BREAKING: Trump Releases First Campaign Ad – This is AMAZING!

Trump ad

Finally! After a few weeks of taking a beating from the liberal media, a few bad polls, and a major shake-up on his campaign staff, conservative businessman Donald J. Trump has taken a stand!

Trump dropped his first TV ad of the general election against Hillary Clinton, and it’s incredible! The ad will play in the crucial swing states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, and North Carolina, and the campaign plans to spend plenty of money.

Here it is… Trump’s first ad:


Most Americans oppose Hillary Clinton’s radical open borders agenda… especially those Americans who are hurt most by cheap illegal labor. Hillary has spent her entire career passing bad trade deals that are unfair to America and decades eviscerating our border.

This ad shows why we need REAL leadership in the White House… and why Hillary must be defeated!

What do you think of Trump’s ad? Will it be effective? Let us know in the comments section!

4 thoughts on “BREAKING: Trump Releases First Campaign Ad – This is AMAZING!”

  1. when i looked at the figure of 14866 dollars .Than I have no other choice but to accept , what i saw .They have been doing this for a year and get rid of their debts.. Yesterday they purchased new Aston Martin

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  2. when i looked at the figure of 14756 dollars .Than I have no other choice but to accept , what i saw .They have been doing this for a year and get rid of their debts.. Yesterday they purchased new Aston Martin …
    visit This Site ———->>> ­W­WW­.S­l­i­d­e­T­r­a­d­e.C­O­M

  3. Yes I think the ad is effective because Donald speaks an absolute truth. An absolute truth resonates with everybody except the lying leftists whose low IQ and big ego manifest in their inability to comprehend any absolute truth.

  4. I wish Trump or his people would bring out how Hillary said that she would bring in 500% more refugees. Then the talk needs to be on the financial repercussions for that as well as the safety. People need to understand that these refugees get free medical, free dental, free housing, free food, and free $$$. Someone is going to have to pay for all this ” free ” stuff being given out and the only way that that can be done is drastically increasing taxes. As I recall this free stuff is for 5yrs and then because of a language barriers it may be able to be extended. Muslims are exempt from paying for health insurance and are not penalized. When they are able to work the few jobs that are out there will be taken from American citizens. In other countries people have been forced out of rent controlled housing/apartments for these refugees. I could go on and on but in essence the last person we need in the WH is Hillary Clinton!!!

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