Democrat Women Are Turning On Hillary For Rigging The Primary

warren rigged primary

Former interim DNC Chair Donna Brazile revealed evidence that confirmed the Committee rigged the primary for Hillary Clinton in 2016. Of course, we all knew this from Wikileaks last year, but the admission from such a powerful party figure is a surprise.

It wasn’t too long ago that the official party line was that the primary wasn’t rigged. In fact, earlier this year, current DNC Chair Tom Perez said while running for the position, “We heard loudly and clearly yesterday from Bernie supporters that the process was rigged and it was. And you’ve got to be honest about it. That’s why we need a chair who is transparent.” Ironically, he soon backpedaled and claimed he misspoke. So much for transparency – you got it right the first time, Tom, even if you weren’t allowed to say it.

Now the dam is officially breaking. In the wake of Brazile’s explosive news, Senator Elizabeth Warren agreed that the nomination was rigged.

Don’t forget, Warren spent a lot of time campaigning for Hillary last year.

All of this brought to mind this Tweet from Hillary Clinton quoting Sen. Warren as saying, “When we turn on each other, we can’t unite to fight back against a rigged system,” which didn’t age well.

Hillary, you ARE the rigged system. And that is why so many of us united to fight back against you last November. And, apparently, now the Democrats are starting to turn on her, too.

Former DNC Vice Chair Rep. Tulsi Gabbard also agreed that the system was rigged and said, “Today we heard from Donna Brazile that what many suspected for a long time, is actually true: the DNC secretly chose their nominee over a year before the primary elections even occurred, turning over DNC control to the Clinton campaign.”

Here’s another Tweet that DID age well:

He called it all along!

President Trump pounced on the newest revelations, tweeting:

It’s going to be fun to see what the fallout from this and any other Brazile book revelations is.

Something tells me this is only the previews – I’ve got my popcorn ready and a front row seat!

H/T Twitchy

What do you think is going to happen to the Democrat Party? Tell us in the comments below!

122 thoughts on “Democrat Women Are Turning On Hillary For Rigging The Primary”

  1. This is about the DNC being desperate to be done with that failure before the 2018 election campaigns kick into high gear. The new con will be “see we don’t have anything to do with that kind of people anymore. We operate completely above board now and have returned to our roots where American voters want us to be. Vote for Democrats in 2018!” Thing about garbage is you have to keep repackaging it if you want people to keep being interested in it.

  2. This is what happens when you sell your soul to the devil. In this case, the devil is George Soros. He invested so much money to the Clinton campaign that the DNC was forced to rig the nomination to satisfy the money man. I don’t agree that Trump will loose easily Joe. As the House of Cards crumbled on NETFLIX for Kevin Spacey’s horrible admission to his pedophile actions, so will the deceitful Democratic party along with their leader Obama and their very fragile House of Cards that they live in fall. Besides the lies and untrue rumors of collusion that are pumped into the MSM by Obama’s OFA group, I still want to give the POTUS his fair chance, if he can get one, to complete more of what he thinks will be good for America and its citizens. It’s our only hope that this government does not fall backwards again, as it did in the past eight to twelve years, to someone that wants to destroy us and this great country.

  3. I find it funny that people didn’t realize how corrupt Hillary was from the start. Anyhow Warren is just as corrupt the only reason she is saying anything is because she wants to run for President now that she knows Clinton cannot win even when she cheated.
    Imagine if a Republican had done this there would be special prosecutors everywhere . It’s a Demacrap so nothing will happen. She has already got away with treason. Almost feel sorry for Sanders he might have won.

  4. Now we who are blind are getting to see the true Dumocrats in their own environment. Not an honest one among them. We (America) are the sinking ship and we all need to start jumping this ship, Just don’ t know to where?

  5. Voting for politicians is like choosing a pineapple to be shoved where the sun doesn’t shine. It makes no difference which one you pick,it’s going to hurt

  6. Good for those Democrat ladies! I’ve always said that any woman can fool a man, but it takes an extremely clever woman to fool another woman. Guess this is verification. (Unless they were in on the rigging.) Just hope I don;’t find their names on the ‘suicide’ roster.

