This Man Was Going to Commit Suicide, Until this CAT Showed Up!

hero cat

Many of you have cats, and some of you don’t. They say a dog is a man’s best friend. In this situation, a suicide situation, this feline helped out in a strange and compelling way.

A man living in San Francisco decided he was going to end it all and take his own life. He wanted to go by jumping off a building, wanting everyone to witness his act of cowardice, no doubt.

When the police got to his apartment, they started negotiating with the soon-to-be-jumper. But then a strange thing happened, the jumper wanted to see his orange cat once again before he took the big leap.

That’s when it got strange.

From Policeworld:

A man in San Francisco climbed onto a third-story window ledge, threatening to jump. He’s a suspected car thief. Police negotiators were having a hard time talking him out of it. Then, some relatives of the man showed up with his cat.

Officers took the cat up to the negotiators. “Using his pet, hostage negotiators were able to persuade him to go back inside the building, come down the stairs and surrender without incident.” SF Gate.

Before taking him to jail, they let him see his orange cat again. You know what? Pets rock!

Officers took the cat up to the negotiators, who were talking to the man from a fire escape near the window. According to SF Gate, “Using his pet, hostage negotiators were able to persuade him to go back inside the building, come down the stairs and surrender without incident.”

If somebody isn’t already working on a script about a cat hostage negotiator, Hollywood is broken. I’d do it, but I’m too busy pretending I’m not crying in the office after reading this story.

I hope they had catnip for the hero. Nothing like a super cat to save the day. As for the jumper, hopefully he gets the help he needs. That is a decision nobody should ever have to make.

This isn’t the first time we’ve seen a hero cat:

What did you think of this cat’s heroic deeds? Do you have a cat? If you do, can you see it saving a life? Share your opinions below in the comment section and let me know what you think.

Wayne is a freelance writer who was named the 2015 American Conservative Union Blogger of the Year and awarded... More about Wayne Dupree

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