Lifelong Democrat Declares His Party is Suffering ‘Trump Derangement’

andrew stein trump derangement

I’ll take ‘Glaringly Obvious Observations’ for $1,000, Alex.

Andrew Stein, a self-described lifelong Democrat and current Chairman of Democrats for Trump, said his party’s consistent calls to impeach the President show they are suffering from “Trump derangement.”

“The deep state – Clinton [and] Obama holdovers – they’re trying to delegitimize this president and they want to impeach him,” Stein said during a Fox & Friends appearance.

“It’s nonsense.”

“I think it’s Trump derangement,” Stein added.

Lest you doubt Stein’s Democrat credentials, consider this – he was once the City Council President in the liberal cesspool of New York, he won election in that city four times as a member of the party, AND he’s been indicted before, which is a Democrat resume enhancer.

Stein spoke specifically about efforts coming from Texas Rep. Al Green, who forced a vote on Trump’s impeachment that failed in spectacular fashion, and California nutcase Maxine Waters, who perpetually screeches about impeaching 45 for even the most mundane of reasons.

The Democrats are “making a big mistake by just resisting” Trump, Stein claims, labeling such blind opposition as “nonsense.”

“This president has one of the best records I’ve ever seen,” he added.

Prior to the election, Stein wrote an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal explaining why he would support Trump and couldn’t back Hillary Clinton.

“It is very hard for me not to support the Democratic nominee for president this year,” Stein wrote. “But I believe my party has become the party of the elites and moneyed class and has deserted its historic mission as the party of the working class and disadvantaged.”

Who knew that his own party would be so delusional that they’d be fighting to remove Trump from office for 11 straight months after he won a fair election?

They truly are deranged.

Do the Democrats suffer from Trump Derangement? Share your thoughts below!

13 thoughts on “Lifelong Democrat Declares His Party is Suffering ‘Trump Derangement’”

  1. I thought democrats suffered from derangement, period, long before Trump decided to run. And chronic stupidity. Brainlessness, and spinelessness! (Is that even a word)?

  2. Soooo, what you are saying is the Dems are NOT smart enough to “grasp” what Trump is doing, Right? Now listen very carefully, maybe you should start working for We The Real People of this country, instead of trying to Control the people with your Communist Style Rhetoric!! That is why you are sitting in the Losers seat. Got It??

  3. Actually, Mr Andrew Stein, has corruption mixed up with Trump derangement. There’s no excuse for left wing liberal progressives and radicals acting the way they do besides corrupt ideas and dogma.

  4. The liberal malady, a disabling psychosis, is actually referred to as “Trump Unacceptance and Resistance Disorder”, or TURD for short. There is no known cure…

  5. It’s been totally obvious the Demonrat’s suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome not to mention most are morally challenged. This is unbelievable & surprising to hear ONE of them finally telling the truth! Hope it rubs off on more of them or maybe they realize they won’t have a party for long if they don’t.

  6. Soooo, what you are saying is the Dems are NOT smart enough to “grasp” what Trump is doing, Right? Now listen very carefully, maybe you should start working for We The Real People of this country, instead of trying to Control the people with your Communist Style Rhetoric!! That is why you are sitting in the Losers seat. Got It??

  7. Actually, Mr Andrew Stein, has corruption mixed up with Trump derangement. There’s no excuse for left wing liberal progressives and radicals acting the way they do besides corrupt ideas and dogma.

  8. It’s been totally obvious the Demonrat’s suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome not to mention most are morally challenged. This is unbelievable & surprising to hear ONE of them finally telling the truth! Hope it rubs off on more of them or maybe they realize they won’t have a party for long if they don’t.

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