Fox News Reporter: Caravan Includes Migrants from India, Bangladesh, And Africa

How in the world did a caravan of migrants that began with 200-or-so individuals grow to over 7,000 individuals in such a short amount of time? If you thought there were other forces at work organizing the caravan, you might not be as crazy as you’d think. Fox News’ Sara Carter has been following the caravan, and it’s not just Hondurans and other Latin American citizens making the march towards America. “Guatemalan intelligence discovered people from India, Bangladesh, Africa had also joined in with the caravan -I bumped into a number of young MS 13 gang members,” Carter wrote.

Speaking of MS-13 gang members, they’re hardly the only worry. Guatemala’s President Jimmy Morales claimed that nearly 100 ISIS terrorists had been apprehended in his country (though there was no specific indication that any are part of the caravan).

When interviewing men in the caravan, Carter said most gave the same rehearsed answer, that “this is not politics – this is about poverty.”

But is it really not political? One migrant went off script and blasted President Donald Trump. “Donald Trump is the anti-christ” said one of the caravan migrants to CNN. “If he doesn’t repent, he’s going to hell. We are not criminals, we are workers and fighters!” Watch below (relevant part starts at 0:24):

So these migrants think Trump is Satan, but want to immigrate into his country? No one who isn’t politically motivated would make such an insane statement. One also has to wonder why some of these migrants are flying the Honduran flag as they travel to the U.S. Why show pride in the country you’re running the hell away from?

The existence of migrants from India, Bangladesh, and Africa in the group of 7,000 migrants shows there’s either some planning in assembling this caravan or that non-Latin American illegals are among those who exploit our lack of border security to enter the country (or both!). It’s a wakeup call that border security is needed now more than ever.

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Trump is already increasing the stakes to Mexico, Guatemala, and El Salvador for allowing this caravan to proceed as far as it has. Having already cut their foreign aid this year, Trump is threatening to cut it down to zero if no action is taken. Trump also threatened military action.

If the caravan is coordinated, the timing couldn’t be worse for the Democrats in Congress who support open borders. Trump’s winning presidential campaign was built upon a platform of border security, and this further allows him to play off that issue. A poll from Harvard-Harris shows that 84 percent of Americans oppose sanctuary cities, and 69 oppose abolishing ICE. Is there any doubt that just as many oppose this caravan?

Between the Kavanaugh confirmation circus, Elizabeth Warren’s DNA results, and now this, how many more times are Democrats going to shoot themselves in the feet before the midterms?

56 thoughts on “Fox News Reporter: Caravan Includes Migrants from India, Bangladesh, And Africa”

  1. Lol, you made the 2017 list by politifact of news sites that can’t be trusted, earning the label ‘some fake stories’. Telling the truth only sometimes means a person can’t believe you all the time. Your standing on mediabiasfactcheck for telling the facts is ‘mixed’. People should get honest journalism, not spin. BTW, the best part is you are so small in the new world that politifact’s truth-o-meter has only tested one claim of yours (in 2016, was pants on fire). Same number, same results on (1 in 2016, a complete lie).

  2. To even have to ask if one would think this is an organized, funded invasion is absurd. Of course it is! Honduras, Guatemala, Belize,El Salvadore, Panama, Honduras, NIcaragua, Colombia, Venezuela, etc. have all been trying to dump their problems on us for a long, long time. As recently as last month there were AP, UPI and world press reports of George Soros visiting and subsequently dumping money into those countries in preparation for what’s happening right now. Don’t fool yourselves. Do some research. Go back a couple of months, several months and google what you can. It’s an orchestrated invasion and the left is fully involved with it. They’re traitors… not less, nothing more.

  3. I truly doubt that we’ll see Mexico do anything about this other than rattle a saber or two. They’re good at promising, horrible at delivering on those promises.

  4. I agree wholeheartedly with President Trump. Why did we give these countries so much aid if they are just going to allow this? Send our military to the border and Mexico should also send its military to their northern border to help stop this. They should have sent their Army to the Guatemalan border to nip this in the bud.

  5. Yeppers, They are fleeing violence and poverty. Yet, they bring it with them, carrying their home country’s flag. This is an “act of war.” How many of them are armed?