  7. One error in your analogy I know you would apologize for in the compassion between the the Democrats and the Titanic, but still we hear you. Those were a lot of good people on the the Titanic, compared to … blank… (you know)
    I prefer to view the current situation with the Democrats as the swamp creatures fighting for the remaining space in the the shrinking pools of slimy water. Some pools are deep and we need a few of the alligators to dive down and take on the worst of them. As the dirty water recedes we will find more long dead bodies in the mud but their fresh kills will float to the surface where they can be salvaged for boot and suitcase leather. My Apologies to the alligators on four legs.

  8. It’s not at all surprising that the democrats and especially the liberals in general are turning on one another now. There has been nothing but scandals after scandals that involves politicians, the MSM and Hollywood as these worlds are co-mingled together. Their dirty little secrets have been exposed over the last 5 – 6 weeks. They’ve shown their contempt and hypocrisy and it’s finally being exposed. They’re like the Titanic, as they are sinking in their own bile and everyone is abandoning ship. They are trying desperately to distance themselves from the corruption, greed and Hillary is the current face of the Democratic party, whether they like it or not and the closer we get to the midterm elections, we will be seeing more and more of them trying to distance themselves from Hillary AND OBAMA, as they both were involved in these incidents and corruption. I think they all know their parties in trouble.

  9. Be it Democrat or Republican…This is no real choice for Americans..
    They are as corrupt as each other.
    Both entities do what they are told by the scum who really run this country.
    Time for a change because this is not working for us..
    It works for them of course but leaves the majority of folks with no jobs and huge debts

  10. I love it when the biggest criminals in the country suddenly act so indignant and shocked at the gangsta doings of the Clintoons, as though they never had a clue that Calves and Slick were master criminals until this very moment. “Why, I never!” So believable! So credible! To quote Jon Lovitz – ACTING!

  11. I noticed the lede in the email for this story was “Liberal Senator Warren has the knives out.” Shouldn’t that have read “… has the tomahawks out”?

  12. Democrats have no integrity. The DNC is a corrupt money laundering entity and should be seized by the IRS. Warren is just saving her own ass by confronting it head on, makes her appear more trustworthy, an almost impossible feat for any Democrat. Who I really think should be pissed off more than us are Bernie Sanders supporters, THEY WERE ROBBED, ROBBED BY THEIR OWN PARTY!! Man that is nasty. If I were Bernie I’d look into racketeering charges against Hillary Clinton and the DNC. Hillary Clinton is a despicable embarrassment to herself, this Nation and her own party.

  13. another rat leaving the sinking Clinton ship, its amazing how the turn on each other when the truth starts coming out. the democratic motto, “Every man for himself”

  14. As the wise-man said, ” Polls are for dogs. They know what to do with them.”
    However in the main-time; we can appreciate that motivation for the Democrats to help drain the swamp. Us deplorables really never asked for much more then that.
    With some voter confidence in Washington and the media at least partly restored, you could be right; and the Democrats will have a chance in 2020.
    If the swamp isn’t dry, Trump or his surrogate will hold power until it is.

  15. Well, these developments are very revealing. Two fairly large political figures in an American establishment party just do not do these things ordinarily.

    And it is interesting that it has taken until now to happen, because surely everyone with any judgment in the Democratic Party knew full well the morning after the election what really went wrong.

    Something has occurred somewhere deep in the bowels of the Democratic Party.

    I guess they must have agreed in letting two women lead in attacking a woman, so it would not look unseemly. These women aren’t moved by principles, although they will pretend to be now.

    It has been obvious that the Party must throw off the Clinton chains they drag around.

    After all, the Clintons and their connections with big donors have kept the party fueled for years. You can’t easily say good-bye to that.

    But everyone in the Party’s upper ranks must have realized what a dead-eight loss Hillary had become.

    So, they’ve finally come to some kind of understanding about getting rid of her.

    After all, the embarrassing woman clearly wants to run again, and she is working hard towards that goal.

