Biden Kicks Off Campaign By Spreading an Easily Debunked Lie

Well, it’s official. Joe Biden has announced his campaign for the presidency in 2020 with an official launch video discussing ‘core values,” ending months – if not years – of speculation.

What makes this announcement peculiar is that Biden opted to start with a media-concocted hoax. A confident candidate wouldn’t have to stoop to such measures, but here is the former vice president within seconds of his campaign video beginning, promoting the Charlottesville hoax. A hoax that portrays President Trump as a racist for supposedly siding with neo-Nazis who attended a rally in 2017 which led to the death of Heather Heyer.

Biden lambasted Trump for saying at the time that “there were some very fine people on both sides.”

“With those words, the president of the United assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it,” he added.

The media has been driving this scandal ever since the President uttered the words “fine people.”

But those words were taken out of context, and Trump’s alleged support of white nationalists is simply a lie. Biden chose to begin his entry into the Democrat primary with that lie. It’s time to debunk this thing once and for all.

‘Fine People’ Taken Out of Context

The President’s comments were undoubtedly taken out of context. During the same line of questioning at a press conference three days after the tragic event, he unequivocally drew a line between the white supremacists and the “fine people” on both sides of a Confederate statue debate at the competing rallies.

First, the comment that has drawn the most attention from the media: Trump said, “You had some very bad people in that group … But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides.”

This, the liberal media, and now apparently Biden as well, contends is evidence that Trump was equating the neo-Nazis to ‘fine people.’

In that same press conference, within seconds of making that statement, Trump said this:

Are we going to take down, are we going to take down statues to George Washington? How about Thomas Jefferson? What do you think of Thomas Jefferson? You like him? Okay, good. Are we going to take down his statue? He was a major slave owner. Are we going to take down his statue? You know what? It’s fine, you’re changing history, you’re changing culture, and you had people – and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally – but you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists, okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly.


Additionally, Trump went on to say that the press coverage of the rally focusing on some peaceful rallygoers was unfair, and he again drew a distinction between those people and the white nationalists.

“You were saying the press has treated white nationalists unfairly?” a reporter asked.

“No, no,” Trump responded. “There were people in that rally … protesting very quietly … I’m sure in that group there were some bad ones.”

“The following day, it looked like they had some rough, bad people, neo-Nazis, white nationalists, whatever you want to call ‘em.”

To summarize, Trump said:

  • Bad people, not fine people.
  • The neo-Nazis and white nationalists “should be condemned totally.”

The line between who was good and who was bad at that rally was very clearly defined by President Trump. It was only the ‘fine people’ comment anyone in the media cared about. If you don’t believe the transcript, here’s the video evidence that Biden is ignoring:

Always Denounces White Supremacists

The Charlottesville hoax is similar to the one involving David Duke and Trump’s alleged refusal to denounce the KKK leader.

Duke himself jumped on the Charlottesville hoax and praised Trump’s ‘fine people’ statement without noting the rest of his words. It was an aspect the lying media enjoyed, as they had spent much of Trump’s campaign pretending he never denounced Duke’s support in the past.

Trump in 2000 actually left the reform party over David Duke’s inclusion, denouncing him as “a bigot, a racist.”

And in case you, the media, or Joe Biden can’t recall, Donald Trump has disavowed Duke explicitly since then, spanning nearly two decades.

Scott Adams, the famed Dilbert cartoonist, writes about both myths.

“Trump has publicly disavowed white supremacists numerous times, both before and after running for president,” Adams writes. “In the context of Charlottesville, the ‘fine people’ he was referring to were non-racists who prefer keeping confederate statues for historical/cultural reasons.”

Whether it’s Charlottesville, or David Duke, or any other instance involving race, ‘facts don’t matter‘ to the Democrat party or the media.

And now Joe Biden, the man leading nearly every major poll and the presumptive challenger to President Trump is more than willing to live by that mantra.

42 thoughts on “Biden Kicks Off Campaign By Spreading an Easily Debunked Lie”

  1. Joe just saw how obama lied and his followers believed everything that he said so he is just trying to follow in obama’s footsteps. I’d like to see him choose AOC for his running mate, that would be a hoot.

