In a Twitter post Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY, claimed the Trump campaign had been fooled by teenage anti-Trump scammers who reserved thousands of tickets for the Saturday night Tulsa MAGA rally online then failed to show up, thus preventing others from being able to attend and bringing down the number so the press and AOC could claim the rally was a failure. She may have at least partially succeeded.
“Actually you just got ROCKED by teens on TikTok,” the New York Democrat wrote in response to a Twitter message by Trump 2020 Campaign chief Brad Parscale, who said that “radical protestors” in Tulsa had prevented some of the president’s supporters from entering the BOK Center, where the rally was held. No doubt that was the case as well.
Actually you just got ROCKED by teens on TikTok who flooded the Trump campaign w/ fake ticket reservations & tricked you into believing a million people wanted your white supremacist open mic enough to pack an arena during COVID
Shout out to Zoomers. Y’all make me so proud. ☺️
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) June 21, 2020
TV reporting showed much of the upper deck of Tulsa’s BOK Center empty during the rally, with other empty spaces visible in the lower seating areas, a different result than the big turnout the Trump campaign had predicted during the week. The campaign said over a million requests were made for tickets.
Ocasio-Cortez claimed that teens “flooded the Trump campaign w/ fake ticket reservations & tricked (Trump) into believing a million people wanted your white supremacist open mic enough to pack an arena during COVID.”
“All of those of us that want to see this 19,000 seat auditorium barely filled or completely empty go reserve tickets now and leave him standing alone there on the stage,” a woman, identified as Mary Jo Laupp, told her TikTok followers last week. Some seem to have taken up her gauntlet.
“It spread mostly through Alt TikTok — we kept it on the quiet side where people do pranks and a lot of activism,” YouTuber Elijah Daniel, 26, told the press. “K-pop Twitter and Alt TikTok have a good alliance where they spread information amongst each other very quickly. They all know the algorithms and how they can boost videos to get where they want.”
But regardless of the left-wing trickery the rally was a smashing success with the people it was intended to reach, the Trump base.
Said enthusiastic Trump voter Kim Kilbourne of Kent, Ohio, “It was great. He looked great and was hilarious when he made fun of the Democrats. It was also funny when he mocked those who said he was sick. The crowd loved it. Trump also said a lot of substantive stuff on his policies and his campaign. It was a good night for him and his supporters.”
The press also reported that six members of the Trump campaign tested positive for coronavirus prior to the rally. This enabled media like the Associated Press to portray the event as a failure and a contaminated zone. Those six people are being treated and in quarantine and no one has been reported actually infected by the virus after attending the rally.
This piece was written by PoliZette Staff on June 21, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.
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