    She’s insulted half the hierarchy with her lunatic accusations about why she lost the election, and even her old partner in crime, Bill, seems to have given up on her, which is what is suggested by the anecdote about her responding badly to his editing of the manuscript of her book. He is said then to have thrown the manuscript in the garbage.

    But if the Democrats allowed her to keep going – as she will to a certainty since all she knows is how to run for President – all the Party big boys know they would be headed only for more embarrassment.

    Besides, Trump is going to be unbelievably easy to beat in 2020.

    His polls are terrible at home, and he is extremely unpopular abroad, so much so that his expected trip to Britain was put off once and now has been put off again, as well as being downgraded as an event.

    So, all the Democrats have to do for 2020 is show some regret and shame for what Hillary and Co. have done and run a decent candidate instead.

    They will win, hands down.

    I think we’ve just seen the opening shots in the battle to bring her down.

  16. these liberal morons like to refer to themselves as the educated informed voter
    and anyone who doesn’t agree with them is some backwoods dolt. well, all us
    deplorable dolts had this figured out BEFORE the election during the primaries.
    this is obviously just a ploy by the old hag brazille, by the way who’s been toiling
    on hillary’s plantation low these many years, to sell a book. of course she can
    depend on all her fellow liberal morons to run out and buy her ghost written book.
    as for rigging the election against sanders, we all know he was never anything
    but a straw man and never a serious candidate. no one was more surprised than
    old bernie when he started to catch on with the equally ignorant college students.
    lets not worry too much about bernie, he was well paid off with his expensive lake
    home and cash to spare. now if he can just keep his old wife out of jail. liberal

  17. isn’t it fun to watch the democrats eat their own. can you imagine having to be in
    a room with any of these people: hillary, donna, elizabeth, nancy, michelle, dianne,

  18. Of course the DNC primary was rigged. That woman will anything to get her way and wins the prize as the most corrupt person in politics. There is criminality too in her behavior with respect to the election. If Sessions and company do nothing about this he should be fired.

  19. Brazile and Warren are SOOOOO SLOW that they JUST NOW realised the HildaBeast rigged the Primary? I suspect they are trying to stay ahead of the TIDAL WAVE of $H!T coming their direction!!!

  20. Scary, but true. Michelle was not supposed to run for President until 2024, but is being forced to speed up her ascension to the throne because of the Hildabeast loss. She has the Black vote and the Snowflake / Liberal female vote no matter what.
    Add the added electoral college votes to Libtard strongholds (keep in mind that it makes no difference whether illegals vote or not- they are counted in the census which award more Electoral College and seats in House of Representatives) and there is no way a white male will ever be elected after the redistricting after the 2020 census.
    Big issue is will she run in 2020 and risk losing or wait and hope a Republican wins so her ascension will be back on schedule.

  21. Ask yourself, why is a liar Brazile finally telling the truth? Because she is still hungry for power, and she’s aligning herself with the Obama’s for 2020. When the time comes, she will be marketed by the Obamas as the person who stood up for truth against Hillary when Brazile was up to her cheeks in the tank for Hillary when it looked like Hillary might win.

    Don’t believe it? Ask yourself if Brazile would have written this ‘tell all” book if Hillary were in the WH? Heck, Brazile would have been her chief of staff and Brazile would have relished it despite now sharing what she found out in June of last year.

  22. Hey Larry, do not despair. I live in Seminole County and you are more than welcomed to move here. It is much nicer and quieter. Hopefully all of those cry babies will realize that they lost and become useful citizens of this great nation.

  23. What is truly ironic, so many idiots keep believing Trump is such a liar, but yet how many times has Trump been EXACTLY RIGHT!!! Over & over again things Trump has said has been proven to be 100% correct. Sad knowing here in Orange county in Central Florida, stupid Hillary won. I never knew so many stupid people lived here!

  24. Of course it was rigged. They even had a couple fall guys that no one heard about to run against her in order to give the impression it was a fair primary. They weren’t banking on Bernie though…

  25. Hillary Clinton is a sociopath. She lies, cheats, steals, slanders, libels, collides, and some say even murder, but has no remorse or conscience and doesn’t even think her behavior is wrong. She just keeps touring around spewing BS and laughing with her sarcastic, maniacal laugh.

