About Remso Martinez

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Boebert cnn poll
April 4, 2023
Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert has called out a recent CNN poll she believes skews a little far from the truth regarding public support for former President Donald Trump’s indictment.
tennessee democrats removed
April 4, 2023
Three Democratic lawmakers in Tennessee have been stripped of their committee assignments in the state legislature and are now facing potential expulsion after participating in a violent insurrection at the state Capitol following a anti-gun protest following the recent shooting at a Christian private school.
conservatives culture war
April 4, 2023
It seems very year, a new round of blows to the cultural fabric of our society makes conservatives wonder whether or not the end of days is really near. Pundits on Twitter exclaiming that “Conservatives have abandoned the culture” is almost always something you hear or see in one way, shape, or form each time a comic book character gets their sexuality switched or when schools decides to start holding after school Satan Clubs.
school superintendent ladies
April 3, 2023
Get ready to wonder whether or not the whole world is in on some type of long haul, sick joke and that the whole ‘woke’ thing was just an elaborate prank, or if maybe humanity just isn’t worth praying for anymore.
asa hutchinson 2024
April 3, 2023
Former Arkansas governor Asa Hutchinson announced his candidacy for the 2024 Republican nomination for president over the weekend and spent most of his time taking pot shots at Donald Trump so the liberals at ABC would pay attention to him.
barry goldwater quotes
March 29, 2023
Conservatives are, once again, at a crossroads as the race towards another presidential election year begins to pick up before us. Do we pick the most ‘red meat’ candidate possible and risk the general election? Do Republicans need to pander down to moderates, assuming they still exist in our post-COVID-19 lockdown world?
March 27, 2023
William Jacobson, the founder the popular website Legal Insurrection and professor at Cornell University, recently joined The Political Insider’s Brett Smith to discuss his new Equal Protect Project, as well as why he and his organization are continuing to shed a light on discriminatory practices in education, as well as the concepts of Critical Race Theory (CRT) which are spreading throughout academia.
George Soros
March 24, 2023
MSNBC’s Joy Reid took on the task of attempting to make left-wing billionaire George Soros look like anything but someone attempting to rewrite American society for the worst on a recent episode of her program.
Matt Palumbo fact-checkers
March 24, 2023
Conservative author Matt Palumbo, who is responsible for such titles as “The Man Behind the Iron Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros” and “Debunk This!: Shattering Liberal Lies,” is now taking readers behind the world of the fact-checking industry, a section of the media world which is not as objective nor trustworthy as the average person on the street may think.
los ángeles teacher strike
March 22, 2023
If a young child in Los Angeles had wished for all the grown ups to disappear, they got their wish, at least partially. Yesterday was the start of a planned three day long protest in which teachers walked out of classrooms to demand higher wages as well as other inducements to continue working.
March 21, 2023
2020 was an off-year for humanity, but strangely enough, the Netflix series “Tiger King” which dove into the lives of former Oklahoma zoo owner turned felon, Joe Exotic, and his peculiar friends (and enemies), was able to mostly unite everyone during some pretty scary days. Well, for like five minutes at least before we went back to riots, COVID-madness, UFO sightings and other dumb things.
March 21, 2023
You know where people with criminal intent love to wave guns at people? Places without guns. Hawaii now shows us once again that the progressive war on firearms is less about fighting actual crime, and more about fleecing the innocent of a means of protection.