  2. history is a tool to learn from. mistakes were made, and if you don’t care about the future, then you are condemed to remake those mistakes. the past is a learning expeience, don’t repeat it.

  3. As we argue about the lies joe biden told about the Charlottesville comments made by President Trump we fail to delve into what Charlottesville was really all about.
    First, white supremacists and nationalism are they the same thing?  White supremacists believe only white people should live in or control a country.  Nationalism is nothing more than being patriotic towards your country and putting your country ahead of all other countries it has nothing to do with one group of citizens being superior to another.  You can be any gender, any ethnic group, any age, any religion, any color and be a nationalist.
    Second and perhaps more important is that many people today are attempting rewrite history by wiping it out by completely, changing names of streets and schools, tearing down statues etc.
    History cannot be changed it must be embraced, it must be understood, you must reject the bad parts of history but you must acknowledge and cherish the good parts of our history.  Even more important we must acknowledge and understand humans can show greatness and still have flaws.  You cannot wipe out a persons great ideas because their actions did not match their actions in life.
    What happed in Charlottesville was two issues clashed, white supremacists and tearing down history.  Many gathered at Charlottesville who opposed white supremacy and at the same time opposed tearing down the history or our country.  Those were the good people that President Trump was talking about.

  4. Biden is the sleaze bag. He is a pig. Remember, when a Democrat accuses a Republican it is because the Democrat DID what he accuses others of doing! Everyone should read up on how Sleazy Joe and his son were reaping millions out of China and Ukraine while on official American business. He even had Ukraine people fired if they reported on him and his son doing business under the table for their personal coffers at our expense. He is a true liberal pig!

  5. BiteMe will have a tough time of lying out of these fraud deals that made his son millions of dollars. When these hit the “circuit” BiteMe is toast.

    The big question is how will the DNC take Bernie, the old burnt out hippie socialist, out this time?

  6. Some Republicans and RINOs fueled this BS propaganda as well. I hear things POTUS says and totally “understand” what he is saying so clearly. Then, the next day, I hear something completely opposite from what I heard after the spin from swamp politicians and the fake news distorts and twists it. Identity politics is frightening. What’s even more frightening is how many stupid people fall for it every time because they REFUSE to think for themselves and/or do a little research. Biden is still spouting Obama’s warning to Americans: they do want to fundamentally change our country. We will be a third-world country by the time they get finished with us.

  7. So glad I am not a Democrat the only people they have running are losers and lying hateful people. Make America Great and show Socialist Democrats and democrats. They are part of the problem not the solution. Vote them out out out.

  8. I listened to this story on FNC’s The Five today. I don’t believe this former 01% creepy hugger and all around a-hole is polling higher than Trump. Biden is a proven liar as well as a plagiarist, it should not be unexpected for us to hear more lies on this first day…even in his announcement.

  9. Even if George Washington was a Slave owner, back in those days, people were DIFFERENT, with DIFFERENT views, TIMES were COMPLETELY DIFFERENT, than nowadays ….NO one can “COMPARE” from back then up to TODAY “how and why” people would hold other people as Slaves, there were NO laws that would prohibit this behavior and WHY, well, they did NOT have TECHNOLOGY like we have nowadays, NO Cars, Tractors, Farm Machines in general etc…..BUT, on the other hand, the so-called democRATS are all for CHEAP Labor by letting ILLEGALS just cross the border into America, WELCOMING them and PROTECTING them, because in the back of their minds it’s a good thing to let them work here for LITTLE pay and USE these people to VOTE for THEM so THEY can have/KEEP the POWER THEY NEED to DESTROY America, turning it into the SH*THOLE these ILLEGALS are running FROM…..!!!! Biden is a LOW-life RAT just like the rest of THEM ALL and THAT is why he can only come out SWINGING, SPEWING ENDLESS LIES as he has LEARNED WELL from his former boss, a SO-CALLED president of NOT the USA but of the MIDDLE EAST, stuffing this country with RADICAL “muslims” like tlaib and omar, ANCIENT believing/thinking ANTI-AMERICA HATING SAVAGES who DEFINITELY DON’T belong HERE, let alone in THIS/OUR Government, AND SLEEPY Biden is ALL FINE with THAT….go figure…..!!!

