Biden Refuses To Reveal His Stance On Packing Supreme Court Until After Election

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden spoke out on Thursday to say that he will not be revealing his stance on packing the Supreme Court until after the election is over.

Biden Dodges SCOTUS Questions

While campaigning in the battleground state of Arizona, Biden continued to dodge questions about whether he would be in favor of packing more than nine justices on the Supreme Court.

“You’ll know my opinion on court packing when the election is over,” Biden told reporters, according to the New York Post.

He went on to nonsensically claim that he only does not want to reveal his stance on this because it would become a headline.

“I know it’s a great question and I don’t blame you for asking it, but you know the moment I answer that question, the headline in every one of your papers will be about that, other than focusing on what’s happening now,” he said, seemingly referring to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The election has begun,” Biden added. “There’s never been a court appointment once an election has begun.”

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In the wake of the death of Ruth Bader Ginsgburg and President Donald Trump nominating Amy Coney Barrett to fill her seat, many Democrats have come out in favor of stacking the Supreme Court. Biden, however, continues to dodge giving his opinion on this issue.

“Four million or so people have already voted. They’re denying the American people the one shot they have under constitutional law to be able to have their input,” Biden said. “I will be happy to lay out in detail what what I’m going to do after that, if I’m the president. If I’m not the president, he gets to pick it.”

Kamala Harris Dodges These Questions As Well

Kamala Harris also dodged questions about packing the Supreme Court when asked her opinion on this by CNN on Tuesday.

“We are 35 days away from an election that is probably the most important election of our lifetime and our children’s lifetime,” she said. “There is nothing about these next 35 days that Joe or I will take for granted, and so the focus right now is on reminding people that we have this election that is very much in play.”

“We are in the midst of an election, and the Republican leader of the Senate together with Donald Trump are, in the spirit of hypocrisy, trying to push through a nominee while the American people are voting,” Harris added.

“So Joe has been really clear — let’s focus on what’s happening right now, deal with later, later, focus on what’s happening right now, which is the American people are voting,” she concluded. “And they should be the ones to decide who will have the next lifetime appointment to the United States Supreme Court. Let’s not get distracted.”

READ NEXT: It’s Starting: Democrats Introduce Bill To Limit Supreme Court Terms

This piece was written by James Samson on October 8, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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