A New Low for Democrats! What They Plan to Do When Netanyahu Makes His Speech to Congress

Shortly after Speaker Boehner announced that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will be addressing a joint session of Congress next month, it was made clear by the White House that President Obama will not grant Netanyahu a visit. Secretary of State John Kerry also quickly made it known that he would be a no show. The reason given was proximity to the Israeli election but some of Obama’s campaign staffers have since shown up in Israel in an attempt to defeat Netanyahu in his reelection bid.

Netanyahu’s speech will likely focus on radical Islamic terrorists and the need for new sanctions against a hostile Iran. President Obama is currently siding with Iran on this topic and is opposed to sanctions.

In another rebuke to our strong ally, many Democrats now are debating not attending the Prime Minister’s speech. Vice President Joe Biden, who is also Senate president, has not confirmed his attendance. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi is not supportive of allowing Netanyahu to address Congress at this time. She previously said the invitation was inappropriate.



“With all the respect in the world for the prime minister, and all the love in the world for the State of Israel, I don’t know that even everyone in Israel is supportive of the invitation.”

The White House claims it is not actively advising Democrats boycott the Prime Minister’s speech. An aide said Tuesday, “We defer to Democratic members if they’d like to attend or not.”

Netanyahu will be addressing pro-Israel lobbying group American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). AIPAC Spokesman Marshall Whitman supports the speech.

“We encourage all members of Congress to attend this important speech by the Israeli Prime Minister.”

Is this how American should treat an ally? Please leave your comment below.


H/T: The Times of Israel

97 thoughts on “A New Low for Democrats! What They Plan to Do When Netanyahu Makes His Speech to Congress”

  1. Democrats will lose if they boycott Netanyahu’s address to Congress. Too many people in US are on Israel’s side in this, including wealthy Jewish contributors. TREAD SOFTLY DEMS, unless you want to cut off your nose to spite your face.

  2. Israel is our main ally ; why is the President snubbing him and snuggling up the Muslim nations?
    He wants to have it look like everything is Israel’s fault when all they are doing is trying to exist.
    How would he like it if he couldn’t play golf or dress like he does?

  3. the dem say it was inopropriate for republicans to invite Netanyahu but yet obama can invite muslim brother hood to white house in secret meetings or have secret meetings with iran and thats considered opropriate.let alone send his (obama”s) campaign staffers to isreal to campaign against Netanyahu guess thats appropriate to meddle with allied ellections let alone openly and defiantly.

  4. Democrats for the most part do not serve in our armed forces, and therefore, do not take any risks in harms way to protect our freedoms. When you do not put forth any risk, you do not appreciate what you have. Therefore, they couldn’t possibly understand the concept of losing their freedoms until they are actually gone and they are the ones who are being tortured or murdered.

  5. Of course nancy does not want demos to go to that speech with Israels truths. It may sway a few more intelligent folks knowing the truth of what is going on with Syria & Iran. We need more demos to be enlightened as they have been hidden away from truths by nancy & harry.

  6. The poor excuse for a man much less commander and chief is Muslim. A tiger can’t change his stripes. I always knew his true identity would come out. He is a snake no doubt. If America turns her back on Israel, God will turn his back on us.

  7. O.K. RED, get it right!! We as Americans have not sworn allegiance to Netanyahu! We have given our support to the only real ally we have left in the middle-east. We lose Isreal and you can be sure that it really will become the ‘LAST DAYS”.

    1. Janet, we do not want to impede the last days. Remember, that even though Satan will be coming first, Christ comes five months later. And then we will have the millennium to sort it all out. Those who have murdered, and aborted babies may not have the chance to be in the millennium. God will be holding their trials for them and having their fate sealed before the millennium. Thus, I have no problem with facing what will be. God is the winner. I have read the back of the book.

  8. sooooo, Democrats are being called low for possibly boycotting Netanyahu speech, but Republicans were low for going around proper protocols and inviting him in the first place?? why didnt they run it by the White House first? because they are only interested in their own wealth building agenda….
    Republicans are hilarious. They go behind the White House back and invite a foreign national leader to speak to Congress without coordinating with the White House.