  6. Do they deserve to be treated any different than you’d treat someone trying to force open your front door. Women and children participating is no excuse for leniency. Not just call out the military, make sure they are armed with live ammo and let them use it on anyone who doesn’t follow arrest orders. Get lots of tyraps and handcuff all of them, load them on trains and trucks and send them back where they came from after fingerprinting. A second arrest for entering illegally should be a life sentence at hard labor. I do like the land mine suggestion as the cheapest solution and once the word gets out liable to be very effective as a deterrent. Even the tunnelers will think twice if they have to contend with setting off mines while tunneling under them. For those who disagree I would suggest you volunteer to go to these countries providing us with their citizens and work to make them decent places for people to live. Meanwhile I’d think about all the people who have lost their jobs due to cheaper labor, all the emergency rooms packed to the walls with non paying illegals while you can’t get in the door without proof of insurance, all the overcrowded classrooms where the teachers are forced to teach english to midschoolers while the average kid gets little attention, or all the social programs that have spent their resources on illegals leaving seniors and adults without any needed help. Trump said it well, america first. Then we can help others but not without taking care of our own citizens, many of whom have served to protect this nation.

  7. We need to stop this invasion of our Country NOW. Most of these parasites and invaders have few necessary skills do not speak English and have absolutely no right to demand a damned thing from American Citizens or force their way after having been warned of the consequences into the U.S.! If they continue, kill them all!Better them, than our children and families inundated at the borders by these reptiles who are likely to be used as cover by ISIS terrorists and African Boko-Haram and others inimical to the U.S. and Indian immigrants since they were so quick to swell their numbers and make demands for forced entry here. Send them all to hell. This is NOT their country and it IS ours; those of us born here, or who come in COMPLIANCE with Immigration laws, NOT IN VIOLATION OF THEM, and after proper education take American Citizenship.. I am a 73 year old Vietnam vet and this whole charade is the result of the idiotic policies of the so-called Progressive Democrats ; the ENEMY WITHIN, which has allowed the expansion of our opioid drug problems with the Sinaloa and other Mexican and Hispanic drug cartels as part of their advocation of the U.N.’s Agenda 21 and their illegitimate , uncontrolled thirst to establish a dictatorship of the demented here! Hell, Nancy Pelosi has publicly DEFENDED MS-13 which recruits AMERICAN pre-teens to commit Murder as an initiation or suffer that fate! What has happened to sanity and rationality in this benighted bastion of beastiality and buffoonery we have become because of the morons like Al Sharpton, Corey Booker, Keith Ellison and Mad Maxine Waters inciting violence against all REAL AMERICANS; those with moral conscience, religious faith traditional American values and Conservative beliefs with a work ethic and strong beliefs in the nuclear family of mother , father and children nurtured to maturity by BOTH a mother and Father as is the intent of the Natural Order they try so hard to deny by pushing the LGBT agenda and redefining the institution of marriage and ruination of Common Sense? Vote all of these enemies within out of office as they SHOULD be voted out. Their sole reason for being in office is to serve American Citizens, not every Marxist/Socialist/ Communist/swamp dweller world wide; THEMSELVES INCLUDED!

  8. This is an invasion, and our country has the right to retaliate. Any other country would shoot them down. Of course they make the women and children walk in front so we won’t shoot them. President Trump needs to honor his pledge to put American citizens first and send these people packing. Let soros and company who is paying them put them up – in another country. Enough is enough.

  9. send United States Military with orders to SHOOT TO KILL as soon as these “INVADERS” try to get on America soil! we have to stop protecting other countries & protect our own! these aren’t “immigrants” these are “INVADERS”! LAWBREAKERS! CRIMINALS AS SOON AS THEY STEP FOOT ON AMERICAN SOIL! these are men these are pu***ies for putting women & children in front of line! (sorry I used bad word but this gets me really upset! JESUS please guide President Trump, Vice President Pence & all his advisors to make right decisions! JESUS I’m asking you to cover our Military men & women, Border Patrol Guards, ICE, all police officers on our southern borders with Your precious blood to keep them all safe from enemies attacks! God bless America!

  10. I say we let them all in and escort them with our full military force right up into Canada where panty sniffer Trudeau will welcome them with open arms.

  11. This is indeed an invasion by foreign nationals carrying their own country’s flag. Our military should be ordered there right now to be organized to prevent them entering the country. Start with non-lethal force, like tear gas, water cannons, etc. but if those efforts are not adequate we should use lethal force against these invaders. Go fix your own country. Don’t just come up here and get on our welfare system for housing, education, medical care, and all the other benefits that we throw at everyone who comes begging and at the same time borrow money from China to give to them since we are already bankrupt.