  26. If the democrats cant even keep their own party honest and on the up and up how in the hell do you expect them to run the united states any differently? And now Lieawatha Warren is the new moral compass of the party?? The democrat party needs to completely rebuild itself before its ever going to be ready for prime time again.Its best for the country if they just stay on the bench and sit 2018 out untill they rid their party of all the corruption and ineffectiveness that has taken them down to the level they are now at.

  27. Well. what do we do now Warren? Hold the primaries all over again to let Bernie run against Trump? Get real let’s move forward. Sen. Warren certainly ins’t the most transparent person on earth. Both the DNC & the RNC have been force feeding their brand of politics for decades!
    Time for America to control our future not politicians of either brand.

  28. The funny thing is in Crooked Hillary’s book she blames the DNC for her presidential election loss. Huh? She blames the the DNC of which she had total control over!!! Oh well, we all knew her book was a joke to begin with. She lies so much that she has to carry the narrative as though she believes it. Beyond crooked, she is psycho!!!

  29. Any Democrat that does not condemn the actions of Hillary and the DNC during the 2016 primaries should no longer have any credibility on any political issue. I am no fan of Elizabeth, but this is a good start if she wants to be a viable player in future politics. The DNC left those of us who do not vote party ticket without a real choice other than Mr. Trump. Hillary’s baggage just made her unacceptable and Bernie would have been a better choice, but I am sure the Democrats could have fielded better if not controlled by the Clinton machine.

  30. I think the Democrats are going to put the old War Horses out to pasture. They are poison, part of the corruption and cheating. They need to find new, more honorable blood if they have any chance of rebounding. Personally, I hope the party sinks deep into the swamp they helped create, never to rise again.

  31. Those politicians who play uninformed, dumb and stupid should be voted out of politics and let them get a decent job rather than squander the taxpayers’ money and produce nothing.

  32. WOW!! If lowly Debbie Wasserman Schultz knew so much about the RIGGED nomination and replacement Donna Brazile knew about it as well – how is it possible that high ranking Democrats like – Elizabeth Warren – Chuck Schumer – Nancy Pelosi – knew nothing about it? They want to run the country yet don’t even know what’s going on in their own party? Brazile said that Hillary demanded to be in charge of all things Democrat from control of the money on down – they had to know something like that. And boy oh boy do the Democrats have a conundrum – how can they possibly challenge anything that Brazile has said without coming off as “racist”?

  33. Hillary supporters were behind her and her corrupting behavior, but now that she lost and no coronation they are dumping her with vengeance. Best thing that should happen now to drain the sewer and round the crooks and lock them up, but teach them some decency and civility there.

  34. AmericanBelle1 There is a higher authority and it is We The People. We can vote them out in 2018’s primaries and in the General Election in 2020. Let’s go Trump MAGA.

  35. Voting for a democrat is just rewarding bad behavior and that is something that we should never get in the habit of doing.Their party is in the toilet right now and I dont see anything changing for the better any time soon.

  36. I think the American ppl. are catching on to what the democrats are about. Like the old addage, you can fool some of the ppl. all the time, & all the ppl’ some of the time, but you CAN’T fool ALL the ppl. ALL the time. I hope to see them implode on themselves. They are a bunch of UN-American, marxist,socialist,OWO, globalist, progressives who hate this country. They need to be investigated & declared a terrorist organization out to destroy this country as we know & love it.We are not interested in becoming like Europe or Scandinavia. We can see how all this “one world” B/S, globalism is working out for the ones who have it. As far as I’m concerned, they are welcome to it, just keep it over there, don’t give it to us, We DO NOT want it, thank you!!!!!

  37. Looks like the “Deplorables” were not so Deplorable after all – the truth hurts bad especially when those who were slinging the mud get hit right in the face with the very mud they were slinging. Of course hypocrisy is nothing new for the Democrats.

