Angelina Jolie has been featured on The Political Insider because of her humanitarian spirit and love for this country – and also how she goes after President Barack Obama. She’s married to Hollywood actor Brad Pitt, and they both have so much to thank God for. Angelina has shared her breast and ovarian cancer story with the world, and she’s gotten through it each time. This time, she needs your prayers again.
They both have a new film coming due to out soon where Angelina used some examples of her life to complete her acting part. During this interview with NBC’s Tom Brokaw, she and Brad open up about her continuing fight with cancer.
“He made it very, very clear to me that what he loved and what was a woman to him was somebody who was smart and capable and cared about her family. It’s not about your physical body. I knew through the surgeries that he was on my side and that that wasn’t somewhere where I was going to feel like less of a woman, because my husband wasn’t going to let that happen.”
To go through this and have the support of your spouse is a tremendous plus. Jolie is a strong woman with high character and convictions, and she will continue fighting until she can’t anymore. This interview will hopefully help someone out there going through the same situation or close to it.
Check out this video report:
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