    Yeah, that is what we want for neighbors here in America.

    Don’t care where they go or how they get there. JUST NOT IN AMERICA.

  13. It’s time our own Military is brought to keep these people out. They are dangerous and will start taking it out on our own citizens if they don’t get there way. I don’t care if some have to die but this amount could break our government over medical needs and we just don’t need this. I say blow up the bridges as that is there connection to our own Land. We all have rules and abide them but they will not. So bring on the military and let the chips fall where they may. Please don’t wait till the last minute to bring troups forward.

  14. I would implore everyone to stop calling this a caravan, I have been saying for years that whenever even one person crosses are border without permission or overstays a visa we are being invaded.
    What we are seeing today is an invasion of a magnitude that will continue to get larger if we do not get a handle on it now and stop it now.
    I would ask every rational thinking person to put this into perspective, every sovereign nation has the absolute right to protect its borders and institute immigration laws that are best for their own country and citizens. This country cannot absorb every poor person around the world that wants to immigrate here unless we want to end up like China or India with a billion people living here.
    Ask yourself this, if you went on a months long vacation to points far away then came back home and found a family or perhaps two families living in your home, eating your food, sleeping in your bed, watching your cable, would you refer to them as unregistered guests and welcome them to stay as long as they would like to. Would you then say, hey you have relatives that need a place to stay, call them over and they can move in also?
    OR, would you call them trespassers and home invaders and call the police to have them removed?
    When you have thousands of people marching towards your border waving their countries flag and letting everyone know that they don’t care about borders, or immigration laws, they are coming and they believe there is nothing you can do about it then we should take them serious and begin to develop ways of stopping them.
    So let’s stop sugar coating this situation and call it for what it is AN INVASION.

  15. I have no sympathy for these people. They’re crossing two countries to get to the third – the U.S. which they hate. Cut off all aid to these countries AND bring in the U.S. military to hold the line. They’ll no doubt use women and children in the front and hide behind them. Use whatever force is necessary.

  16. If they are just fleeing for their lives from violence in their home countries, why not just stay in Mexico? They’ve made it out of their home countries. Presumably they face no dangers or threats of violence any longer, so, if safety is all they’re after, they’ve made it! Congratulations!

    But then I heard them say it’s about poverty. Well, which is it? Proverty or threats of violence? I think they’ve had to add the poverty part because that’s their only justification for not stopping in Mexico.

  17. They have left the USA no option. We must seal the border, and sadly, be prepared to use deadly force to protect our border. Just ask yourself this; If an uninvited group approached the front door of your home, and demanded entry, are you just going to let them help themselves to your domain? No, you are not. Our Nations’ point of entry to our National private property is no different! If they were to attempt forced entry, our Bill of Rights permits us to use deadly force to protect our private property, and that’s what our Military must do to protect our National Sovereignty.

  18. Oh, but you see Mexico doesn’t have all the delicious freebies that we offer in the US and they know it. Mexico won’t offer free health care, even ob care for all the babies that you want, and education for all the kids, and food stamps, and AFDC for the anchor babies that will be born here. Housing assistance. Why would they stay in Mexico?


  20. This is an invasion. War measures are exigent. New legislation is unnecessary.
    The border must be sealed. This requires total mobilization. An interim wall must be thrown up on the Mexican side. Cargo containers might be used. Those hiding Chinese communist troops in Mexico might be seized and used in building the interim wall. The illegals must be kept out, to avoid disruption of the system by expulsion issues.
    Aid to Central America must be reallocated to building a permanent wall. A canal should be constructed from Brownsville to San Diego.

  21. Lol, you made the 2017 list by politifact of news sites that can’t be trusted, earning the label ‘some fake stories’. Telling the truth only sometimes means a person can’t believe you all the time. Your standing on mediabiasfactcheck for telling the facts is ‘mixed’. People should get honest journalism, not spin. BTW, the best part is you are so small in the new world that politifact’s truth-o-meter has only tested one claim of yours (in 2016, was pants on fire). Same number, same results on (1 in 2016, a complete lie).