    Republicans! I have one thing to ask…please close your eyes and imagine Barak Obama doing the same thing……how many beats did your heart skip?? ….i know.

    1. Do not see Republicans being low in any thing that has to do with the current issues. The Muslims are murdering all over the globe, They want the destruction of Israel, and America. Their intention for living here is to take over our country using our own laws against us. They will eventually out number all of us, and then they can force their Shria law onto us. But I happen to believe that Satan will be here before that happens, and then Christ will come. The only thing we have to look for is the supposed signing of peace between Israel and the Muslim nations. Once that happens, the stage is set for Satan to come.

  9. As a Jew I can understand that leaders may not have time for Bibi, it would be hard for them to meet a great leader, after what they have to put up with. I’m sure they are becoming more comfortable with the muslim brotherhood that our muslim leader has brought into their lives. When this muslim compares Christians with ices what can we expect.

  10. As a Jew I can certainly understand the democraps not wanting to attend a meeting with Bibi. I believe they are going to attend a meeting with their muslim leader entertaining the muslim brotherhood. I feel badly for the American people that voted for this traitor to all religions except the muslims. I only hope we can survive till we get an American into the White House. God help us.

  11. The real power in the White House is Valerie Jarrett, born in Iran to parents who were members of the Iranian Communist Party. She pulls the strings, she rules the roost and she hates Netanyahu. There is no way she would allow him to speak to Congress on the Iranian problem, Boehner invited him because Congress and America need to hear what Netanyahu has to say. The White House is already being vindictive by spreading rumors about him and trying to destroy his re-election this spring by backing anti-Netanyahu groups with taxpayer funds. If the Democrats want to be brats and ignore the speech and Netanyahu, they will only degrade their own reputations. Congress and America need to hear what Netanyahu has to say, the White House and the mainstream media are ignoring and whitewashing the situation. We need to hear from him and show him that America is still one of Israel’s allies in spite of the White House…

  12. Nancy Pelosi Is A political Crack Hour e. When Prices Fell a Few Cents a gallon just a few weeks ago. She Was One of a Few of the Politicians That Made a Mad Dash For Your Wallet. And Now In This Article We find out that the Democrats sent there Goons to Campaign Against Netanyahu In Israel. She previously said the invitation was inappropriate. It’s Time The Democratic Party Looked In The Mirror.

  13. Firmly believe Bibi, a world leader, has a good grasp of the current white house method of doing business. Upstaging Obama brings out his petulant whinning. This site and all other should post names, pictures, email, and party of all thoses boycottting the speech.

  14. Our Muslim President is the one who the President of Egypt has said was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.Obama and Hillary are fully responsible for arming Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood in Libya. Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood killed our Ambassador and three other good men and now have their hands on 400 surface to air missiles that have been spread all over the Middle East.Impeach him congress we can’t take 2 more years of this empty suit.

    1. Democrats are actually murderers in the eyes of GOD. And they will be facing a trial before they are even allowed to be in the Millennium. You see, the murder of innocent life through abortion is murder, and the democratic platform supports that murder, and they are forcing all of us to pay for their sins, through our taxes and our health care. In other words, satan through them have tried to get all of us to be as guilty of their sins as they are. God says that we cannot support, encourage, or finance or vote for anyone who does commit to the sin of murder, else we become as guilty of that stn as they are. Unless you are not making any money and are off the radar, they have literally pushed each and everyone of us into their sins. And we need to repent of being responsible for not fighting against their evil ways. We cannot passively allow them to murder innocent life and stand by and let it be done with our financial support. The democratic party is the nazis of this generation.

  15. Netanyahu is a good man. Democrats are dispectable and ignorant. This man can explain much and by such help us understand what is going on over there. What Pelosi said was ignorant, when you look at the fact that Obama is trying to get involved with the elections over there. What right has he to interfere with their elections? I am disgusted to the core with our so called American Democrats…they have lost all respect from me.

