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September 28, 2016
When Hillary Clinton visibly collapsed in New York City at the 9/11 memorial, most Americans knew something was gravely wrong […]
September 6, 2016
In the unfolding, massive Iran ransom payment scandal, we’re getting more news that the original payment amount of $400 million is MUCH larger than expected
September 6, 2016
Chicago shooting is in the news again. It’s only September, but so far over 500 people have been murdered in the gun-free liberal utopia of Chicago.
September 6, 2016
Phyllis Schlafly was larger than life and played a massive role in the post-WWII conservative movement. She rose to prominence after defeating
September 2, 2016
Dallas Police Chief David Brown is an American hero. After his department was attacked by a radical terrorist who murdered 5 officers and injured 9 others
September 2, 2016
Barack Obama hates the Second Amendment, and so does Hillary Clinton. They have disgustingly, shamelessly exploited tragedies
September 2, 2016
Hurricane Hermine is storming northern Florida and heading further north. It’s the first hurricane to make landfall in Florida in over 11 years
September 1, 2016
FSU wide receiver Travis Rudolph was visiting Montford Middle School with teammates when he noticed the boy, Bo Paske, sitting alone and decided
September 1, 2016
President George W. Bush has been a huge supporter of our law enforcement and firefighters. Everyone remembers his amazing leadership after 9/11, and
August 19, 2016
The first Trump ad is explosive. Most Americans oppose Hillary Clinton’s radical open borders agenda… especially those Americans who are hurt most by
August 19, 2016
The Trump campaign is rapidly changing. Many political insiders believe that Trump’s new staff were chosen because he wants to surround himself with people
August 18, 2016
What’s it like to be a black Trump supporter? Everyone knows that race relations are even worse in some parts of the country after our “post-racial”