  22. To even have to ask if one would think this is an organized, funded invasion is absurd. Of course it is! Honduras, Guatemala, Belize,El Salvadore, Panama, Honduras, NIcaragua, Colombia, Venezuela, etc. have all been trying to dump their problems on us for a long, long time. As recently as last month there were AP, UPI and world press reports of George Soros visiting and subsequently dumping money into those countries in preparation for what’s happening right now. Don’t fool yourselves. Do some research. Go back a couple of months, several months and google what you can. It’s an orchestrated invasion and the left is fully involved with it. They’re traitors… not less, nothing more.

  23. I agree wholeheartedly with President Trump. Why did we give these countries so much aid if they are just going to allow this? Send our military to the border and Mexico should also send its military to their northern border to help stop this. They should have sent their Army to the Guatemalan border to nip this in the bud.

    1. Do they deserve to be treated any different than you’d treat someone trying to force open your front door. Women and children participating is no excuse for leniency. Not just call out the military, make sure they are armed with live ammo and let them use it on anyone who doesn’t follow arrest orders. Get lots of tyraps and handcuff all of them, load them on trains and trucks and send them back where they came from after fingerprinting. A second arrest for entering illegally should be a life sentence at hard labor. I do like the land mine suggestion as the cheapest solution and once the word gets out liable to be very effective as a deterrent. Even the tunnelers will think twice if they have to contend with setting off mines while tunneling under them. For those who disagree I would suggest you volunteer to go to these countries providing us with their citizens and work to make them decent places for people to live. Meanwhile I’d think about all the people who have lost their jobs due to cheaper labor, all the emergency rooms packed to the walls with non paying illegals while you can’t get in the door without proof of insurance, all the overcrowded classrooms where the teachers are forced to teach english to midschoolers while the average kid gets little attention, or all the social programs that have spent their resources on illegals leaving seniors and adults without any needed help. Trump said it well, america first. Then we can help others but not without taking care of our own citizens, many of whom have served to protect this nation.

  24. We need to stop this invasion of our Country NOW. Most of these parasites and invaders have few necessary skills do not speak English and have absolutely no right to demand a damned thing from American Citizens or force their way after having been warned of the consequences into the U.S.! If they continue, kill them all!Better them, than our children and families inundated at the borders by these reptiles who are likely to be used as cover by ISIS terrorists and African Boko-Haram and others inimical to the U.S. and Indian immigrants since they were so quick to swell their numbers and make demands for forced entry here. Send them all to hell. This is NOT their country and it IS ours; those of us born here, or who come in COMPLIANCE with Immigration laws, NOT IN VIOLATION OF THEM, and after proper education take American Citizenship.. I am a 73 year old Vietnam vet and this whole charade is the result of the idiotic policies of the so-called Progressive Democrats ; the ENEMY WITHIN, which has allowed the expansion of our opioid drug problems with the Sinaloa and other Mexican and Hispanic drug cartels as part of their advocation of the U.N.’s Agenda 21 and their illegitimate , uncontrolled thirst to establish a dictatorship of the demented here! Hell, Nancy Pelosi has publicly DEFENDED MS-13 which recruits AMERICAN pre-teens to commit Murder as an initiation or suffer that fate! What has happened to sanity and rationality in this benighted bastion of beastiality and buffoonery we have become because of the morons like Al Sharpton, Corey Booker, Keith Ellison and Mad Maxine Waters inciting violence against all REAL AMERICANS; those with moral conscience, religious faith traditional American values and Conservative beliefs with a work ethic and strong beliefs in the nuclear family of mother , father and children nurtured to maturity by BOTH a mother and Father as is the intent of the Natural Order they try so hard to deny by pushing the LGBT agenda and redefining the institution of marriage and ruination of Common Sense? Vote all of these enemies within out of office as they SHOULD be voted out. Their sole reason for being in office is to serve American Citizens, not every Marxist/Socialist/ Communist/swamp dweller world wide; THEMSELVES INCLUDED!

  25. This is an invasion, and our country has the right to retaliate. Any other country would shoot them down. Of course they make the women and children walk in front so we won’t shoot them. President Trump needs to honor his pledge to put American citizens first and send these people packing. Let soros and company who is paying them put them up – in another country. Enough is enough.

