Trump Just Got An Unexpected Endorsement From An Unlikely Supporter

Ice Cube
A declaration of respect for Donald Trump’s personal success came from an unlikely source yesterday. Rapper/Actor Ice Cube went on Bloomberg’s With All Due Respect with John Heilemann for a wide-ranging interview on political topics and some of what he said may surprise you:

“Donald Trump is what Americans love. Donald Trump is what Americans aspire to be — rich, powerful, do what you wanna do, say what you wanna say, be how you wanna be,” the rapper-actor said about Trump’s appeal. “That’s kind of been like the American dream. He looks like a boss to everybody, and Americans love to have a boss.”

Ice Cube then clarified his remarks, saying, “Do I think he’s gonna do anything to help poor people or people that’s struggling? No, because he’s a rich white guy.”

He explained Trump’s wealth would make it difficult for the presidential hopeful to “relate to the small guy.”

“He’s always been rich,” the rapper said. “Being rich don’t make you bad, I ain’t saying that. But I’m just saying, how can he relate?”

H/T Billboard

Surprisingly, unlike a lot of celebrities, Ice Cube did not take the opportunity to trash Trump and bash him as a racist, even as Heilemann was baiting him by bringing up Trump questioning Obama’s birth certificate. Watch:

Ice Cube even called out Democrats on race issues after Bill Clinton got into a kerfuffle with Black Lives Matter protesters:

“For some reason, the Democrats feel they’re exempt from these protests, like, “We’re Democrats! Why are you talking to us like this, go talk to the Republicans!” No, no. Everybody’s a little guilty of turning their back or passing bad legislation and everyone should be called out on it.”

Not at all what I was expecting from an interview on Trump and Black Lives Matter.

What do you think: What is it about Trump that so many Americans love? Tell us in the comments below!

6 thoughts on “Trump Just Got An Unexpected Endorsement From An Unlikely Supporter”

  1. What is it about Trump that Americans love? We love that he speaks up when no one else does and doesn’t care if you like it, or him. We love that he shares the same view on the same issues for millions of Americans with which no other politician bothered to even speak out about until now. Cruz couldn’t find his footing in this election until he saw people flocking to Trump because of the issues he continued to bring up. Sure Ted Cruz came galloping in on Trump’s heels trying to say he would do that same things, but it was too little too late for many millions of Americans. It took someone with the guts Trump has, the mouth Trump has, the wits and intelligence Trump has, and the money Trump has to stand up to the GOP, and to stand against Obama’s policies. We don’t care “how” he says it. Just “that” he says it…..because no one else did. Can’t relate to the little guy? By the same argument, that he is a rich white guy so he can’t relate, you would have to assume that he would also not be able to relate to middle class blue collar workers either, but that is exactly what he has accomplished. Bringing jobs back “should” relate to the little guy. It “should” relate to those in poverty. They should care about it because they “should” want to better themselves. They might if they could stop the viscious cycle of thinking the democrats are on their side when clearly they have done nothing to help them and everything to hurt them. Say what you will about Trump but he is the reason the GOP has shown Americans that our government is crooked and could care less about the voters, and THAT does not only affect Trump supporters. #MAKEAMERICAGREATAGAIN

  2. S­t­a­r­t­­­­­­­­­­ y­o­u­r­­­­­­­­­ h­o­m­e­­­­­­­­ b­u­s­i­n­e­s­s­­­­­­­­­ r­i­g­h­t­­­­­­­­­ n­o­w. Spend­­­­­­ more­­­­­­ time­­­­­­ with­­­­­­ your­­­­­­ family­­­­­­ and­­­­­­ earn. Start­­­­­­ bringing­­­­­­ $60/hr­­­­­­ just­­­­­­ on­­­­­­ a­­­­­­ computer. Very­­­­­­ easy­­­­­­ way­­­­­­to­­­­­­ make­­­­­­ your­­­­­­ life­­­­­­ happy­­­­­­ and­­­­­­ earning­­­­­­ continuously. Start­­­­­­ here””­­­­­­….SD!46

  3. What is it about Trump that Americans love? We love that he speaks up when no one else does and doesn’t care if you like it, or him. We love that he shares the same view on the same issues for millions of Americans with which no other politician bothered to even speak out about until now. Cruz couldn’t find his footing in this election until he saw people flocking to Trump because of the issues he continued to bring up. Sure Ted Cruz came galloping in on Trump’s heels trying to say he would do that same things, but it was too little too late for many millions of Americans. It took someone with the guts Trump has, the mouth Trump has, the wits and intelligence Trump has, and the money Trump has to stand up to the GOP, and to stand against Obama’s policies. We don’t care “how” he says it. Just “that” he says it…..because no one else did. Can’t relate to the little guy? By the same argument, that he is a rich white guy so he can’t relate, you would have to assume that he would also not be able to relate to middle class blue collar workers either, but that is exactly what he has accomplished. Bringing jobs back “should” relate to the little guy. It “should” relate to those in poverty. They should care about it because they “should” want to better themselves. They might if they could stop the viscious cycle of thinking the democrats are on their side when clearly they have done nothing to help them and everything to hurt them. Say what you will about Trump but he is the reason the GOP has shown Americans that our government is crooked and could care less about the voters, and THAT does not only affect Trump supporters. #MAKEAMERICAGREATAGAIN

  4. S­t­a­r­t­­­­­­­­­­ y­o­u­r­­­­­­­­­ h­o­m­e­­­­­­­­ b­u­s­i­n­e­s­s­­­­­­­­­ r­i­g­h­t­­­­­­­­­ n­o­w. Spend­­­­­­ more­­­­­­ time­­­­­­ with­­­­­­ your­­­­­­ family­­­­­­ and­­­­­­ earn. Start­­­­­­ bringing­­­­­­ $60/hr­­­­­­ just­­­­­­ on­­­­­­ a­­­­­­ computer. Very­­­­­­ easy­­­­­­ way­­­­­­to­­­­­­ make­­­­­­ your­­­­­­ life­­­­­­ happy­­­­­­ and­­­­­­ earning­­­­­­ continuously. Start­­­­­­ here””­­­­­­….SD!46

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