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former federal agent gary collins
September 22, 2022
Former federal agent Gary Collins, who served at the US State Department Diplomatic Security Service, Department of Health and Human Services, and Food and Drug Administration for nearly two decades, recently spoke with The Political Insider’s Brett Smith regarding the FBI’s corruption during the Trump administration and mistreatment of those who are deemed internal threats by the current administration.
Are ISIS and Al Qaeda Returning to Afghanistan?
September 14, 2022
As the nation reflected recently on 21st anniversary of the attacks on 9/11, as well as the one year anniversary of the botched withdrawal of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, many have wondered whether the terrorist organizations ISIS and Al Qaeda have been able to reorganize and benefit from the new Taliban government.
Military recruitment Top Gun Maverick
September 7, 2022
The Pentagon is freaking out after reports have shown for several years in a row that fewer and fewer Americans are considering military service as either a brief commitment or even a full career, that’s if they’re even fit enough to be eligible to serve in the first place.
Moms For Liberty Randi Weingarten
September 2, 2022
Moms For Liberty co-founder Tina Descovich called out Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, during an interview with The Political Insider’s Brett Smith on Wednesday claiming that Weingarten has led the movement to create animosity between parents and public school teachers throughout the country.
NBC reporter Ben Collins
August 31, 2022
Ben Collins, an NBC News reporter who covers the self-described “dystopia beat,” went on air this week and painted those who supported President Donald Trump as an existential threat to the safety of our nation.
republicans facebook FBI
August 30, 2022
Senators Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Ron Johnson (R-WI) are demanding that Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg provide them evidence of communication between the US government and employees from Facebook regarding President Biden’s son Hunter.
New York Times indict Trump
August 29, 2022
Political tensions have been hitting dangerous levels since the FBI raided former President Donald Trump’s Florida home at Mar-a-Lago. The President has been accused of holding sensitive documents which he supposedly should have turned over after becoming a private citizen, according to a highly redacted DOJ affidavit.
Joe Biden approval rating
August 26, 2022
With less than three months until the upcoming midterm elections, Democrats can boast a new poll produced by Gallup showing that President Joe Biden’s current approval rating rose 44 percent in August, indicating that despite a string of recent blows to his administration regarding high inflation, high gas prices, and other areas, he has been able to recover due to some key legislative victories.
Ann Coulter conservative women
August 25, 2022
During a recent interview with The Political Insider’s Brett Smith, syndicated columnist and bestselling-author Ann Coulter remarked on the need for conservatives to take an active role in taking back critical, civic institutions and positions of authority within our government and cultural centers, primarily getting conservative men into leadership roles within the military and law enforcement communities. 
IRS fear mongering
August 23, 2022
News of the IRS becoming larger than the Pentagon, the State Department and several other large departments combined sent a shiver down the spine of regular Americans as President Biden was able to secure a victory for his administration through the passing of the Inflation Reduction Act.
Ron Paul FBI
August 16, 2022
Following the raid of former president Donald Trump’s home in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, by the FBI, conservatives across the country are now questioning whether our national law enforcement agencies are genuinely following the law or instead being used as political weapons in order to intimidate opposition.
digital dollar china
August 10, 2022
Amidst record inflation, global economic instability, and large portions of Americans reporting that they deeply distrust their government, some lawmakers are taking advantage of this opportunity to pounce and seize more control of our day to day lives through the pushing of a completely digital dollar.