  26. send United States Military with orders to SHOOT TO KILL as soon as these “INVADERS” try to get on America soil! we have to stop protecting other countries & protect our own! these aren’t “immigrants” these are “INVADERS”! LAWBREAKERS! CRIMINALS AS SOON AS THEY STEP FOOT ON AMERICAN SOIL! these are men these are pu***ies for putting women & children in front of line! (sorry I used bad word but this gets me really upset! JESUS please guide President Trump, Vice President Pence & all his advisors to make right decisions! JESUS I’m asking you to cover our Military men & women, Border Patrol Guards, ICE, all police officers on our southern borders with Your precious blood to keep them all safe from enemies attacks! God bless America!

  27. This is indeed an invasion by foreign nationals carrying their own country’s flag. Our military should be ordered there right now to be organized to prevent them entering the country. Start with non-lethal force, like tear gas, water cannons, etc. but if those efforts are not adequate we should use lethal force against these invaders. Go fix your own country. Don’t just come up here and get on our welfare system for housing, education, medical care, and all the other benefits that we throw at everyone who comes begging and at the same time borrow money from China to give to them since we are already bankrupt.


    Yeah, that is what we want for neighbors here in America.

    Don’t care where they go or how they get there. JUST NOT IN AMERICA.

  29. It’s time our own Military is brought to keep these people out. They are dangerous and will start taking it out on our own citizens if they don’t get there way. I don’t care if some have to die but this amount could break our government over medical needs and we just don’t need this. I say blow up the bridges as that is there connection to our own Land. We all have rules and abide them but they will not. So bring on the military and let the chips fall where they may. Please don’t wait till the last minute to bring troups forward.

  30. I would implore everyone to stop calling this a caravan, I have been saying for years that whenever even one person crosses are border without permission or overstays a visa we are being invaded.
    What we are seeing today is an invasion of a magnitude that will continue to get larger if we do not get a handle on it now and stop it now.
    I would ask every rational thinking person to put this into perspective, every sovereign nation has the absolute right to protect its borders and institute immigration laws that are best for their own country and citizens. This country cannot absorb every poor person around the world that wants to immigrate here unless we want to end up like China or India with a billion people living here.
    Ask yourself this, if you went on a months long vacation to points far away then came back home and found a family or perhaps two families living in your home, eating your food, sleeping in your bed, watching your cable, would you refer to them as unregistered guests and welcome them to stay as long as they would like to. Would you then say, hey you have relatives that need a place to stay, call them over and they can move in also?
    OR, would you call them trespassers and home invaders and call the police to have them removed?
    When you have thousands of people marching towards your border waving their countries flag and letting everyone know that they don’t care about borders, or immigration laws, they are coming and they believe there is nothing you can do about it then we should take them serious and begin to develop ways of stopping them.
    So let’s stop sugar coating this situation and call it for what it is AN INVASION.

  31. I have no sympathy for these people. They’re crossing two countries to get to the third – the U.S. which they hate. Cut off all aid to these countries AND bring in the U.S. military to hold the line. They’ll no doubt use women and children in the front and hide behind them. Use whatever force is necessary.

  32. If they are just fleeing for their lives from violence in their home countries, why not just stay in Mexico? They’ve made it out of their home countries. Presumably they face no dangers or threats of violence any longer, so, if safety is all they’re after, they’ve made it! Congratulations!

    But then I heard them say it’s about poverty. Well, which is it? Proverty or threats of violence? I think they’ve had to add the poverty part because that’s their only justification for not stopping in Mexico.

  33. They have left the USA no option. We must seal the border, and sadly, be prepared to use deadly force to protect our border. Just ask yourself this; If an uninvited group approached the front door of your home, and demanded entry, are you just going to let them help themselves to your domain? No, you are not. Our Nations’ point of entry to our National private property is no different! If they were to attempt forced entry, our Bill of Rights permits us to use deadly force to protect our private property, and that’s what our Military must do to protect our National Sovereignty.

  34. This is an invasion. War measures are exigent. New legislation is unnecessary.
    The border must be sealed. This requires total mobilization. An interim wall must be thrown up on the Mexican side. Cargo containers might be used. Those hiding Chinese communist troops in Mexico might be seized and used in building the interim wall. The illegals must be kept out, to avoid disruption of the system by expulsion issues.
    Aid to Central America must be reallocated to building a permanent wall. A canal should be constructed from Brownsville to San Diego.

      1. Oh, but you see Mexico doesn’t have all the delicious freebies that we offer in the US and they know it. Mexico won’t offer free health care, even ob care for all the babies that you want, and education for all the kids, and food stamps, and AFDC for the anchor babies that will be born here. Housing assistance. Why would they stay in Mexico?

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