FBI Raids San Juan City Offices – Including Those of Anti-Trump Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz

FBI agents raided offices in a San Juan building housing city officials, including those involved with the administration of Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz.

The raid involved dozens of FBI agents reportedly looking for documents related to “corruption” inside the administration’s purchasing and contracting departments.

The Hill reported that the raid, conducted Tuesday morning, involved allegations that people within the mayor’s office and other city officials may have shown favoritism when doling out multi-million dollar contracts with BR Solutions, a company whose owner donated money to Cruz’s campaign.

“If someone has done something wrong, must be subjected to a due process and face the consequences of their actions,” Cruz said in response to the situation.

FBI spokesman Carlos Osorio said, “We have received allegations that they have been fixing contracts, that they are falsifying documents – these having to do with federal funds.”

Osorio indicated that the Mayor herself was not targeted in the raid, though those working in the same office building were.

Trump foreshadowed corruption

The raid took place just weeks after President Trump accused the San Juan mayor of corruption in handcuffing recovery efforts in the wake of Hurricane Maria.

“It was a total mess, it was corrupt — couldn’t be worse,” Trump claimed in an interview with Geraldo Rivera.

The President added that Cruz was “incompetent” and a veritable “horror show.”

Trump also tweeted a quote about a month ago from Fox Business anchor Lou Dobbs which alleged that Puerto Rico’s government in general was a “corrupt” entity.

Another Trump claim proven apropos

President Trump, has long chastised Cruz and other San Juan officials for their inept response to the hurricane.

According to a CNBC report about hurricane recovery efforts in 2017, Trump said that ‘food and water had been brought to Puerto Rico, but it wasn’t being distributed by local people.’

Last month, bombshell photographs surfaced showing nearly one million water bottles had been dropped off for delivery at an airport in Puerto Rico over a year ago, but were never distributed by local authorities.

Those bottles were delivered to the General Services Administration (GSA) which has an office in San Juan, but never reached those people who desperately needed water.

Cruz – Puerto Rico’s version of Hillary

Mayor Cruz, much like Hillary Clinton, spends a good bulk of her time criticizing the President while not actually accomplishing much.

In order to prove her anti-Trump credentials, she appeared on left-wing media outlets wearing a “nasty woman” t-shirt, a reference to a phrase used by the President to describe her muse, Hillary.

At the same time, she failed to meet with a single federal official regarding aid, and didn’t attend a single FEMA meeting despite numerous invitations.

She recently found time to hang out in DC with radical leftists and protest the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh.

And, much like Hillary, the media is gangbusters about covering Cruz when she says something negative about Trump, but when a corruption investigation results in a raid on her administration’s offices, there is utter silence.

14 thoughts on “FBI Raids San Juan City Offices – Including Those of Anti-Trump Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz”

  1. cniewola…what the hell are you talking about??? seems that maybe you are an illegal?? President Trump is doing what the citizens (legal ones) voted him to do…the mayor of P.R. should be in jail…she did not help her citizens at all…did you see the pictures of bottled water sitting at the airport (for over a year) and nobody is getting it…I hope that maybe you choke on your own words….enough said….

  2. Disgusting, the worst President in my lifetime. As a President he is suppose to care for ALL citizens, this fat vile pig does not. Can’t wait till he’s impeached or chokes on his Big Macs.

  3. I’ll bet her friends and constituents had everything they needed. What about the lack transformers that were needed to restore power. Seems they were later found in a private warehouse.

  4. Us plain old humans surely hope that the residents of P.R. get transport to the airport,
    where the bottled water is, each resident take ONE bottle, and insert said bottle where
    Cruz…and socialists like Cruz, keep their heads.
    God forgive this selfish b1tch for NOT helping citizens with clean water needs. U.S. taxes
    PAID for this water, FEMA acted like FEMA usually does in an emergency, delivery of this
    lifesaving water required much U.S. tax $$$$$.
    This snowflake retains a position of leadership ????

    1. cniewola…what the hell are you talking about??? seems that maybe you are an illegal?? President Trump is doing what the citizens (legal ones) voted him to do…the mayor of P.R. should be in jail…she did not help her citizens at all…did you see the pictures of bottled water sitting at the airport (for over a year) and nobody is getting it…I hope that maybe you choke on your own words….enough said….

  5. Us plain old humans surely hope that the residents of P.R. get transport to the airport,
    where the bottled water is, each resident take ONE bottle, and insert said bottle where
    Cruz…and socialists like Cruz, keep their heads.
    God forgive this selfish b1tch for NOT helping citizens with clean water needs. U.S. taxes
    PAID for this water, FEMA acted like FEMA usually does in an emergency, delivery of this
    lifesaving water required much U.S. tax $$$$$.
    This snowflake retains a position of leadership ????

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