Who’s Really Causing Hillary Clinton’s Poll Numbers to Tank

In case you thought Hillary Clinton was chugging along towards an easy nomination (and I’m not sure where you’d get that aside from some sort of psychotic episode), her books sales have tanked, her book tour has been full of gaffes, and she’s yet to make a clear case as to why she’s a decent candidate, other than that she was once married to the leader of the free world and, reportedly, threw a lamp at his head in a heated White House argument.


As a result of Hard Choices missing most top 10 lists, with its most notable exposure being an Ashley Madison billboard making fun of Hillary Clinton’s cuckolded wife status, it seems Hillary has, for the first time ever, dropped below 50% in Zogby’s weekly 2016 poll.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s fumbles and bumbles in the rollout of her latest memoir, Hard Choices, has knocked the wind out if her easy sail to the White House and put her support in key 2016 presidential election matchups below 50 percent for the first time.


At a time when she should be padding her lead over the top Republican contenders, her underwhelming effort has cut her numbers, said pollster John Zogby.


In his latest Zogby Analytics survey taken June 27-29, for example, her commanding leads over former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie have shrunk greatly, and she doesn’t even receive 50 percent of the vote. Worse, her support among married and wealthy voters has plummeted.

In other words, Hillary Clinton is about as popular in America as a cockroach at a cocktail party. Except the cockroach is probably more welcome because it gives people a ready excuse to abandon ship. Hillary Clinton is stringing the Democratic party along for as long as she humanly can, with the idea that should she decide not to run, she can become kingmaker, with an unlimited cabinet of big money donors and hefty endorsements.

The worst part of the poll numbers may be that Hillary Clinton isn’t yet actually running against anyone. Her biggest threat has, so far, been Hillary Clinton. If she can tank her own poll numbers so effectively, should a Republican even be worried?

13 thoughts on “Who’s Really Causing Hillary Clinton’s Poll Numbers to Tank”

  1. The ppl will never forget Benghazi, til all the truth is told..this will be a unrest until it has told the truth!!! She’s still has blood stains on her hands. And probaly the worst thing to happen on your watch. Its evident who said to stand down that killed our Ambassidor, and 3 other devoted Americans. Hope Gowdy finds out the whole truth, no matter how bad it may be. The ppl have the right to know.

  2. We dont want anymore any Clinton’s, Bushes’s, Kennedy’s, or Obama’s. We want to dump all but a few and start over. I have NO CONFIDENCE in the present potus and or his Administration!! He’s been a proven traitor time and time again.

  3. Why are Jeb Bush, Rand Paul and Chris Christie the only ones eligible to run on the Republican ticket? We have many others who would be better. Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, Darrell Issa, Scott Walker, Ben Carson, Herman Cain, Mike Pence and others. We should not allow the GOP establishment to pick our candidate this time.

    1. Because at least two of them are capable of running an Administration and only one of those, JEB Busch has any integrity! I know the argument, not another Bush, but frankly speaking, he is the best candidate out there. He won Florida with 62% of the vote his second term! He takes after Barbara and is nothing like his brother. JEB is a very pragmatic and competent leader. I am not a spin doctor Kate, I am telling what I know from meeting him.

      1. You deride Sarah Palin’s integrity? I ass-u-me you’re referring to her doing the unthinkable and giving up power when frivilous lawsuits were making it impossible for her to govern – and bankrupting her blue-collar family. She doesn’t prepare for interviews and doesn’t read all the trash that passes for ‘NEWS” today. The lady has never been driven by any search for power, but to do what needed done for her family, community and state – as even some “good-ol’-boy” Republicans learned from behind bars. She got her education through earned scholarships, her political offices through force of will and her standing of being asked by political candidates for her sponsorship – and all who asked were not so rewarded. This is a remarkable woman that every American girl should emulate – and the most worthy politician in America today.

    2. as soon, if ever, the GOP/Republicans stop fighting each other and their party
      get their stit together maybe then we will have a conservative qualified politician to vote for.
      I will vote for Ted Cruz

  4. I just hope people don’t vote for her just because she is a woman. We need someone with honesty and integrity. We don’t need another career politician with the last thing on there agenda being the American people. Please people ,study this womans background .

    1. Enough of that crap electing unqualified politicians to higher office
      they voted for obama because of his color
      they will vote for clinton because she’s women in a pantsuit

    1. She started her career being fired for lying, cheating and not following the Constitution. What has she done to be worthy of a US citizens vote? Name a good accomplishment. I bet you can’t name one.

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