  10. So Biden is running. Big Whoop! Who cares about that geriatric pedophile, hair sniffing pervert? Didn’t he get one of those envelopes for indictment at the Geo HW Bush funeral? Who would vote for someone who has done nothing his whole life except live off the back of the taxpayers. He never ran a business, hired people, created jobs, but wait until Trump gets him about business in Ukraine with his son. He’s going down.

  11. What do you expect from a worn out, washed up wannabe politician. It seems he is listening to obummers closet losers. Democrapers are the worst. They NEVER do any wrong, and yet they have a long list of what they think Trump has done. Trump will go down in history as the most investigated President.
    I truly don’t understand why or how he tolerates the BS the democrapers keep giving him.

  12. The democrats and socialist have made it clear. Their entire motivation is to “resist and obstruct” all efforts of managing the government, including criminal referrals to prosecute those responsible for the Russian hoax and the attempted coup. Their goal has not changed. It is nothing less than total control of the government, no matter the damage to the country and the constitution, so long as they can regain power.

  13. “Joker” Joe, as well as the other left wing nut jobs, have NOTHING to offer the people of America. Their only “weapon,” in their quest for the White House is to attack the sitting president. They certainly can’t run on the merits of any past successes for the people…….because there have been none. They cannot run on great plans for the future……because they have none. They only have cheap talk (lies) of great vision, promises they cannot keep, and a smear campaign full of lies.

  14. Years ago the great Rodney Dangerfield spoke at a DNC fundraiser for then Mayor Koch. Mayor Koch greeted Rodney and asked him “Rodney you’re such a great comedian are you going to tell us some jokes tonight?” To whit Rodney retorted, “I don’t know Mayor, you’re a politician are you going to tell us some lies?” That joke isn’t funny if you have people like Biden in the mix.

  15. How come the media backs any demo leftist candidate and demonizes every other candidate? If a leftist says something the lib media backs it 100%(soros paid) Wow are we on to this media being the strong arm of their agenda!!(communism) The gigs up ,freedom must be preserved,Biden cant win, if the media backs him he will lose period.

  16. Biden is just Obama’s puppet. Obama will be the puppet master if Biden wins. God help this country if he does. He will finish Obama’s destruction of this country!

  17. I am so sick and tired of lying, pompous, politicians telling all of us Who We Are or Aren’t and how their core values will make us all better members of society. BS.

  18. “White Nationalist” is nothing but a trigger word for hate coming from the liberals! They come up with the word for anyone who doesn’t agree with socialist agenda!!

  19. Sleepy Joe or Groping Joe ! Whichever you prefer , but I jut want to remind you that it was your corrupt party the DemoKKKtrats that invented the racist gang of KKK . You will bite the dust like Crooked Hillary did . Lmao !

  20. I agree. I thought it was very strange to pull that incident out of the hat. He’ll regret it. Trump will eat him alive! A person has to laugh at this. HRC was the Dem’s first option in 2016 and now Biden will be the second option in 2020. And I laughed and I laughed and I laughed!

  21. If Trump just plays his actual press conferences as political commercials when he runs for office again and shows the American public what was really said, he’ll do fine. That will paint Biden and Dems as liars, which of course, they are. It’s the Independents you need to get to win the election. Biden has so much dirt on sexual harassment it will be easy for the President to make videos of that.

  22. Marjorie posting: They say obnoxious people do not realize they are obnoxious. The Democrat Party is the poster child for obnoxious. The Dems are the joke of the Planet.

  23. Just like the Democrats they expect that if you tell a lie enough that everyone will believe it we’re very aware how Democrats lie and crazyhandz Joec doesn’t stand a chance up against Trump

  24. I am SO TIRED of the LIES that are spread about President Donald Trump ! HE is NOT a Racist, but unfortunately, the Democrats in office right now ARE ! They are absolutely SHAMEFUL in their attacks on this good man, who has actually been trying to do GREAT things for the American people, with NO cooperation from the disgusting Democrats !

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