Chelsea Clinton Praises Hillary, Slams Trump In Nauseating Letter To Children

chelsea clinton teen vogue letter

More than a year later, liberals still just can’t get over the fact that Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump, and now Chelsea Clinton has done her best to make sure that future generations of whiners won’t get over it, either.

In the December issue of Teen Vogue – which was, for some bizarre reason, guest edited by Hillary – Chelsea penned a letter to her children titled, “My Hopes For Your Futures Haven’t Changed.” In the letter, Chelsea waxes poetic about Hillary’s failed presidential campaign – and completely vilifies both Trump and the people who voted for him.

“For me, the 2016 Election was most of all about you and the world I wanted for you and your generation to grow up in,” Chelsea wrote to her children, Charlotte and Aiden. “While your grandmother’s name was on the ballot, for me, it was an election fundamentally about our country’s future, about your future.”

Sounds nice, right? Well, just wait until you see what Chelsea had to say to her children about Trump and his supporters.

“[Hillary] spoke about all she hoped and planned to do to lift up everyone’s lives and opportunities,” Chelsea waxed. “Then she talked about people with racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic views that then-candidate Trump emboldened and validated.”

It only gets worse from there.

“In 2016, your grandmother was equally fighting for the people who agreed with her and those who didn’t — but she wasn’t afraid to call out bigoted views for what they were,” Clinton said, before going on to imply that Trump is an Islamaphobe, a neo-Nazi apologist, and an anti-vaxxer and science-denier. She even claims that school bullying is on the rise because of Trump.

“We have a president who excuses neo-Nazis, who wants to ban members of our military because of who they are and keep out immigrants because of who they worship. We have a president who denies science, whether it’s vaccines or climate change or evidence that, yes, health insurance helps save lives; that’s personal, too, because it’s about protecting our public health today and in the future. The marked rise in bullying in our schools, with some kids citing President Trump’s words to taunt others? That’s personal, too.”

You know what else is personal? How badly Chelsea has insulted our collective intelligence with this nauseating letter.

One day when Charlotte and Aiden are old enough, hopefully someone will inform them that their grandmother lost not because perceived evil triumphed over perceived good, but because she’s a liar and a criminal who held herself above the law and everyone else.

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84 thoughts on “Chelsea Clinton Praises Hillary, Slams Trump In Nauseating Letter To Children”

  1. Who in their right mind would consider ” Make America great again” bullying words?? Girl, you are as dopey as you mother! Your mom must have chanted something similar- like “Make America Hillary’s again” or ” I’m above the law because all I have to do is plead the fifth, or make a joke about the issues and they can’t legally touch me”. You do yourself no favors for defending you criminal mother. Sure, keep loving her and hope she finally has an epiphany before she goes to meet her maker. She might even find salvation just like President Trump did…

  2. How appropriate that Hillary Clinton and her sick daughter edit a magazine that recently published an article instructing teens in “butt sex”. I mean, the magazine is titled, “Teen Vogue”, right? So why are they instructing teens in anal sex?

    If there are some of you that have not heard of this and don’t believe it, trust me; it’s true. Look it up. It hasn’t been that long ago. I wouldn’t have that rag near my house.

  3. True Satanists – get ’em while they are young and impressionable – wonder if they can be cited for corruption of minors; is this not a form of mental assault preventing free will – in some sense, more sinister than sexual assault on a minor

  4. Sad, isn’t it? We know apples don’t fall far from the tree and this twisted, mentally-deranged little twit lies just like her mama; after all, it was her mama who raised her. I feel sorry for her little ones and pray they grow up and are intelligent enough to see and understand the truth!

  5. It won’t matter – when they are old enough to understand reality , they will see that even their own mother was duped by “Grandma Hillary.” At this point in their lives, they are innocent children. I hope they grow up to learn and accept the truth and then become productive adults unlike their two sets of Grandparents and even their Parents. Reality needs to set in and normalize these poor kids! I wish THEM no ill-will just because of who they were unfortunate enough to be born to!

  6. Chelsea has children? That means someone had to have sex with her?
    Eeewwww! My condolences to the husband. He’s been punished enough. How would you like to have Hillary for a mother-in-law? Eeewwww!

