Israel Fights Back After UN Attacks Them

israel un

You can only push a proud country so far before they start responding, and that’s just what Israel has done.

Barack Obama targeted Israel before the end of 2016 by allegedly helping the United Nations form a resolution that attacked Israel over settlements and border rights. This is nothing really new, but this time it was a brazen attack against the only democracy in the Middle East.

This time, Israel isn’t going to sit idly by.

The United Nations runs on dues from its members, and Israel has decided to stop giving their millions to a body that removes their protections.

israel un

From USA Today:

Israel announced Friday it is cutting approximately $6 million in its annual dues to the United Nations this year to protest last month’s Security Council resolution condemning Israeli settlements as “a flagrant violation under international law.”

Israel’s U.N. Mission said the amount represents the portion of Israel’s contribution to the U.N.’s regular budget totaling more than $40 million allocated “to anti-Israel bodies.”

It named the U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees known as UNRWA, The Division for Palestinian Rights, the committee investigating Israeli practices affecting Palestinian human rights, and information programs on “the Question of Palestine.”

“It is unreasonable for Israel to fund bodies that operate against us at the U.N,” Israel’s U.N. Ambassador Danny Danon said. “The U.N. must end the absurd reality in which it supports bodies whose sole intent is to spread incitement and anti-Israel propaganda.”

I absolutely agree with what Israel is doing about the UN. The U.S. should cut all funding to the UN also. I hope President-elect Donald Trump will do that.

Israel has been America’s friend for decades, and we have to show them we are with them and against this resolution. Obama didn’t do it, but Trump can.

One thing people can do is write their congressman and ask that they support Congressman Thomas Massie’s efforts to get the U.S. out of the UN. Pass the word!

What do you think of Israel pulling back paying their dues to the UN? Do you think they are justified?

Share your thoughts with me and spread the word with your family and friends!

2 thoughts on “Israel Fights Back After UN Attacks Them”

  1. The U.N. violated its own agenda by creating and declaring the land-grant of 1948, that was fraudulently named “Israel”. The land-grant of 1948 fraudulently titled “Israel” reflects neither Israel of the Old Testament nor Israel of the New Testament and has none of the defined characteristics of a nation. It has the characteristics of a nomadic band of thieves that are united by fairy tales, narcissim and a history of parasiting on the good will and efforts of its victims. World renowned Rabbi Henry Siegman and entourage released insight into the collossal fraud of the 1948 land-grant in Summer 2014. His insight is provided by the article called up when searching the internet on the following phrase: Prominent Jewish Leader: Israel Intentionally Massacred Civilians in 1948 to Terrorize the Population

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