Kids From Poor Families Asked To Choose Between Dream Gift And Something For Their Family – Guess Which One They Picked


… And a little child shall lead them.

What else can we make of a video that truly tested children from low-income families this holiday season?

A few dozen children from the Boys and Girls Club in Atlanta were asked to choose between their dream Christmas gift and a gift they thought their parents might like. Many of the children were from families that wouldn’t even be able to afford a Christmas tree this year, so these dream gifts – a computer, an Xbox One, etc. – were likely out of reach.

But they were given those gifts, as well as a gift that would make their parents happy – a ring, a watch, etc. – and they were both placed on the table before them.

They were then asked to pick only one.

Can you guess what they chose?

Via the Washington Post:

A few dozen low-income children in Atlanta were asked recently to make a difficult choice: They could have the Christmas present of their dreams. Or they could give a gift of their choosing to a parent.

These kids, who ranged from 6 to 11 years old, belong to the Boys and Girls Club of Metro Atlanta, where 83 percent are from poor families. Some can’t afford to put up a Christmas tree at home.

Their wishes for themselves ranged from a computer to an Xbox 360 to a Barbie house. When asked what they thought their parents would want, one little boy guessed a ring because “she’s never really had a ring.” Another said a television. The next said a watch.

Then the kids were given their dream gift. And the gift for their parents. With both gifts sitting in front of them, the kids were told they could only pick one.

In the end, they all chose to sacrifice what they wanted to make their parent happy.

One of the organizers of the study said the children taught the adults “the true meaning of Christmas that it’s better to give than receive.”

Perhaps the best part of all is that in the end, each of the kids were allowed to keep both gifts.

Comment: Have these children shown adults the true meaning of Christmas? Chime in below.

FB – “Legos don’t matter, family matters.”

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox... More about Rusty Weiss

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