  38. They say that even I a lie there may be a kernel of truth. Donna Brazile, though established liar, may have told in her book, unintentionally of vindictively some truth.

  39. They say that even I a lie there may be a kernel of truth. Donna Brazile, though established liar, may have told in her book, unintentionally of vindictively some truth.

  40. What is so disturbing about all of this is that many of us figured it out pretty much; but its the Democrats who stood behind Hillary all the way, like Warner, putting the screws to Trump supporters while lying through their teeth about EVERYTHING. They continued the lies and insults for a year now, and would have continued it had it not been for Brazille’s book. People like Warren KNEW and kept quiet, while out there by Hillary’s side, insulting Trump and his supporters.

    These people are evil. It’s too bad there’s not some higher authority who could tear down the Democrat party into oblivion where it belongs. They need to regroup to their ideology…perhaps call themselves the Progressive Party, or the Socialist Party. They certainly aren’t Democrats fighting for democracy! They’re liars and cheats and their party should reflect that….MUST reflect that.

  41. Yet another crime Hillary was involved in. I guess they all better talk now while they can, before they’re found mysteriously dead by “suicide with a shot to the back of the head”. This was election fraud and taking the right of fair and free elections away from the people. Think about all that Hillary had working for her AND STILL SHE LOST! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH And that loser just doesn’t get it how much we can’t stand her.

  42. Yet another crime Hillary was involved in. I guess they all better talk now while they can, before they’re found mysteriously dead by “suicide with a shot to the back of the head”. This was election fraud and taking the right of fair and free elections away from the people. Think about all that Hillary had working for her AND STILL SHE LOST! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH And that loser just doesn’t get it how much we can’t stand her.

  43. This is about the DNC being desperate to be done with that failure before the 2018 election campaigns kick into high gear. The new con will be “see we don’t have anything to do with that kind of people anymore. We operate completely above board now and have returned to our roots where American voters want us to be. Vote for Democrats in 2018!” Thing about garbage is you have to keep repackaging it if you want people to keep being interested in it.

  44. This is what happens when you sell your soul to the devil. In this case, the devil is George Soros. He invested so much money to the Clinton campaign that the DNC was forced to rig the nomination to satisfy the money man. I don’t agree that Trump will loose easily Joe. As the House of Cards crumbled on NETFLIX for Kevin Spacey’s horrible admission to his pedophile actions, so will the deceitful Democratic party along with their leader Obama and their very fragile House of Cards that they live in fall. Besides the lies and untrue rumors of collusion that are pumped into the MSM by Obama’s OFA group, I still want to give the POTUS his fair chance, if he can get one, to complete more of what he thinks will be good for America and its citizens. It’s our only hope that this government does not fall backwards again, as it did in the past eight to twelve years, to someone that wants to destroy us and this great country.

  45. I find it funny that people didn’t realize how corrupt Hillary was from the start. Anyhow Warren is just as corrupt the only reason she is saying anything is because she wants to run for President now that she knows Clinton cannot win even when she cheated.
    Imagine if a Republican had done this there would be special prosecutors everywhere . It’s a Demacrap so nothing will happen. She has already got away with treason. Almost feel sorry for Sanders he might have won.

  46. Now we who are blind are getting to see the true Dumocrats in their own environment. Not an honest one among them. We (America) are the sinking ship and we all need to start jumping this ship, Just don’ t know to where?

  47. Good for those Democrat ladies! I’ve always said that any woman can fool a man, but it takes an extremely clever woman to fool another woman. Guess this is verification. (Unless they were in on the rigging.) Just hope I don;’t find their names on the ‘suicide’ roster.

  48. It’s not at all surprising that the democrats and especially the liberals in general are turning on one another now. There has been nothing but scandals after scandals that involves politicians, the MSM and Hollywood as these worlds are co-mingled together. Their dirty little secrets have been exposed over the last 5 – 6 weeks. They’ve shown their contempt and hypocrisy and it’s finally being exposed. They’re like the Titanic, as they are sinking in their own bile and everyone is abandoning ship. They are trying desperately to distance themselves from the corruption, greed and Hillary is the current face of the Democratic party, whether they like it or not and the closer we get to the midterm elections, we will be seeing more and more of them trying to distance themselves from Hillary AND OBAMA, as they both were involved in these incidents and corruption. I think they all know their parties in trouble.