  16. Any member of Congress that depends on my vote had BETTER show up out of respect for Mr. Netanyahu. He is one of the most staunch allies we have. Failure to attend his speech would indicate to me a sympathy for the Muslims and I would most assuredly work hard against the reelection of any Muslim sympathizer. Are you listening, Kyrsten Sinema?

  17. When you invite the chief thug from a segregationist state that year after year kills thousands including hundreds of school children and destroys thousands of homes and hundreds of schools and billions of dollars of infrastructure , expect some people to fail to kowtow and pledge their mindless allegiance to that foreign power .

  18. Let’s get a listing on the web of those that boycott this speech, and let’s keep the list for later.

    Hey, Democrats, news flash! Not everything is about Obama. Our own survival is at risk from radical Islam. Here’s someone who can speak truth to us, not mealy mouthed platitudes like Obama and his sock puppet Josh Earnest. If none of that matters to you, by all means, identify yourself by your absence.

    This speech is to the American people — not just Congress — I expect it to be a viral hit on YouTube … let’s all see how the powers that be, jealous of the attention rightfully paid to Netanyahu, try to shoot it down and shut it down … it will speak volumes.

  19. America stand with Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu. He is a Man to be Respected! A true dedicated Leader ! Can’t wait for His Visit to America. We need his voice ! Tired of Our Dictator Do Nothing Obama!

  20. Obala didn’t mention that Clinton invited Shimon Peres to the White House three weeks before the Israeli elections when Cigar Bill was President and Peres was running for Prime Minister AGAINST NETANYAHU.

  21. This Witch is the one who should be boycotted, I wan’t to hear what BI BI has to say I trust him more than I trust Obama and the Muslim brotherhood and his Iranian born top adviser Valerie Jarrett

  22. Ii think the Democrats are reading more into this then what is really there. I would think that Israel is a very important ally and if they are worring about Iran then we should listen to what the Prime Minister Netanyahu needs to say! Frankly I am tired of people being finicky about Israel and they do not bother anyone, but who sends bombs to Israel and kill their children? ISRAEL HAS A RIGHT TO DEFEND THEMSELVES! ! I think the Democrats on treading down dangerous grounds, at which I disagree on treading. I think the Democrats are heading down a wrong path and if they don’t turnaround, they will go to a point of no return. They are in trouble with God!

  23. It’s like a bunch of children playing a prank on a fellow student. Well, this isn’t grade school and we the people have appointed you to do a job. That entails acting like an adult and showing up for work! Do you jobs you overpaid Baboons!!!

  24. It never surprises me any longer that Obama and the Democrat leadership take inappropriate steps when it comes to foreign policy. The fact that Obama will not attend and even invite our key ally to the White House shows how far his administration will go to support the Islamic Brotherhood. I think that instead of calling these Islamic Terrorist ISIL as Obama insist on saying….that a more appropriate acronym would be the ITO (Islamic Terrorist Organization). If you agree, please support me in asking out leadership in Congress and elsewhere to start referring to the as The ITO. They are Islamic, they are Terrorist and they have an Organization. Let’s start calling them what they truly are….THE “ITO”

  25. How childish, to throw a hissy fit because Boehner invited Bibi to speak to the Congress. Another stupid thing for the world to see and laugh at! For one, I want to know what he has to say. We won’t hear the truth from ob that is for sure.

  26. What is the psychotic nancy pelosi rambling about now? She went from talking about Netanyanyu to womens health. Was she out of the mental hospital room and forgot her way back inside!

