Gutfeld Shreds Mizzou Protesters: Get Them A Giant Pair Of Pampers


Greg Gutfeld, co-host of The Five on Fox News, ripped the whiny, entitled protesters at the University of Missouri for perpetuating false claims of racism, saying “The entire campus needs a giant pair of pampers.”

He said the students “wish to be treated like babies,” so why not give them ‘a lawless, segregated playpen for infants who reject rule of law and agreed upon authority.’

Gutfeld originally discussed false claims by the Student Body President who tried to spread a hoax that the KKK had arrived on campus.

Via Fox News Insider:

On “The Five” today, Greg Gutfeld reacted to the racially-charged college protests that are sweeping across the nation.

“When hate becomes a hoax, divisive ‘deceptors’ just say, ‘Well, it’s happening somewhere,'” Gutfeld said, adding that cowardly administrators indulged such lies by ousting Mizzou’s president and chancellor.

“These aren’t babies but students who wish to be treated like babies,” Gutfeld said. “The entire campus needs a giant pair of pampers.”

He said if students are complaining that the First Amendment creates an unsafe learning environment, then they should be offered a “sanctuary campus” – a lawless, segregated playpen for infants who reject rule of law and agreed upon authority.

Gutfeld was referring to a Mizzou Student VP who claimed the First Amendment rights of reporters and fellow students “are creating a hostile and unsafe learning environment for myself and for other students.”

Yes, the First Amendment which actually creates a ‘safe space’ for free speech, is violating the perceived ‘safe space’ rights of students on campus. What alternate liberal universe are we living in right now?

Watch the fiery Gutfeld segment below …

Perhaps the best line of the night came from Dana Perino, who had to bluntly explain to liberal students that while they’re looking for a safe space, they’re missing the obvious.

“America is a safe space.”

Comment:  Do you agree that the protesters at schools such as the University of Missouri and Ithaca College are nothing more than whining, entitled children?

2 thoughts on “Gutfeld Shreds Mizzou Protesters: Get Them A Giant Pair Of Pampers”

  1. …I SAY WE JOIN THEM…..yes I said it….WE ALL WALK in support of our younger brothers and sisters….
    IMAGINE having to STOP WORKING and doing things for you family and be thrust into the TERRORS AND HORRORS OF ACADEMIA….
    OH MY GAWD…NO.,,,,,,,,,,,,
    the football games…the pep rallies..the parties…
    BEING SUBJECTED TO THE QUAD IN THE SPRING..when all those COEDS brandished about in their halter tops and short shorts…
    I’M SORRY people….I just can’t go on…’s too difficult to even write about..

  2. Does 1971 ring a bell with anyone? In case you forgot, it was the year the Supreme Court ordered the integration of schools and the result of this was that every white child was bused to a black school and every black child was bused to a white school. Unfortunately, the black teachers were not intelligent or educated enough to teach white children and the black children who were bused to the white schools were not able to keep up and special remedial teachers had to be hired to try to get them up to grade level. In most cases this was not possible. They were incapable of keeping up so what was done? Eventually, everything in education and even Phys. Ed and ‘recess’ was dumbed down for everyone.
    Now these black students are trying to go to college but 90% of them need remedial courses in the basics. They are taking out Student Loans which will never be repaid because they are now wasting their time and education because their ‘sensitive little feelings are hurt’. This bothers them so badly because they cannot keep up and they need someone to blame, so of course it’s those ‘white folks’ who expect them to care enough to learn instead of making college linto some sort of social experiment.

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