WARNING For Parents: Disney Planning Full-Blown Gay Propaganda For This Popular Movie?

Finding Dory gay
First a lesbian couple, now a transgender stingray? Ellen DeGeneres, the star of the new Disney-Pixar animated film “Finding Dory,” teased a possible transgender story line in the movie in a video for the Associated Press.

When asked about the buzz about a possible lesbian couple featured in the trailer, Ellen said, “I don’t mind the question and I don’t know if it’s true or not. I don’t know that it is or if she just has a bad short haircut, you know? Who knows if she’s a lesbian? But actually I’ll tell you a little secret. There’s a stingray that’s becoming sting-Rhonda, so there’s a trans-sting in the movie.”

I’m pretty sure if there was a real lesbian couple in her movie Ellen would know about it and would share, so I don’t think that story is real. I’m hoping this is just another case of the LGBT-obsessed media blowing things out of proportion and that Ellen was making a joke. I REALLY hope Disney has not brought transgender issues into their kids’ movies.

People are already calling for boycotts on the film, but I think this is all just a publicity stunt and it will probably be a heartwarming, non-controversial family film.

“Finding Dory” will be officially released on Friday, with some theaters having late night showings tonight, so we will all find out soon!

Watch the interview where Ellen talks about “sting-Rhonda” here:

H/T Breitbart

What do you think – is this just a publicity stunt or will Disney have lesbian and transgender themes in its new film “Finding Dory?” Join the discussion below!

Alexa is a freelance writer and communications consultant, with experience working on the Hill, at the RNC, and for... More about Alexa

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