Chelsea Clinton Attacks Trump’s Memory, but it Back Fired

Chelsea Clinton is one of those people who think we want to hear every reaction they have to anything President Donald Trump or one of his associates does on their social media.

The media reports on all of her inane comments because they’re desperate to make Chelsea a thing, for some unknown reason. For example, following KellyAnne Conway’s “Bowling Green Massacre” gaffe, Chelsea got some media praise for “trolling” Conway when she tweeted out “Very grateful no one seriously hurt in the Louvre attack …or the (completely fake) Bowling Green Massacre. Please don’t make up attacks.”

Making up attacks, Chelsea? Perhaps she forgotten that her own mother famously lied about landing under sniper fire in Bosnia. That was a bald-faced lie – and at least Conway had the defense that she meant to say “Bowling Green terrorists” – referring to the discovery of two al-Qaeda terrorists in the city in 2009, who admitted that they had fought against US troops in Iraq.

Her latest attack on The Donald takes the form of yet another gaffe that indicts her own mother. As some of you may have seen, during an interview Trump had with Maria Bartiromo yesterday, Trump accidentally referred to his recent airstrike in Syria as an airstrike on Iraq (which Bartimoro quickly corrected). Those who dismissed any concerns over Hillary’s health as conspiracy were quick to pretend this was evidence that Trump had gone senile.

Twitter was quick to point out all the things that Hillary has forgotten over her career.

H/T: Twitchy

Ironically, Chelsea herself seems to have forgotten all this.

She’s her mom’s worst enemy!

Share this hilarious story with your friends and family.

34 thoughts on “Chelsea Clinton Attacks Trump’s Memory, but it Back Fired”

  1. from what i have read she doesnt even belong to bill clinton. have a dna test run and see if the blue dress daddy is your daddy. after that then maybe she would see that her mom is not a saint and neither is she…..

  2. Chelsea has been steeped in a process that produces a product akin to the mother and father. One can only expect more of the same. To the Clinton’s it all comes down to the public persona….it’s creation and it’s sustaining. Ever on the guard to deceive. Remember when Bill Clinton was walking from the grave of Ron Brown….smiling and laughing….until he realized he was on camera? Immediately he begin to feign sorrow and crying. Performers. Overpaid court jesters. They have always been obsessed with money and the world is not enough. Hillary is not bright….Bill is not bright….Chelsea is not bright. When your energy is spent creating and sustaining a lie….you eventually become confused and lose your way. The secret service members have given us an inside look to the real Hillary . FAKE. She lost the election because she is corrupt and people can see she is insane and vicious. She has no wisdom or vision. Just on the take and wants more. Chelsea is dumb. Let us all move on. The democratic party is helplessly lost and corrupt and offers nothing to this country. Too many problems for our resources time and energy to be spent dealing with people that can’t recognize a truth when it stands before them.

  3. I find the constant use of the word “destroyed” ridiculous. All that is happening is that people are disagreeing with them. Chelsea Clinton has not been “destroyed.” She will keep coming and keep coming, and many clueless people will rally around her.

  4. Dear Chelsea,
    Not to hurt your feelings, but we really don’t care what your opinions are about anything other than the best way to bring down the Clinton Crime Family. Care to testify, or do you prefer being an accomplice? You, as are all supporting your mother, left reality, facts, and truth behind many years ago.

  5. Oh I remember Hillary and Chelsea visit to Military…As soldiers yelled or whistled at Chelsy, fat slob Hilary would not let her speak to any of them and hustled the kid along….Gag! Hillary Rotten clinton a worthless freak shoved into prominence not due to any talents she had but cause she married her perp husband President Bill Clinton…This gave her access though everything she was given to do, she failed miserably, incompetent and the worst was the Benghazi Debacle, when hideous Hillary was Sec. of State and Muslims invaded Benghazi Embassy a first in U.S. History of an embassy being invaded…Hillary as Sec. of State was no where to be found so finally Military were sent in to try and save Ambassador Stevens ….The Embassy had been invaded, attacked and set on fire when the Military arrived….Amabassador Stevens had already been beaten, stripped and was being dragged by his heels thru Benghazi streets with roaring muslims cheering as a Muslim perp applied electric cattle prod to Ambassador Stevens body and finally dead, body tossed in a ditch..when the old freak Hillary hauled before Congress to explain her lack of response (many think she was drunk and passed out) she became absolutley furious that anyone would dare question Hillary Rotten Clinton! What and vile evil couple of corrupted political creeps are Bill and Hillary Clinton!

  6. Poor Chelsey, Hillary so desperate to hold on and clutch her dead Democratic persona to her wrinkled chest while holding up her diaper! Chelsey always a victim having two such wicked wonkies for parents…but guess they will leave the kid a fortune to promote healing…Corrupted Clintons will not be fondly remembered in history!

  7. Poor Chelsey, Hillary so desperate to hold on and clutch her dead Democratic persona to her wrinkled chest while holding up her diaper! Chelsey always a victim having two such wicked wonkies for parents…but guess they will leave the kid a fortune to promote healing…Corrupted Clintons will not be fondly remembered in history!

