to force the Justice Department to do its damn job and start investigating this as well as all the illegal actions taken by the Obama Administration going all the way back to the Fast and Furious scandal.

Comey should be looked into for his shady shenanigans with leaks. The former FBI Director was just spotted entering the New York Times building, no doubt to spread more misinformation about President Trump.

If Comey is launching a soft coup against our president, he must be stopped. The Justice Department needs to look deep into what Comey is trying to accomplish. I imagine we won’t like the answer.

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12 thoughts on “Jay Sekulow Says That Former FBI Director James Comey Should Be Under Investigation”

  1. Sekulow is a lawyer, his lips are moving, guess that means he is lying.

    Trump WANTS total loyalty from his workers, and he WANTS to have total control over all of his workers. That is neither free market nor democracy.

    There is no law that says that every word uttered by a President is sacred, or that publishing it is illegal. Trump WANTS his conversation with Comey to be secret. Why? Because the President broke the law and he doesn’t want people to know the truth.

    Maybe he should take the title “Illustrious Leader” or “Leader of the Party, the country, and the Army” from Kim Jong-il?

  2. he is no better than the normal crook— he lied to Congress- the the people of the USA-to the President and now he wants to everyone to believe that since he STATED he is one of the traitors that release info –JAIL for him– have no respect for the man– or anyone connected to the obama terms– protect their ass is all they did plus rip of the citizens of the USA– and manly LIED about everything– good riddance to bad garbage

    1. Agree with Ruth. Our country needs to get rid of these people who act like gods and milk our country for every million dollars they can. Off with his head!!! (sarc)

  3. I believe that Comey was setting up President Trump with the help of Mueller to bring down the presidency. I hope Jeff Sessions gets some guts and fires Mueller and starts with a new special investigation into collusion and settle it and then go after Comey. Mueller should recuse himself because he has had a working & personal relationship with Comey.

  4. James Comey should be under investigation for his ties with the Clintons going back to the 90’s. Every investigation Comey was involved in came out in the Clintons favor. In between gigs with the Clintons Comey worked for Lockheed Martin. He received $6,000,000 in salary and bonuses one year – the year that Lockheed Martin was awarded several huge government contracts signed off on by then Secretary of Take Hillary Clinton. Lockheed Martin also became “donors” to the Clinton Trust – I mean “Foundation” ;-) that year.
    James Comey’s brother worked for DLA Piper – the company that performed the so called “independent audit” on the Clinton Foundation. Surprise Surprise – they found no wrong doing. From what we now know about the Clinton Foundation we know how erroneous their report was.
    Another Former FBI director and Bill Clinton appointee Louis Freeh was brought in to get Bill Clinton out of the mess with long time Clinton friend and fund raiser Jeffery Epstein. Bill Clinton made numerous trips on Epstein’s “Lolita Express” a private plane set up for airborne orgies – to Epstein’s “Pleasure Island” for even more orgies. The problem is those orgies involved trafficked and run-away under-aged girls. Flight logs, phone records and the girls themselves have placed Bill Clinton there. Epstein was branded a pedophile and went to prison. Louis Freeh somehow slipped Bill Clinton thru some cracks and got him away Freeh. Do you see a pattern here? Now they bring in yet another former FBI director Robert Mueller who immediately starts filling his team with Clinton “donors”. Mueller should at the very least be fired for collaborating with Comey twice – Once right before Comey made his famous “leak” to his friend at Columbia – then called for a special counsel in which his old buddy Mueller would head up. Then again when Mueller met with Comey to “assist”/coach him with his testimony prior to the senate committee hearing. This stinks to high heaven.
    Now add the Seth Rich murder investigation into the mix. Many feel that the Clintons are somehow mixed up in this too. Are the Clintons worried? Probably not – because – that investigation falls under the jurisdiction of the Washington D.C. District Attorney’s Office. Guess who’s brother is an Assistant District Attorney in that very office? Crooked Debbie Wasserman Schultz – her brother Steven Wasserman. It seems the Clintons have someone already entrenched to get them out of jams every time they are investigated for anything. It is was past time to bring the curtain down on them and every single one of the people who aided and abetted them.

    1. Brad, what lies? You mean the one that said we could keep our insurance if we liked it, or the one that he said we could keep our doctor if we wanted to, or the one that said our premiums would be reduced, or the one that said we would save $2,500 per years on healthcare, or the one that said there were no death panels, or the one that said the jobs were shovel ready, or the one that said, he never paid any money to Iran, or the one that said there was not a smidgen of guilt…shall I continue, Brad, there are loads more? Oh wait, that was not OUR PRESIDENT who lied like a rug, that was OWEbama.

  5. All democrat’s think they are above the law…why else would all the rioters getting away with beating people…while the cops watch? The only people being arrested, is anyone who dare to defend their selves…democrat’s are for bigger government, as are government worker’s…period!

  6. Due to FAILURE to comply with the Law on Hilary’s investigation of given classified and top secret material going across her private email server was indeed a Total violation of Governmental Protocol Regulation. And yes James Comey be under investigation under compliance of US law.

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