    1. One error in your analogy I know you would apologize for in the compassion between the the Democrats and the Titanic, but still we hear you. Those were a lot of good people on the the Titanic, compared to … blank… (you know)
      I prefer to view the current situation with the Democrats as the swamp creatures fighting for the remaining space in the the shrinking pools of slimy water. Some pools are deep and we need a few of the alligators to dive down and take on the worst of them. As the dirty water recedes we will find more long dead bodies in the mud but their fresh kills will float to the surface where they can be salvaged for boot and suitcase leather. My Apologies to the alligators on four legs.

  49. Be it Democrat or Republican…This is no real choice for Americans..
    They are as corrupt as each other.
    Both entities do what they are told by the scum who really run this country.
    Time for a change because this is not working for us..
    It works for them of course but leaves the majority of folks with no jobs and huge debts

  50. I love it when the biggest criminals in the country suddenly act so indignant and shocked at the gangsta doings of the Clintoons, as though they never had a clue that Calves and Slick were master criminals until this very moment. “Why, I never!” So believable! So credible! To quote Jon Lovitz – ACTING!

  51. Democrats have no integrity. The DNC is a corrupt money laundering entity and should be seized by the IRS. Warren is just saving her own ass by confronting it head on, makes her appear more trustworthy, an almost impossible feat for any Democrat. Who I really think should be pissed off more than us are Bernie Sanders supporters, THEY WERE ROBBED, ROBBED BY THEIR OWN PARTY!! Man that is nasty. If I were Bernie I’d look into racketeering charges against Hillary Clinton and the DNC. Hillary Clinton is a despicable embarrassment to herself, this Nation and her own party.

  52. Well, these developments are very revealing. Two fairly large political figures in an American establishment party just do not do these things ordinarily.

    And it is interesting that it has taken until now to happen, because surely everyone with any judgment in the Democratic Party knew full well the morning after the election what really went wrong.

    Something has occurred somewhere deep in the bowels of the Democratic Party.

    I guess they must have agreed in letting two women lead in attacking a woman, so it would not look unseemly. These women aren’t moved by principles, although they will pretend to be now.

    It has been obvious that the Party must throw off the Clinton chains they drag around.

    After all, the Clintons and their connections with big donors have kept the party fueled for years. You can’t easily say good-bye to that.

    But everyone in the Party’s upper ranks must have realized what a dead-eight loss Hillary had become.

    So, they’ve finally come to some kind of understanding about getting rid of her.

    After all, the embarrassing woman clearly wants to run again, and she is working hard towards that goal.

    She’s insulted half the hierarchy with her lunatic accusations about why she lost the election, and even her old partner in crime, Bill, seems to have given up on her, which is what is suggested by the anecdote about her responding badly to his editing of the manuscript of her book. He is said then to have thrown the manuscript in the garbage.

    But if the Democrats allowed her to keep going – as she will to a certainty since all she knows is how to run for President – all the Party big boys know they would be headed only for more embarrassment.

    Besides, Trump is going to be unbelievably easy to beat in 2020.

    His polls are terrible at home, and he is extremely unpopular abroad, so much so that his expected trip to Britain was put off once and now has been put off again, as well as being downgraded as an event.

    So, all the Democrats have to do for 2020 is show some regret and shame for what Hillary and Co. have done and run a decent candidate instead.

    They will win, hands down.

    I think we’ve just seen the opening shots in the battle to bring her down.

    1. As the wise-man said, ” Polls are for dogs. They know what to do with them.”
      However in the main-time; we can appreciate that motivation for the Democrats to help drain the swamp. Us deplorables really never asked for much more then that.
      With some voter confidence in Washington and the media at least partly restored, you could be right; and the Democrats will have a chance in 2020.
      If the swamp isn’t dry, Trump or his surrogate will hold power until it is.