  7. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA — their future is much much brighter now that we have a real President and leader who cares about America. One that puts America before themselves and their dirtbag party and before foreign muslim countries and dictators. We now have a real PRESIDENT !!!!

  8. Hillary Clinton — “I guest-edited this month’s issue of @TeenVogue. ” DAMN, I mis-read that, thought for a second it said GHOST-edited. HOW DISAPPOINTING!!!

  9. Well, what do you know? I have something in common with Chelsea Clinton-Mezvinsky. I, too am very optimistic about our Country’s future now that her corrupt, criminal, crooked mother lost the election. The mind of a corrupt liberal I personally find fascinating as I’m going for my doctorate in psychology. Hillary Clinton is a highly manipulative, malignant narcissist. They tend to twist facts, love to project their corruption and blame it on everyone else. Hillary is a very angry, abusive (physically, emotionally and verbally), manipulative, malignant narcissist which is the most dangerous kind out there. There is a twisted sickness about her delusions that border on being very aggressive, to the point of being vicious, uncontrollable and licentious in its nature. Hillary has a very toxic personality and people such as malignant narcissists, tend to be psychopaths who find pleasure in hurting others. They tend to be antisocial traits engage in maladaptive behaviors in relationships that ultimately exploit, demean and hurt their intimate partners, family members and friends. They use a plethora of diversionary tactics that distort the reality of their victims and deflect responsibility. Although those who are not narcissistic can employ these tactics as well, but abusive, malignant narcissists use these to an excessive extent in an effort to escape accountability for their actions. Malignant narcissism is a syndrome that is characterized by a narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), antisocial features, paranoid traits, and egosyntonic aggression. Other symptoms may include an absence of conscience, a psychological need for power, and a sense of importance or grandiosity. This is all Hillary as she gets pleasure hurting other people and laughs at them. This makes Hillary a very dangerous as she’s has an insatiable need for power. Which would make her sadistic. It’s what I saw her do during her campaign. She laughed at inappropriate times and laugh too long. Since she’s been this from birth, it makes her a psychopath. I have a feeling she’s been this manipulate at a very young age.
    Malignant narcissists aren’t always intellectual masterminds – many of them are intellectually lazy. Rather than taking the time to carefully consider a different perspective, they generalize anything and everything you say, making blanket statements that don’t acknowledge the nuances in your argument or take into account the multiple perspectives you’ve paid homage to. Better yet, why not put a label on you that dismisses your perspective altogether? This is Hillary Rodham Clinton and I pray she never gets the power she’s craved her entire life.

    1. Eileen; very good and well thought out analysis of this Clinton disaster. When you have a power hungry woman who has no feelings of human life when she gloated over the killing of Moamar Khadaffi….we definitely do not want this woman anywhere near our nuclear arsenal..

  10. Sadly, what extremely negative, miserable and coddled adults FAIL to realize is, their own children grow up and become adults MUCH faster than their parents! Chelsea has been extremely spoiled all her life! Her children, even as young as they are, KNOW it! They will either end up being spoiled and “entitled”, begin to pity her at their tween years, or USE the doting G-mom as a bargaining chip! Either way, the biased, prejudiced, ridiculous blathering hatred she spewed out for THEM to read at a later date, she’ll be abandoned, shunned, ignored, made fun of, or turn bitter like she and her mother have! Either way, The Clinton Clingers are history!

  11. No matter what tripe Chelsea bestows on them, they just may grow up to think for themselves. At what point will they wonder why Muslims were welcomed here while the Christians and Jews were being slaughtered in their homelands by Muslims. They may wonder why Muslims are killing Americans? Then it may dawn on them that people are not born to fear other humans, but it is a self survival mechanism while they are learning about the world around them.

  12. To Chelsea’s children…as you read the Teen Vogue article on your way to visit your mom and granny in federal prison please know the people that voted for Donald Trump get’s no pleasure in seeing you miserable…One day you will understand they would be in jail even longer if not for your Aunt Ivanka pleading with her daddy to shorten the sentence…Your grandma likes to say one thing but do another…as you can see by the bars you speak to her behind…Good luck kids..Aunt Monica is sweet and cares for you both…and paw paw Bill…

  13. Marjorie posting: Chelsea (clinton / handler), what is it about that name that makes whomever is called that a brainwashed lib tard. Chelsea clinton is in denial. It is scary on so many different levels that it is hard to put into words.

