Conservative Boycotts Vs. Liberal Boycotts Perfectly Explained

conservative boycott

Personally, I don’t know why any company would want to have political stances of their own, or have the public be aware of it. It seems like, at best, a way to alienate half your customers no matter what stance you’re taking.

Just look at recent examples, like Target taking a stance on the transgender bathroom “debate,” or Chick-fil-A supporting traditional marriage.

Both prompted quick, and fierce responses (in the form of boycotts). The American Family Association’s petition to boycott Target now boasts nearly 1.5 million signatures.

On the other hand, what happened when Chick-fil-A’s one-time donation to help fund a pro-traditional marriage conference was made public by a liberal critic of the restaurant? Thanks to Mike Huckabee, “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day” was started, and it lead to their largest day of sales in a single day.

The truth is, there’s a HUGE difference between conservative boycotts and liberal boycotts. Here’s a perfect example:

conservative boycott

On the other hand, maybe the reason conservative businesses haven’t been adversely affected by liberal protestors is the same reason liberals have so much time to protest in the first place. They don’t have any jobs to be at!

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7 thoughts on “Conservative Boycotts Vs. Liberal Boycotts Perfectly Explained”

  1. The best I can make of all this is: as far as businesses are concerned, boycotts wound, cancel culture kills. Or maybe taking it further: boycotts wound businesses, cancel culture kills reputations and personal lives.

  2. Add Penzeys Spice House to the boycott list! They have a new anti-Trump/anti-Republican campaign called “Penzeys Up” that is highly offensive.

    Here’s a clip from their latest promotional email rant where they give away an ”Embrace Hope” pin. In their email w/coupon, I had to scroll down to see their true colors (signed [email protected]).

    “. . . Did we just see concrete proof that the President of the United States of America is an unrepentant criminal? Absolutely. Did we also just see the Republican Party stand up and admit they know damn well he is a criminal and have always known he’s a criminal and tough luck if the American people don’t like it? 98%+ on that one, too. . . .”

  3. Not true. Keep the pressure on and do your best to keep from unknowingly supporting those who strive to destroy our country and everything it stands for. It will add up and make a difference.

  4. So called conservative boycotts have generally been ineffective. Target basically UNTOUCHED by the boycott, Starbucks actually EXPANDING because their businesses are doing so well, (the support of veterans will do that). AND it is also true that the boycotts by liberals are generally ineffective. The reason for BOTGH of these facts is simple, Corporations are simply too large to have any serious consequences. Starbucks can exist without ANY American stores and succeed. Target doesn’t NEED conservative dollars to remain solvent and profitable. What IS more effective as a boycott is to boycott a town or city where these businesses are located since it is the towns and cities that are financially vulnerable. But of course don’t let a little thing like facts interfere with your delusions of how great fascism is, (i.e. Conservatives).

  5. Never ate in Chic-Fil-A Until the Boycott. Now we eat their at least once a week with our children & grandchildren. FLIP THE COIN We no longer shop at Target in Holly Springs or Cary. We had problems when the made their clothes & toys(games) gender neutral and finally with the REST ROOMS. We do not believe that all Transgender people are sexual predators, maybe even a super low percent, BUT our wive, daughter, grandaughters, do not want the opposite BIRTH GENDER sharing, rest rooms, changing rooms, etc

  6. So called conservative boycotts have generally been ineffective. Target basically UNTOUCHED by the boycott, Starbucks actually EXPANDING because their businesses are doing so well, (the support of veterans will do that). AND it is also true that the boycotts by liberals are generally ineffective. The reason for BOTGH of these facts is simple, Corporations are simply too large to have any serious consequences. Starbucks can exist without ANY American stores and succeed. Target doesn’t NEED conservative dollars to remain solvent and profitable. What IS more effective as a boycott is to boycott a town or city where these businesses are located since it is the towns and cities that are financially vulnerable. But of course don’t let a little thing like facts interfere with your delusions of how great fascism is, (i.e. Conservatives).

  7. Never ate in Chic-Fil-A Until the Boycott. Now we eat their at least once a week with our children & grandchildren. FLIP THE COIN We no longer shop at Target in Holly Springs or Cary. We had problems when the made their clothes & toys(games) gender neutral and finally with the REST ROOMS. We do not believe that all Transgender people are sexual predators, maybe even a super low percent, BUT our wive, daughter, grandaughters, do not want the opposite BIRTH GENDER sharing, rest rooms, changing rooms, etc

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