  53. these liberal morons like to refer to themselves as the educated informed voter
    and anyone who doesn’t agree with them is some backwoods dolt. well, all us
    deplorable dolts had this figured out BEFORE the election during the primaries.
    this is obviously just a ploy by the old hag brazille, by the way who’s been toiling
    on hillary’s plantation low these many years, to sell a book. of course she can
    depend on all her fellow liberal morons to run out and buy her ghost written book.
    as for rigging the election against sanders, we all know he was never anything
    but a straw man and never a serious candidate. no one was more surprised than
    old bernie when he started to catch on with the equally ignorant college students.
    lets not worry too much about bernie, he was well paid off with his expensive lake
    home and cash to spare. now if he can just keep his old wife out of jail. liberal

    1. isn’t it fun to watch the democrats eat their own. can you imagine having to be in
      a room with any of these people: hillary, donna, elizabeth, nancy, michelle, dianne,

  54. Of course the DNC primary was rigged. That woman will anything to get her way and wins the prize as the most corrupt person in politics. There is criminality too in her behavior with respect to the election. If Sessions and company do nothing about this he should be fired.

  55. Brazile and Warren are SOOOOO SLOW that they JUST NOW realised the HildaBeast rigged the Primary? I suspect they are trying to stay ahead of the TIDAL WAVE of $H!T coming their direction!!!

  56. Ask yourself, why is a liar Brazile finally telling the truth? Because she is still hungry for power, and she’s aligning herself with the Obama’s for 2020. When the time comes, she will be marketed by the Obamas as the person who stood up for truth against Hillary when Brazile was up to her cheeks in the tank for Hillary when it looked like Hillary might win.

    Don’t believe it? Ask yourself if Brazile would have written this ‘tell all” book if Hillary were in the WH? Heck, Brazile would have been her chief of staff and Brazile would have relished it despite now sharing what she found out in June of last year.

    1. Scary, but true. Michelle was not supposed to run for President until 2024, but is being forced to speed up her ascension to the throne because of the Hildabeast loss. She has the Black vote and the Snowflake / Liberal female vote no matter what.
      Add the added electoral college votes to Libtard strongholds (keep in mind that it makes no difference whether illegals vote or not- they are counted in the census which award more Electoral College and seats in House of Representatives) and there is no way a white male will ever be elected after the redistricting after the 2020 census.
      Big issue is will she run in 2020 and risk losing or wait and hope a Republican wins so her ascension will be back on schedule.

  57. What is truly ironic, so many idiots keep believing Trump is such a liar, but yet how many times has Trump been EXACTLY RIGHT!!! Over & over again things Trump has said has been proven to be 100% correct. Sad knowing here in Orange county in Central Florida, stupid Hillary won. I never knew so many stupid people lived here!

    1. Hey Larry, do not despair. I live in Seminole County and you are more than welcomed to move here. It is much nicer and quieter. Hopefully all of those cry babies will realize that they lost and become useful citizens of this great nation.

  58. Of course it was rigged. They even had a couple fall guys that no one heard about to run against her in order to give the impression it was a fair primary. They weren’t banking on Bernie though…

  59. Hillary Clinton is a sociopath. She lies, cheats, steals, slanders, libels, collides, and some say even murder, but has no remorse or conscience and doesn’t even think her behavior is wrong. She just keeps touring around spewing BS and laughing with her sarcastic, maniacal laugh.

  60. If the democrats cant even keep their own party honest and on the up and up how in the hell do you expect them to run the united states any differently? And now Lieawatha Warren is the new moral compass of the party?? The democrat party needs to completely rebuild itself before its ever going to be ready for prime time again.Its best for the country if they just stay on the bench and sit 2018 out untill they rid their party of all the corruption and ineffectiveness that has taken them down to the level they are now at.

  61. Well. what do we do now Warren? Hold the primaries all over again to let Bernie run against Trump? Get real let’s move forward. Sen. Warren certainly ins’t the most transparent person on earth. Both the DNC & the RNC have been force feeding their brand of politics for decades!
    Time for America to control our future not politicians of either brand.