  14. The Clintons are actually worse than white supremacists, at least you know what they stand for, not so much with the Clinton’s. They are evil, corrupt and a plague on human society. The American people don’t know how lucky they were to escape the evil clutches of Hillary Clinton.

    1. Killary Rotten’s offspring (her father is not even Slick Willie) wow…Keep on running Cheka-Chelsea on pro-commie propaganda. Other than some leftists, anti-fa-idiots and demoncRATS, you can’t sell to the masses your sick agenda

  15. I read all the comments and did not see a single one pointing out the idiocy of Teen Vogue Magazine asking a criminal to be a guest editor. If I had a teenage daughter, I definitely would not want her learning the values (or lack thereof) of the Clinton mob. I am now tempted to buy a copy of Teen Vogue to make a list of their advertisers so that I can boycott every one of them.

      1. I was able to find a list of their sponsors on-line. No problem. I am not buying any of those products, anyway, But I also read that Teen Vogue’s publication is coming to an end. Maybe their December issue (with Hillery) was a “Hail Mary” attempt to piss off patriotic Americans.

  16. The mother (Hillary aka Killary and Bill the Cocaine sniffing criminal) openly praise communist monsters like Mao, Marx and Stalin… These monsters, under Jewish Bolsheviks funded by Wall street Hebrews, tortured and murdered 150 MILLION innocent men, women and children. making them the number 1 threat to your life, freedom and property. Why? Because Jewish Bolsheviks (aka Zionist and their shills—think Joe Bidden) own all of Hollywood (propaganda), Wall street, Washington (AIPAC and many more) all mainstream media, most colleges and universities brainwashing generations with pro communism.

    I think Hillary, and I believe her brainwashed-elitist daughter Chelsea, would call those tortured to death by the CHEKA (now the KGB) “deplorables”. I encourage all to watch the Clinton documentary on you tube which exposes the truth about the criminal Clintons and some of the 40+ “enemies” found dead by suspicious means. The Clintons are dangerous back woods criminals with a love of communism and death. Chelsea is trying to carry the communist agenda her parents push.

  17. Looks like chelsea has passed all the requirements to become a full-fledged Leftist-Wacko . . . . the only question remains; i.e., will she run for orifice and keep the clinton-crime-family in the news.

    Also, will she visit “the witch” when “the witch” is awarded a full set of orange pants suits?

      1. ” Killary wrote that right ?”

        I have no idea who “Killary” is, but I’m certain that Chelsea”s intelligent enough to have written the letter to HER children. It sounds right on target to me.

  18. Sheesh. One big, long, pukey lie. Or could they actually be that stupid? Either way, it’s good that they are out of power. It’s worrying though that someone publishes that nonsense.

  19. Raise an offspring in a Vicious, Carping, Lying, Crooked household run by a couple of Libertine-Fascists, and, more than likely, you’ll end up with a Vicious, Carping, Lying, Crooked Libertine-Fascist (Whose begatress and begator both may have names that begin with “H”.).

  20. You may want to put some thought into explaining to those children about the uncanny resemblance you bear to Uncle Webb, or why their
    Gramps paid millions to settle a harassment suit, or why Gramps got away with rape.
    Heck, if those 2 haven’t run across the chicanery and list of dead bodies associated with their grandparents before they turn 10, it’s because you won’t let them use the server that Grams keeps conveniently in the closet, lol.

  21. The reason Trump wiped the floor with Clinton is because NOBODY wanted the USA to turn into a dangerous Islamic hell hole which is exactly what would of happened if that admitted Lucifer worshiper was President.

    Everybody new the USA would be no more if she won , you would have to be a moron to think otherwise.

    Clinton said she admires Merkel and wants to do to the USA what Merkel has done to Germany . We all know whats going on in Germany today , violent rapes & murders have gone through the roof and it’s all due to Islamic immigration .

    Trumps election win saved this country there is no question whatsoever about that and now the USA is doing better than ever.

    How stupid do you have to be to want to elect an Obama clone who would continue the destruction of this country .

