18 Year-Old Goes on Mission to Interview WWII Vets, and It Changes His Life

WWII Vet documentary

When I was 18 years old, I joined the United States Air Force. If you look at all craziness some of these kids are doing today, most of you will either turn your heads in disgust or act as if there is no hope.

But Rishi Sharma decided to do something very special. He’s always been curious about World War II and the effect it had on our veterans. He has taken it upon himself to learn about it and interview some of our finest soldiers ever.

Can you imagine sitting down with these men of honor and listening to their stories of bravery? Courage and loss? That’s exactly what Sharma did, and he documented it for you to view below.

WWII Vet documentary

From InspireMore:

Rishi Sharma has always been fascinated with history, WWII specifically. After reading a book about a group of soldiers during the war, Rishi was inspired to look one of them up in the phone book to see if he was still alive. He was elated to get a full interview over the phone with the man!

After that, Rishi was inspired to interview as many WWII veterans as possible. “I need to try and get to these guys while they’re still here!” Rishi recalls thinking.

Rishi’s sense of urgency increased when he realized a harrowing statistic: around 500 WWII veterans die every day. With that in mind, the teen created a goal for himself… to interview at least 1 WWII veteran every single day.

In the video below, Rishi explains the importance of these interviews and urges others to reach out to veterans as well. Rishi has gained so much perspective from his elderly friends, and he knows that his friendship means the world to them.

Rishi has learned so much from his veteran friends; his fascination with WWII has turned into a deep sense of gratitude and desire for peace.

“This is a real person with complicated feelings and emotions who had to do real things just for us to be here. I think once people realize that we will become a more peaceful world.”

What a story! And what a task Sharma undertook! This should be a must share for everyone.

I hope you take the time to share with your friends and family. Watch Sharma’s expression throughout the video, and you will see a mind soaking up the experiences of a past generation to spread to a future generation.

What did you think about Sharma’s video? Please share this wonderful story!

Wayne is a freelance writer who was named the 2015 American Conservative Union Blogger of the Year and awarded... More about Wayne Dupree

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