  27. Nancy Pelosi did the same exact thing to George Bush during his presidency and IT WAS OK THEN — so listen to this Ms. Pelosi — it’s OK NOW — so tired of the double standard and the childish bickering going on – meanwhile the WORLD IS BURNING and AMERICANS ARE AT HUGE RISK because our current leader believes in Islam — the religion of love and peace —- it’s a cult no two ways about it and don’t let him accuse any of us of Islamophobia any more! The word “phobia” means an “irrational fear“—so, taking into account the perpetual daily persecutions, beheadings, slaughtering of Christians and Jews, maimings, bombings, hangings, limbs chopped off, PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL BURNING of a HUMAN, public executions and a ceaseless list of killing innocent people in the name of Islam—what part of their history falls into the category of an “irrational” fear? What part of Islam is a “fear” that is entirely inconsistent with self-aware, sentient human-beings employing naturally occurring and instinctive sound reason after decade upon decades of perpetually being burned again and again and again… ad nauseam? The accusation is entirely and irrefutably ludicrous!! IT’S TIME FOR AMERICANS TO STAND UP AND TELL OUR LEADERS WE HAVE HAD IT

  28. well well obummer , why don’t you just go ahead and nuke us ? what a bunch of pukes , makes me want to puke . they are degrading and destroying the u.s.a. instead of isis . my god help us . i think this president is suicidle and wants to take us with him . there is no allah or mohammed , they are figments of some crazy murderous fools imagination . there is only GOD our GOD and no other GOD . when the rapture comes guess who will be left behind . odummy of course , he doesn’t believe in GOD . will be the false profit left behind (satan). i am already convinced that he is satan . the pure imbodyment of evil. this fool even shunned the king of jordan . this guy is a fool . go jordan , we all need to start burning the tererorists slowly to death . let them know that we wont just kill them , but kill them slowly and extreemly painfully . we need to start using napalm on them over there . burn them to a cinder . a 10’s loaded with napalm bombs . circle them with a ring of fire and close in very slowly . so they cook really slow and painfully . don’t just drop the napalm on them and incenerate them instantly , but like i said do it slowly and methodically . my blood pressure is getting up there i gotta go .

  29. This is probably the only way that congress will get a true picture of what’s happening in the mid east country’s…one thing for sure the Obama administration is not going to give them any info. Or cooperation.

  30. We all know Pelosi is a moron and if the dems follow this stupidity they deserve to lose everything
    including the only friend the U S has in that part of the world if they listen to a sore loser like Obama and lurch.

  31. This president is an abomination! There is no coherent leadership….on Sunday, he said, with regard to ISIS, we were doing every thing we can possibly do to degrade (not destroy) this “organization” (aka Islamic terrorists)…on Tuesday he says we are doubling our efforts. If you are doing everything you can possibly do….how can you double them??? WHAT AN ASS!!!!! No wonder the military has no respect for this low life.

  32. For the Democrats of Congress NOT to attend Netanyahu’s address to congress would be a very big mistake. It would literally be a “red line drawn in the sand” for them. I personally stand with the Republicans and with Speaker Boehner for inviting Netanyahu. Now we will just have to wait and see how many losers stand with obama.

  33. What a bunch of A**holes these Democrats are, and it keeps getting worse. I don’t understand why anyone would support this political party!! They are bring on the destruction of our once great nation and I’m pretty sick of it. Personally, I’m going to convince as many people as I can not to be or support Liberal Democrats in anyway!!

  34. To boycott a leader of a nation that has always been our strongest most enduring ally in that part of the world is reprehensible. Our leadership continues to amaze me with their willingness to sell our wonderful country to the highest political bidder. They need to all take a remedial history class so they can see what happens to societies when the leadership becomes corrupt and puts money and power ahead of what is good for their country’s best interests.

      1. Red wonders why we would oppose any Representative who chose to absent himself/herself from attending when Netanyahu was the speaker to our Congress. It’s because we’re patriots and he is a patriot and our ally, unliked by Obama, which is a point in his favor. Patriots don’t like enemies of our nation. Netanyahu is a friend and ally. Those who oppose him also oppose us who love the U.S.A. But someone may be sick that day and be absent because of sickness. So attending or not attending isn’t a matter of life or death. I hope every Representative will be present and will be very sorry if some choose to NOT attend. I hope Fox News will record and publish his remarks.