    Clinton should of been in prison a long time ago , President LOL , yeah OK .

    1. ” Trump wiped the floor with Clinton…”

      Bahahahaha. About 3 million votes and ongoing polls, since Agent Orange entered the WH, prove that “alternative facts” are (thankfully) merely for a small. misled segment of the US.

      1. 3 Million votes??? With ONLY about 20 Million Dead or Illegal-alien voters……Electoral College was the ONLY thing that mattered! DNC still standing in the way of cleaning up ALL of the Registered Voter Rolls.

        1. We are not a democracy! The electoral college
          is a disaster for a democracy. More votes
          equals a loss…revolution. We can’t
          let this happen. We should march on Washington
          and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally

  22. This alien life form ( Chelsea Clinton) is just passing
    on the Clinton’s outhouse philosophy.
    Any wagers that one or the other is infected ?
    Madeline Murray OHaire, the infamous atheist’s son,
    accepted Christianity ( after his mom ‘disappeared’).

  23. What do you expect from someone who excoriates “white privilege” while enjoying its textbook definition that her parents provided; who rallies for public health as she finances her wedding with funds meant to go towards improving Haitians health after the earthquakes; who has never had a sub 6-figure payday right out of college, based on her name alone… Whose mother spends most of her time explaining scandal after scandal… and *that’s* the future she longs for….

  24. Marjorie posting: Yes, you have to brainwash the children at an early age. The younger the better. Will they give Ivanka an equal hearing. No. How can any parent be so dumbed down to think hillary is a good role model?

  25. Isiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil. who take dark for light and light for dark and bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Woe to you Hillary and Chelsea for the evil you sprout and pass on to your children.. I know you don’t believe it but you will answer for for all you’ve done as will we all and I will pray for your..

  26. How dare she write such crap to her own children? If ONE OF US Trump supporters & conservatives wrote this to OUR children, WE would be labeled child abusers! The Clintons all have mental problems.

  27. Chelsea, if you ever came out of your multi million dollar NYC home and joined the real world, you would better understand why your mother is so unpopular and will never be president of the United States or even dog catcher of her home town.Careful that she doesn’t drag you down with her – she’s extremely self centered, you know.

  28. she , her mother and her father all have one thing in common- they are all psychotic cases. was it the way Chelsea was raised – by the village idiots or is it a genetic lack in all of them ? father is a sex predator , mother is a psychotic liar….

  29. I find it very interesting that Hillary and her followers want to turn our country into a communist country call the citizens who stand up against them like Trump and conservatives neo-nazi. Do they really know what they are saying?

  30. Chelsea Clinton writes to teenagers about the Nov. 2016 election (that her mother LOST), ” . . . an election fundamentally about our country’s future, about your future.” Yes, Chelsea, and that is why your mother lost. Her vision of America’s future was not in tune with the rest of America. Maybe the elites in LA and New York (you know, The Rich Liberals) agreed with her, but working stiffs, the American middle class, did not buy into her BS. Do your teenage readers a favor and stop with the hatred, stop with rewriting history, stop with the socialist propaganda. Your mother is this close to going to federal prison for numerous felonies. Maybe you should be asking your Rich Liberals to pony up some money for the Clinton Defense Fund instead of trying to brainwash teenage girls.

  31. Democrat whiners think that having a difference of opinion from them makes someone racist, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic, Islamophobic, etc., and those opposing opinions should be suppressed. The world Chelsea’s kids would have grown up in if Hillary had won would have been one where only one voice would be heard and they would have to accept that as fact, despite any opinion they might have to the contrary. “Inclusiveness and diversity”, it turns out, is a Marxist propaganda scam and a cover for totalitarianism, and Chelsea is just lying to children as Marxists always do. I guess when your mother doesn’t see anything wrong with child murder, you get a warped and cynical view of the value of young lives, so what can you expect? Deplorable.

  32. Hopefully when Charlotte and Aiden grow up, the trials would have ended and their grandmother behind bars for her corruption and criminality. Then again, maybe these kids will grow up with some semblance of intelligence where they can see for themselves how corrupt their family truly is. Otherwise, these kids will face a lot of crap from their peers that will yank them out of their little bubbles, exposing them to the truth and facts.

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