Donald Trump Met With 100 Black Pastors And The Result Wasn’t What The Media Expected!

Donald Trump

GOP front-runner Donald Trump met with black pastors from across the nation to talk about issues they were worried about in regards to Trump’s speech, innuendos, and also how the media was taking many of his words and using them out of context. This wasn’t a “rub shoulders” meeting as you will see in the video below.

This was a very informative and important meeting that needed to happen.

A summary by USNews went like this:

“The beautiful thing about the meeting is that they didn’t really ask me to change the tone,” Trump said. “I think they really want to see victory, because ultimately it is about, we want to win and we want to win together.”

At a rally later Monday in Macon, Georgia, Trump told a nearly all-white audience of about 5,000 that the meeting was “inspiring” and “unbelievable.”

“It was a really terrific day,” he said.

“I asked him: ‘Are you a racist? People are saying that about you,'” Bloomer said. “If you are seeking the African-American community to support you, at the least, you’re not helping with these kind of things that are going on.”

Bloomer said he told Trump that “if he wants to have our ear as a community, to at least tone down the rhetoric some kind of way, tone it down. And he said that he would.”

Trump isn’t racist, sexist, or xenophobic. He doesn’t lie…he exaggerates. He’s working the media and saving millions of dollars on advertising with his strategy. So he’s rough around the edges. You’re not selecting someone to have over to your house for dinner. If you want a smooth talker who is only focused on promoting themselves and their political aspirations, then vote for someone else.

If you want someone who won’t quit until he gets the job done, who knows how to negotiate and get the best deal, and how to work for the benefit of the entire country, then vote for Trump. Its that simple. That’s what I think.

Watch the full post-meeting press conference here:

To me, the only significant thing was that this meeting happened. I doubt Trump initiated the gathering. He knows blacks vote Democrat. But the pastors met with him, and he listened to what they had to say. I give them and him credit for doing that. When you refuse to talk with people you may disagree with, you close the door on any chance of finding common ground. Good for all of them!

After watching this, what were your thoughts coming away from it? Will Trump gain their support? Does he need their support?

Share your comments below and tell me what you thought of the meeting.

H/T: USNews

Wayne is a freelance writer who was named the 2015 American Conservative Union Blogger of the Year and awarded... More about Wayne Dupree

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