  8. Chelsea was on the trip to Bosnia with her mother and a CBS news crew that recorded the entire landing and ceremony on the tarmac on videotape with a little girl that handed her and Chelsea a welcoming bouquet of flowers. When CBS confronted Hillary on the blatant lie of coming under sniper fire, saying she was told to keep her head down and run to her vehicle, she doubled down, saying that is what she remembered. How many people would ‘mistakenly remeber being under snoiper fire with their own daughter? CBS has to confront Hillary twice before she admitted she made a ‘mistake’. I would have asked her if she and Cjelsea and new crew all ran together. And I would have asked her, “who gave you the order to run to your car with your head down”. I would have loved to hear her answers. Democrats have no idea what kind of complete psycho a person has to be to ignor that kind of lie. Hillary doesn’t take any orders from anyone ever, even about how to handle her employer’s email account given to her for communications.

    There is a reason why it was so important for Hillary to make up that honor stealing lie. She doesn’t have any honor of her own, and a person like her desperately comes to crave what honor ‘feels like’ no matter how big a fool they have make of themselves in the process. Like Brian Williams. The bad thing is that honor has no feeling associated with it. It is a ‘feeling-less’ state of being like all the other real virtues connected with it. But it must exist inside calmly, intuitively, wordlessly and privately. Hillary is a swamp beast, without a scintilla of honor, love, courage, veractity or any real virtue.

  9. Does anyone remember the movie Mommy dearest seems like there’s some similarity’s that come to mind to me. It must be painful to have to groom your kidd for politics and get stupid answers!

  10. Why in the Hell are we still hearing about the Clinton’s. Hillary and Bill are out to pasture, and Hillary may go to jail if anybody has the balls to prosecute her, and Chelsea is just an idiot riding parents coat tails.

  11. Even though Chelsea has a bad case of diarrhea of the mouth and everything that comes out of that commie blow hole is music to the dimotwits ears,the best way to stop her political ambitions is to never vote for another democrat for as long as you live and let them know the reason.

  12. Another thing I wonder how Bill and Hillary can prepare her for anything but run a daycare center. They themselves have not been prepared to run for anything so consequently it has been disaster after disaster.

  13. Let her keep spouting off these ill thought out remarks.catalogue all of them .There will come a day when she will think she is hot and ready for the congress or maybe even president.How useful they will be.

  14. The Clintons are obviously preparing Chelsea for some elected federal position.
    When Benghazi Killery was Sec. of State, Haiti was devastated by a huge hurricane.
    EIGHT BILLION DOLLARS were raised to assist this small country. Killery and SLICK
    WILLIE’S “construction / electrical / health companies” solicited contributions to the
    Clinton Foundation. When contributions, FOR HAITI’S rescue / rebuild were received,
    their already super wealthy ‘friends’ somehow had their contributions labeled “Hillary’s
    friend or Bill’s friend.”
    Amazingly enough, the companies / corporations that were either
    “friends of Hillary or friends of Bill” were given contracts to assist in the rebuilding
    of Haiti.
    The Eight Billion dollars, to be distributed by the Secretary of State, seems to have
    Killery couldn’t remember where $ 8,000,000,000 went, when questioned several
    years after she’d left the State Department.
    Would ANYONE actually vote for ANY office for Chelsea ??

    Damned right they would !! She would one of the best ( self serving) politicians you
    gould buy.

  15. Chelsea forgot that she’s was not supposed to use foundation money for a wedding! Hillary forgot to turn all the emails and device in has she left office. Go home and cry to mommy!

  16. Chelsea forgot that she’s was
    not supposed to use foundation money for a wedding! Hillary forgot to turn all the emails and device in has she left office. Go home and cry to mommy!

  17. Chelsea Clinton is full blooded Socialist like her Mother and Father, they all belong to the NEW SOCIALISTIC DEMOCRATIC PARTY that believes that only the rich should idiots of SOCIALISM should control the people because they believe that we are too stupid to think for ourselves.
    They get their money from foreign communist counties and are so willingly to sale off America. Hilary sold 20 % of American Uranium mines to Russia for $$$$ Billions of dollars.

    For those that know nothing about Uranium it is used in nuclear BOMBS. These Bombs can be use against America at any time. This is pure SOCIALISTIC DEMOCRATIC PARTY of American.

    So I ask all Democrats are you willing to convert to Socialism because your party no longer in the rights of the people, the Constitution and mostly in their Oath of office, by the way dose state: Under article 5 U.S. Code § 3331 – Oath of office – “I, Their Full Name, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

    Hey they all LIED to you and America, WAKE UP.

  18. That “ICRS”. We all forget sometime but mamma’s little girl can’t use senior moment. I thought this article was very funny. Love the come backs.

  19. When a person gets to be a Senior Citizen, the recall issue is called a “senior moment”. It’s the diplomatic way of saying a person has CRS disease; or “I Can’t Remember $hit”. My Mom and Your Mom probably had the same problem if you are not an only child. They go thru all of their Children’s names to get to your own name. Or You call the dog when you are meaning to call Your Kid. etc. CHILL.

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