Younger Americans Abandoning Capitalism, Embracing Socialism

poll socialism vs capitalism

In a stunning new Axios/Momentive poll, younger Americans are viewing capitalism in a more negative light and finding socialism more appealing.

According to the new poll, this move towards the left for young people is being driven in large part by African-Americans and women.

Axios maintains that the pandemic has been a big driver of the shift.

While there are almost as many theories and opinions on COVID-19 as there are actual cases, the pandemic has effected society in ways no one could have ever imagined.

In fact, chief research officer for Momentive, Jon Cohen, says what many already know, “The pandemic is sure to have lasting impact for decades to come.”

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What Some Of The Numbers Say

In the pre-pandemic days of 2019, just 39% of American adults held a positive view of socialism. That has gone up to 41%.

In this latest Axios/Momentive poll, the numbers from the 18-34 age group are startling ones. In 2019, 58% of Americans in this age group had a positive reaction to the word capitalism. Today it is down to 49%.

Looking at the numbers by gender, 48% of American women have a positive view of capitalism, down from 51% in the 2019 poll. For black Americans, the positive connotations of socialism were at 60%, a jump from 53%.

Some of the other questions asked in the poll were, if those felt that the evidence for capitalism as an economic system was better or worse now than 50 years ago? Of those polled, 41% said the evidence was worse, with men coming in at 37%, but women surpassing that by 45%.

The same was asked about evidence for socialism being better or worse now than 50 years ago.

Thankfully, 43% thought the evidence was worse than the 27% who thought it was better. Men came in at 45% worse to 26% better. Women also said the evidence for socialism as an economic system was worse at 48% to 28% who thought it was better.

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Republicans Should Pay Very Close Attention

This shift in attitude towards socialism is not just for the left-leaning. The poll also looked at those who consider themselves Republican or right-leaning as well. Of those polled, 66% of those who said they were Republican or right-leaning had a positive view of capitalism.

That is down from 81% from a January 2019 poll.

In addition, of the younger people who said they were Republicans, 56% said that the government should work toward policies that reduce the so-called “wealth gap.” This number is up from 40% in 2019. 

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Trying To Turn Back The Tide Of Branding Socialism As ‘Cool’

After years of indoctrination of young people at the hands of the American education system, there may be the beginning of some pushback.

Recently, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) signed into law a number of civics education bills, one of which would require the State Department of Education to require teaching the evils of communism and socialism. 

Speaking at the bill signing in Florida was a woman named Anna Bouza. She was born in Nicaragua, but fled to Venezuela when the Sandinistas came to power, only to flee again after the socialist takeover there. She said that hearing her granddaughter talk about socialism “not being that bad” was heartbreaking for her. 

DeSantis also talked about why such legislation was necessary, in order for young people to hear the truth about totalitarian regimes like Cuba and Venezuela. 

“We have a number of people in Florida, particularly southern Florida, who’ve escaped totalitarian regimes, who’ve escaped communist dictatorships, to be able to come to America. We want all students to understand…why would somebody flee across shark-infested waters…to come to southern Florida? Why would somebody leave a place like Vietnam? Why would be people leave these countries to risk their lives to be able to come here.”


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