  35. Find out who those are that do not show up or cause trouble for Bibi and make sure they do not get voted back in during the next election. They are an embarrassment to our country and show what idiots they are.

  36. well we still have a group of 3 year olds in the democratc congress they are going to throw a fit and be a no show forwhen Netanyahu comes to talk to the joint congress . Please let us vote in adults next time and this includes some republicans also.

  37. What a disgrace they are to themselves, to the people they represent and to our Great Country. Really, what else could we expect from them. They have made a mockery of our Constitution and also in many respects the religions they say they belong.

    1. Thomas may be right. It’s clear that Obama’s goal is the ruin of this nation, and he’s close to success. Every day he’s in office, we’re pushed closer to financial ruin. It was good to see in print recently the number of Muslims Obama has appointed to high offices in this nation. If we had good sense, we’d see to it that EVERY Muslim was removed from government in the land of the free and the home of the brave. Quickly. Immediately. Without delay. Starting with Obama.

    1. That is not ‘The Jewish Vote’. The “Jews” that you are referring to are NOT Jewish! They are Reform!!! This is like calling Episcopalians Catholic. These people hate themselves and secretly also Israel. They are behind the push for Israel to keep letting in non-Jewish refugees that it can’t afford. They will be in total shock when they are killed by the terrs because they sympathize with them.

      1. I’m Reform Jew and consider myself Jewish. I may not keep kosher, but I love myself and my heritage. Also, I don’t vote Democrat, because I was raised with conservative values from Judaism.

    1. Donald has a low opinion of all Democrats. My parents were loyal Democrats, honoring Roosevelt and assuming all Democrats were good people. Many Democrats are indeed GOOD people, but the party has been taken over by some very BAD people. I was surprised when those in control of the Democrat Party insisted in the last Presidential election that every mention of God must be removed from their platform. But that’s only being honest. The leaders were ungodly. It would have been lying to use God’s name while lying about the qualifications of Obama to serve as our President. I still observe that many Democrats are godly people even if their political party is anti-God.

  38. It is amazing how unAmerican the democratic party has become. I think they would fit in more in the Russian Parliament. Bibi Netanyahu is a brilliant leader and he shows up the democrats for their dumbing down.

      1. It’s funny, because I distinctively remember when Nancy Pelosi went to Syria during the Bush Administration…..Seems she did the same thing she’s saying Republicans shouldn’t.

      2. @Red, Israel is an ally! The Republican party is NOT un-American…. What do you call the fraud in the White House who sides with Muslims over Christians, who sides with Palestine who supports Hamas, who sides with Iran, an enemy of our ally Israel? I have not heard the GOP swear their allegiance to Netanyahu, but the USA has an allegiance with Israel. YOU need to get educated.

      3. Hey Red, before you spread your liberal propaganda, where is your proof that the Republican party is swearing allegiance to BiBi? You have none! Why do you liberals always distort any discussions to fit your narrative. I can tell you one thing, Bibi has more spine than Obama will ever have, the man has character and is a Leader, something foreign to us in the US under the current administration.

      4. I’ve been a Republican for many years. I’m now 85 years of age. I very much like Netanyahu. I’m glad Republicans in the Congress would like to hear from him. If Democrats act like Democrats, that can only be expected. It’s Democrats who have nearly ruined our nation, starting with Dodd and Frank whose actions began what Obama has made even worse until we face total financial ruin unless we can get Obama out of the White House. Every day he increases our national debt by billions of dollars. Netanyahu is a patriot, and should be honored in this land of the brave and free. But Obama is an enemy of all we love, and the Democrat party now is controlled by Obama.

      5. Red I am just a dumb Okie but I do believe I am smarter than you are. In fact my little 13 pound dog is smarter than you. I have no respect for any memeber of Congress who boycotts this man’s speech. I am registered Democrat but only so I can vote in the primaries. I may just change my party tho.

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