  62. The funny thing is in Crooked Hillary’s book she blames the DNC for her presidential election loss. Huh? She blames the the DNC of which she had total control over!!! Oh well, we all knew her book was a joke to begin with. She lies so much that she has to carry the narrative as though she believes it. Beyond crooked, she is psycho!!!

  63. Any Democrat that does not condemn the actions of Hillary and the DNC during the 2016 primaries should no longer have any credibility on any political issue. I am no fan of Elizabeth, but this is a good start if she wants to be a viable player in future politics. The DNC left those of us who do not vote party ticket without a real choice other than Mr. Trump. Hillary’s baggage just made her unacceptable and Bernie would have been a better choice, but I am sure the Democrats could have fielded better if not controlled by the Clinton machine.

  64. I think the Democrats are going to put the old War Horses out to pasture. They are poison, part of the corruption and cheating. They need to find new, more honorable blood if they have any chance of rebounding. Personally, I hope the party sinks deep into the swamp they helped create, never to rise again.

  65. WOW!! If lowly Debbie Wasserman Schultz knew so much about the RIGGED nomination and replacement Donna Brazile knew about it as well – how is it possible that high ranking Democrats like – Elizabeth Warren – Chuck Schumer – Nancy Pelosi – knew nothing about it? They want to run the country yet don’t even know what’s going on in their own party? Brazile said that Hillary demanded to be in charge of all things Democrat from control of the money on down – they had to know something like that. And boy oh boy do the Democrats have a conundrum – how can they possibly challenge anything that Brazile has said without coming off as “racist”?

  66. Hillary supporters were behind her and her corrupting behavior, but now that she lost and no coronation they are dumping her with vengeance. Best thing that should happen now to drain the sewer and round the crooks and lock them up, but teach them some decency and civility there.

  67. What is so disturbing about all of this is that many of us figured it out pretty much; but its the Democrats who stood behind Hillary all the way, like Warner, putting the screws to Trump supporters while lying through their teeth about EVERYTHING. They continued the lies and insults for a year now, and would have continued it had it not been for Brazille’s book. People like Warren KNEW and kept quiet, while out there by Hillary’s side, insulting Trump and his supporters.

    These people are evil. It’s too bad there’s not some higher authority who could tear down the Democrat party into oblivion where it belongs. They need to regroup to their ideology…perhaps call themselves the Progressive Party, or the Socialist Party. They certainly aren’t Democrats fighting for democracy! They’re liars and cheats and their party should reflect that….MUST reflect that.

    1. Looks like the “Deplorables” were not so Deplorable after all – the truth hurts bad especially when those who were slinging the mud get hit right in the face with the very mud they were slinging. Of course hypocrisy is nothing new for the Democrats.

    2. I think the American ppl. are catching on to what the democrats are about. Like the old addage, you can fool some of the ppl. all the time, & all the ppl’ some of the time, but you CAN’T fool ALL the ppl. ALL the time. I hope to see them implode on themselves. They are a bunch of UN-American, marxist,socialist,OWO, globalist, progressives who hate this country. They need to be investigated & declared a terrorist organization out to destroy this country as we know & love it.We are not interested in becoming like Europe or Scandinavia. We can see how all this “one world” B/S, globalism is working out for the ones who have it. As far as I’m concerned, they are welcome to it, just keep it over there, don’t give it to us, We DO NOT want it, thank you!!!!!

    3. Voting for a democrat is just rewarding bad behavior and that is something that we should never get in the habit of doing.Their party is in the toilet right now and I dont see anything changing for the better any time soon.

    4. AmericanBelle1 There is a higher authority and it is We The People. We can vote them out in 2018’s primaries and in the General Election in 2020. Let’s go Trump MAGA.

    1. Yet another crime Hillary was involved in. I guess they all better talk now while they can, before they’re found mysteriously dead by “suicide with a shot to the back of the head”. This was election fraud and taking the right of fair and free elections away from the people. Think about all that Hillary had working for her AND STILL SHE LOST! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH And that loser just doesn’t get it how much we can’t stand her.

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